101 feminist and inspiring phrases for Women’s Day

Every year, March 8 is used to commemorate Women’s Day , a day to remind everyone of an unfortunate reality that continues today: inequality between men and women. All humanity should look towards the same place, which is none other than ensuring that all people have the same opportunities, rights and duties, regardless of their gender.

There have been many things that have been achieved to give women more visibility, but there are many more things for which we must continue fighting and, above all, working. For this reason, it is very important to celebrate this very special day in which the world mobilizes in favor of a gender that, for many years, has been the most disadvantaged.

And what better way to celebrate it than with a nice phrase? You can dedicate a few words to your mother, your sister, your best friend, a cousin, a girlfriend and, in short, to any woman you have in your life. For this reason, we bring you 101 feminist and inspiring phrases for Women’s Day. Take note!

Phrases to commemorate Women’s Day

1 Women are the gigantic reservoir of power and talent that has yet to be tapped

phrase to reflect on the power that women have, but still today many people do not realize it. You have to work for!

2 The woman cannot continue to be an inert mass next to the male social activity.

The journalist and writer Carmen de Burgos affirmed that women should be as free as men and, above all, make their own decisions.

3 It is our decisions that really show how we are far beyond our abilities.

Our actions are more valuable than our words, and Growling with this phrase perfectly summarizes that you have to know which to get it right.

4 Feminism is equality. It is having the same opportunities and the same rights, and everyone should be a feminist.

Gal Adopt assured, like many other people that feminism should be everyone’s business, whether you are a man or a woman.

5 Fighting for women’s rights often make us synonymous with hating men. I only know one thing is true: we need to stop these thoughts

Emma Watson was very correct when she stated this sentence. There are many people who label feminists as hating men, when that is not true. Remember: equality, not superiority.

6 Mother, wife, daughter, partner, neighbor, grandmother, sister… Thanks to all of you for filling the world with light and joy.

Phrase prices to dedicate to the women in your life, and it are that without them the world would not be the same for you, right? It’s time to thank them for all they’ve done to help you.

7 Boys think girls are like books. If the cover doesn’t grab their attention, they won’t bother to read what’s inside.

Marilyn Monroe criticized with these words that women are often treated as real objects. There are people who only, leaving the inside aside.

8 Women’s equality must be a central component in any attempt to solve social, economic and political problems.

Gender inequality is one of the most common social problems in the world, and it is also one of the most ignored. It is a fundamental pillar; we must not look the other way.

9 Humanity needs both men and women… So why are we seen as less than equal?

The world would go extinct if there were neither men nor women, right? This reflection by Beyoncé is ideal to consider the lack of equality that exists today.

10 A feminist is anyone who recognizes equality and full humanity in women and men.

At present, there are still many people who do not really know what feminism is, dismissing it as a harmful and harmful movement. But this phrase from Gloria Steinem perfectly sums up its meaning.

11 Feminism is the radical idea that holds that women are human beings.

The activist Angela Davis affirmed this phrase with a certain irony in which she criticized people who label feminists as radicals. The only thing they are proclaiming is the freedom of women, something that should be implanted in society.

12 Be the hero of your life, not the victim

The most important thing is not to need anyone, neither a man nor a woman, to be happy and protect you from everything bad in life. You are strong enough to be your own hero. Forward!

13 A strong woman is the one who can dare to speak out for the cause she believes in, and this strength lives in a corner of every woman’s heart, it just needs to be reviewed.

The strength that each and every one of the women has lives in us. And with it you can proclaim rights, and above all equality.

14 The gender is between the ears and not between the legs

The activist Chas Bono assures with this simple phrase that the most important thing that people have is the mind, our head and our ideas. Not our genitals. Do you agree?

15 test of whether you can hold a job shouldn’t be the arrangement of your chromosomes

Bella Abzug was quite right when she criticized with this phrase the inequality that exists in the world of work, which still exists today. The pay gap between men and women should be closed completely.

16  A few nice words to thank you for everything you do to make life easier for all of us. What would be of us without you!

What would life be without women? The truth is that, whether we like it or not, they are the ones with the greatest courage when it comes to facing things. And the world is much more beautiful with them!

17 I think all women are feminists. They may refuse to admit it, but if they were to travel back 40 years in time and someone asked them if this is the world they would like to live in, they would all say no.

Helen Mirren was quite right when she said that all women should be feminists (and all men too). What would happen if they traveled in time? Everyone would be shocked!

18 You have all the power you need within yourself.

Many times we do not find the necessary forces to fight, whatever war we want to wage. We have to realize that the power we need is precisely in ourselves.

19 There is no barrier, lock or bolt that you can impose on the freedom of my mind

Woolf recalled with these simple words the freedom that there must be in the whole world, in all people, and in all genders.

20 you are not born a woman, you become one

One of Simone de Beauvoir’s best-known phrases is this, in which she assures that a woman is formed over the years.

21 without the woman, life is pure prose

Rubén Dario reflects on poetry and women, creating a beautiful phrase that you can dedicate to whoever you love most. You will love it!

22 There where someone fights for their dignity, for equality, for being free… look into their eyes

Bruce Springsteen believes that when someone has something to fight for, you just have to listen to him. His reasons may not convince you, but they will surely be essential for a better life.

23 Women have served all these centuries as glasses that possess the magic and delicious power to reflect the figure of a man twice his natural size.

Virginia Woolf assured with these words that, many times, women see men as something more than what they are. And this has happened throughout the centuries.

24 If you want something said, find a man; if you want to do something, find a woman

Margaret Thatcher affirmed that women are more of deeds, and not of words. While in men the opposite occurs.

25 I call myself a ‘feminist man’. Isn’t that what you call someone who fights for women’s rights?

Who said that men cannot be? The Dalai Lama assured that anyone can be, you just need to be more than aware of the struggle that this thought entails.

26 The day that a woman can love not with her weakness but with her strength, not escape from herself but find herself, not humiliate herself but affirm herself, that day love will be for her, as for man, a source of life and not a mortal danger

Simone de Beauvoir spoke of the love of women, and of the freedom they should feel when they love a person . Love for men is a joy, but for women it can be deadly dangerous. We must eradicate that situation.

27 I hope my fight will help free all women from slavery

Activist Hadijatou Mani spoke these words on behalf of the women who need it most, those whose freedom was taken away, never to return.

28 No man is good enough to rule over any woman without her consent.

Susan Anthony, leader of the American civil rights movement, says that there should be no man capable of subduing, or commanding, a woman. All women must be free.

29 I encourage men and boys everywhere to join us. Gender violence will not be eradicated until all of us refuse to tolerate

The former secretary of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, spoke offender and the progress that still remains to be made to eradicate it. Everyone should agree to eliminate a problem that affects us all.

30 Many women believe that this is about being against men and not connecting with the opposite gender. But what feminism is about is equality and human rights

Lena Dunham explains with this phrase the true meaning of feminism . Although there are many people who think otherwise, it is a way of thinking and living in equality, not hatred, rejection or superiority towards men.

31 Women hold up half the sky

As long as women support half of everything, and the other half goes to men, the world will be a better place to live. Equal rights, equal conditions .

32 We just want to be included

The popular actress Emma Watson reflected with this phrase the desire of all women : that they include us that they listen to us that we have a voice and that no one steps on our fundamental rights.

33 Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure must be a challenge to others.

Everyone should follow their dreams, because even if you fail along the way, there will always be a second (third, fourth…) chance. Go for all!

34 Feminism will change your life

Opening your mind to feminism can be very good for you, because even if you think that it does not go with you, we have to tell you something: it goes with everyone. Do you want equality? We have to tell you that if your answer is a resounding yes, you are a feminist .

35 The strength of a woman is not measured in how much she can endure, but in how much she fights to achieve what she sets out to do

Inspiring phrase for all women to fight for everything they want , also to achieve better conditions and equal rights.

36 For women, the best aphrodisiac is words, the g-spot is in the ears, whoever looks further down is wasting time

Isabel Allende reflected with this phrase on the treatment of women, since there are many who see them as mere objects to be used.

37 Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. In fact, only that can do it.

It only takes a few people committed to feminism to change the current situation, why not support the cause? The anthropologist Margaret Mead and her phrase of her are most accurate.

38 You won woman! With not letting you win

The poet Calderon de la Barco wrote this with which he encouraged all women not to surrender to anything, and especially to no one.

39 I’m hard on what you take care of me, I talk to you how you treat me and I believe what you show me

The popular Freda Kahlo is the author of this phrase in which she assured that you have to treat people as they treat you, whether they are men or women. Do you agree with her?

40 Feminism is a whole worldview or gestalt, not just an exhaustive list of women’s issues

Charlotte Bunch reflected on the role of feminism with this, a role that is none other than a vision of the world. It must be claimed that this is not a harmful thought, but a belief about making the world much better.

41 A woman’s guess is much more accurate than a man’s certainty

Rudyard Kipling is the author of this phrase in which it is stated that women are much more certain than men , as a general rule.

42 A woman must be taught to believe in protecting herself and not rely on a man for protection. She has the power to protect the world and not just herself.

How many times have you heard that the woman has to be saved by a man? There are so many that we don’t even remember! A woman can defend and protect herself, she doesn’t need a man for it.

43 Feminism is a courageous protest of an entire sex against the positive diminution of its personality.

Clara Campo am or, a defender of women’s rights in Spain, had her own definition of feminism. Do you agree with her de Ella?

44 The revolution will be feminist or it will not be

This motto is one of the most used in recent times, and it has a clear message: a revolution cannot be totally effective if it does not protect women’s rights 100%.

45 am capable, I am strong, I am invincible, I am a woman

phrase that sums up everything a woman is capable of being : strong, self-confident and, above all, invincible.

46 They are not the two sexes superior or inferior to each other. They are just different

Gregorio Maranon, doctor and thinker, affirmed that it is clear that men and women are different from each other. But that doesn’t mean there has to be one above the other.

47 For a world where we are socially equal, humanly different, and totally free

Rosa Luxemburg reflected with these words the idea of ​​​​feminism . This idea is none other than a place where equality prevails above all else, although obviously for physiological reasons men and women is different.

48 I am not saying that everyone is equal in their ability, character, or motivations, but I do say that they should be equal in their opportunity to develop their own character, motivation, and abilities.

The former President of the United States John F. Kennedy is the author of this phrase in which he affirms that not everyone should be the same, because each one has to have their tastes and qualities. However, everyone should have the same opportunities.

49 I prefer a dangerous freedom to a calm servitude

All human beings in the world should be, regardless of race or gender. Maria Zambian’s phrase is perfect to frame this idea.

50 only those who do not consider women a human being are capable of affirming that all the rights of men and citizens should not be the same for women as for men.

Clara Campo am or assured that anyone who does not see that women and men should be equal does not consider women as human beings.

51 Men are taught to apologize for their weaknesses, women for their abilities.

TO phrase on the inequality that exists between men and women, something that should not occur today.

52 A woman can change the life trajectory of a man

How right is this phrase by Severe Ochoa! A woman who crosses the path of a man can change her life completely. Has it ever happened to you?

53 You don’t have to be a Jew to fight anti-Semitism, just as you don’t have to be black to fight racism. Unfortunately, sometimes it seems that to combat discrimination against women, you have to be a woman

It seems that to face the fight for women’s rights , the essential requirement is to be a woman. But that should not be so, because men can also be feminists. What do you think of this phrase from the journalist Soledad Gallego-Díaz?

54 The woman must not accept, she must challenge. She is not to be intimidated by the one who has built on her; she must revere the woman in her de Ella with force of expression

The activist Margaret Sanger is the author of this phrase that encourages all women not to obey what they disagree with.

55 The problem with gender is that it prescribes how we should be, instead of recognizing who we are

The activist Chimamanda Gnosis Addictive acknowledges that the big problem with genders that they tell us how we should be, what we have to think and how we should behave.

56 You should never crawl when you have the urge to fly.

Helen Keller said that if you have a dream, an idea, or a purpose, you should go for it. You have to dare to go all out, to fly with your own wings.

57 The problem of women has always been a problem of men.

The great Simone de Beauvoir referred with this phrase to the difference between genders, since it was said that men were always intellectually ‘superior’ to women.

58 A woman should be two things: who and what she wants

The great designer Chanel achieved many things in her life as a woman, and living in the times in which she lived. But what was her secret from her? You just have to read this sentence to find out.

59 I don’t want women to have power over men, but over themselves

Mary Shelley is the author of this wonderful phrase that reminds us of the true meaning of feminism. Do you agree with her de Ella?

60 Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid of failure. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness

Oprah Winfrey encouraged everyone with this beautiful phrase to continue fighting, even if they failed at some point. Whenever you fall, she picks you up again.

61 If we do not have peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta affirmed that, in order to achieve peace in the world, people must begin to support each other. In this way, a much more beautiful life will be achieved.

62 The question is not who is going to let me, the question is who is going to stop me

When you seek justice there can be no one to stop you. You must pursue what you believe in, with confidence and courage, as Any Rand said.

63 Without us, the world stops

Motto that has been heard in some demonstrations around the world. Without women, the world would stop working.

64 Equality will come when a foolish woman can go as far as a foolish man can today

One of the most famous phrases in support of women is this, from the psychologist Estella Ramey. When women can reach the positions occupied by men in the workplace, life will have changed.

65 I think it will be truly glorious when women are truly authentic people and have the whole world open to them.

Karen Blixen is the author of this with which we fully agree. Once women can be free, and have everything within their reach, we will be in a totally wonderful situation.

66 To call women the weaker sex is a slander; It is the injustice of the man towards the woman

Mahatma Gandhi broke a spear in favor of women, assuring that there is no ‘weaker sex’, that is, we are all equal.

67 No fight can be successful without women participating side by side with men

Men and women should work together for the creation of a better world, with the same rights and conditions . This quote from Muhammad Ali is perfect to remind whoever you want.

68 A man’s virility is reflected in how he treats all the women in his life.

A man’s attitude can be seen just by taking a look at his treatment of his mother, his grandmother, or even his sister. This gives many clues to know how he will face life.

69 It may be that the rooster crows, but it is the hen that lays the eggs

Margaret Thatcher remembered that without women there is no life, and that is a totally scientific fact. So, you better start respecting them, don’t you think?

70 The woman not only deserves a day to honor her, but a lifetime to love her

Day It is an important date, but it should not stay there. The fight for equal rights must be continuous, 365 days a year .

71 I am a feminist person who thinks that every woman can do whatever she decides to do.

What do you think of this quote from Grace Kelly? We love it! Anyone can do anything they set their mind to, and that’s a fact.

72 Start believing in yourself, not because you’re different means you’re less, it’s more means you’re unique

What they say matters more to us than what we want to do, and that prevents us from standing out from society. Each of the women in the world is unique, don’t forget that.

73 Who has made the man the sole judge if the woman shares with him the gift of reason?

Women and men have the same ability to reason, because we are all human beings. So, as Mary Wollstonecraft wondered, why are men the ones who make the big?

74 Our society is masculine, and until women enter it, they will not be human

A so-called patriarchal society, where man rules over everything, should be a thing of the past. We must look to the future to create a better world, where women have equal rights.

75 Blindness separates us from the things around us, but deafness separates us from the people.

Helen Keller invites reflection with this phrase about listening to those who raise their voices about some social injustice, also for women and their empowerment.

76 When a man backs down, he only really backs down. A woman only backs up to catch a run

The actress Zia Gabor assured that women have enough courage to continue, despite adversity.

77 To be free is not just to get rid of one’s own chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others

Este phrase reminds us that everyone should live on equal terms, respecting each other and being free. Race, gender, or sexual condition does not matter.

78 I can’t say if women are better than men. However, I can say without hesitation that they are not worse

Golda Meir proclaimed with this the equality between men and women . Nobody is better or worse, we are just different people living in a world where everyone fits.

79 Those who do not move do not notice their chains

Sometimes we do not realize the injustices that are committed in the world, and we do not raise our voices in favor of some social acts. This phrase by Rosa Luxemburg refers precisely to that idea.

80 When women are empowered, they vastly improve the lives of everyone around them

Prince Henry, grandson of Elizabeth II of England, assured with this phrase that women have the ability to brighten the life of anyone. How right!

81 After women, flowers are the most beautiful thing that God has given to the world.

The designer Christian Dior thus pays homage to women, their beauty, and their attractiveness. It’s!

82 The man is afraid of losing power, he is afraid of women who know what they want and are sure of themselves

A brave and self-confident woman is the best defense against a possible attack. Women, when they put their minds to it, can make big changes.

83 You don’t have to be anti-man to be pro-woman.

Many think that feminism is against men, but it is a totally wrong idea. Jane Galvin with her phrase of hers de Ella sums up the idea perfectly .

84 Our men believe that making money and giving orders are the bases of power. They do not believe that power is in the hands of a woman who takes care of everyone throughout the day and gives birth

The Pakistani activist Malaya Yousafzai assured that, really, power is not in money, nor in who has more. The true power is in women, who are capable of giving life to a human being. Bravo!

85 The extension of women’s rights is the basic principle of all social progress

If we want to advance as a society, it is essential that women have morerightsthan they currently have. And, above all, that she be on an equal footing with men.

86 The qualities I most admire in women are confidence and kindness.

Oscar de la Rental reflected with this phrase everything he admires in women, the qualities he likes the most in them.

87 We cannot have a revolution that does not engage and liberate women

The singer John assured that, for a total revolution, it is necessary to involve women in everything. Otherwise, the major changes in the world will not be achieved.

88 We will never be able to fly that high unless we support each other.

Emma Watson assured that, to achieve our purposes, it is best to support each other. All people should, regardless of their sex.

89 Women are the true architects of society

The singer Cher assured that women should have a stronger role today, and the reason is none other than being fundamental to society.

90 There will never be a new world order until women are part of it.

Alice Paul’s phrase to reflect on the role of women in high positions in the world. The truth is that, in this aspect, you have to work very hard so that it can change.

91 I call for rebellion, for our refusal as women to accept this new era of tyranny.

Madonna uttered this phrase during the ‘Women’s March’ on Washington, but it is totally valid for any moment. Women should not settle, they have to fight for their rights.

92 A woman’s impression can be more valuable than a reasonable analysis.

Arthur Conan Doyle is the author of this that praises the reasoning of women , many times even better than any self-respecting analysis.

93 We men have to thank the progress of women in recent decades, because in large part, thanks to their progress, today we know more about masculinity.

Women have done a lot for humanity, and today they have become great icons for the authorship of the many social advances they have achieved.

94 I want for me what I want for other women. Absolute equality

The first woman to be part of the Canadian House of Commons is Agnes Mikhail, and she emphatically stated that she, as a woman, wants the same thing as for the rest of the same sex.

95 You can never leave footprints that last if you’re always tiptoeing

If you do not raise your voice against injustice, if you conform to what is socially stipulated, if you do not join the fight for equality, you will not be able to leave a mark on the world . You have to try to change society, and it all starts with big steps.

96 Before God, we are all equally wise and equally foolish.

Albert Einstein reflected with these simple words the equality between men and women , because in the end we all have the same thoughts and ideas.

97 All men should be feminists. If men care about women’s rights, the world will be a better place. We are better when women are empowered: this leads to a better society

The singer John Legend reflected a most accurate thought, because everyone should be a feminist. Feminism opens the doors so that women can have the same rights as men. And equality is something that should be achieved, with everyone’s effort.

98 We ignore our true stature until we stand up

Sometimes we are not able to see what we could become, until we realize our worth. Emily Dickinson and her phrase from her remind you of that.

99 Each and every one of you can be leaders and support others to achieve it.

Michelle Obama herself encouraged all women to achieve. But she, above all, she encouraged to help other women in need.

100 The feminist word must be taken up again. It must be claimed in a way that includes men

The truth is that there are many people who do not know what feminism is, and are guided by trends or by what they see without having the greatest interest in finding out. Annie Lenox assures with this phrase that we must return to the true meaning of this wonderful thought.

101 There is a woman at the beginning of all great things

What do you think of this phrase by Alphonse de Lamartine? The truth is that it is quite motivating for all those women who want to start a great project.

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