114 phrases by Walter Riso: reflections on love, happiness and self-esteem

Walter Riso is an Argentinian doctor of Italian origin, a specialist in therapies to improve the quality of life and mental health through his many publications and books such as ‘The right to say no’ or ‘The art of being flexible’ and ‘The courage to be who you are (even if you don’t like it)’ among many other well-known ones.

This psychologist with more than thirty years of experience tells us through his books quotes about love or life that can even boost your morale. And, to summarize his most famous quotes from him or his reflections on love, happiness and self-esteem from him, we bring you 113 phrases by Walter Riso that you will surely love. Which of them will become your favorite? Pay attention to her teachings!

Phrases by Walter Riso that speak of life and happiness

We begin with our list of Walter Riso phrases with a few that deals with life itself and the meaning of happiness. Choose your favorite and take it with you wherever you go, as it will serve you for the grayest days.

1 Nothing is yours, life rents it to you, lends it to you so you can enjoy it while you have it

A very good phrase about the sense of possession that we can have throughout life.

2 Do not say “if I started over, I would do a lot of things that I could not or did not want to do” Maybe you still have time: dare

Regretting not having done something is useless; it is never too late to dare.

3 Do not obsess over the future: take care of it but do not let it drag you down

Thinking too much about the future can lead you not to pay too much attention to the here and now, to the present.

4 The brave is not the one who does not feel fear, but the one who faces it with dignity, even if his knees and brain tremble.

Courage is within you, you just have to find a way to bring it out.

5 Happiness does not come to the door, you have to look for it and fight for it

A beautiful phrase about happiness with which we cannot agree more, does the same thing happen to you?

6 What would happen if instead of doing things hoping for results, you did them simply for the joy of doing they?

Surely you would be much happier following this phrase!

7 Every time you hate a part of you is destroyed. Every time you forgive, you heal yourself.

Walter Riso is so right with this phrase: hate will NEVER lead to anything good.

8 Guilt is a sentence that ties you to the past, cut it!

There is no worse feeling than guilt, which makes you be anchored to your past life. It’s time to get rid of her!

9 Life without effort does not exist. If you want to exist with anesthesia, you’re already half dead.

Everything you want in this life will cost you a little effort, never give up!

10 The best things in life usually happen when we don’t expect anything.

If you spend your life waiting for things to happen… you’ll miss life itself!

11 if you only focus on your mistakes, you won’t see your achievements. If you only see what you lack, you will not enjoy the moment, the here and now.

phrase that invites you to reflect on the ability you must have to get up every time you have a setback in life.

12 Joy is not in reaching the ideal Self, but in the very process of traveling towards it without despising yourself and without anxiety.

Many times you have to think that happiness is not a point at the end of the road, but the road itself.

13 You cannot be in control of everything that happens. Do not get in the way, let life flow, let it run through your being in peace

Wanting to control everything that happens is, in addition to being impossible, one of the great reasons for anxiety to appear. Let it go!

14 Wishful optimism can be just as dire as chronic pessimism

It is true that you have to try to keep a positive mind, but you have to appreciate every moment in life and go through bad times to appreciate the good ones.

15 if you’re wrong you grow, if you’re not wrong you stagnate

Giving up should never be an option, you should try to achieve your goals even if you make mistakes, so you will have more lessons.

16 Listen to people who think differently from you

What a great truth! Listening is something that everyone should do, you can learn a lot from others.

17 You must not make the same mistake twice. The second time you do it, it is no longer your mistake, it is your choice.

What do you think of this sentence? It is true that falling twice on the same stone is a failure that you choose yourself, right?

18 Always opt for freedom of conscience: think, feel and give your opinion about what means something to you

Is there something that is good for you and for your own well-being? Fight for it no matter what!

19 According to ancient wisdom, to be happy we should need as little as possible and enjoy what we have.

definition of happiness by Walter Riso that we love, do you like it too?

Twenty there are times when fear opens your eyes, but it almost always close them.

Fear is a great enemy when it prevents you from doing what you really want, fear away!

21 When heart and mind are united, you will have the strength of an oak and the delicacy of a gazelle.

How difficult it is for the heart and the head to agree, right? But when they are, you become invincible.

22 Hug the people you love. Tell them; let them know through your physical contact. Verbal love is not enough

One of the best ways to show love and affection for your loved ones is through a hug, so comforting and so valid in your life.

23 Avoidance is not always cowardice, sometimes it is prudence and other times intelligence

Sometimes avoiding situations is not that you are not brave, but that you have the strength to know what is not good for you.

24 The truth is not proclaimed or decreed; rather it is discovered, it is sought

A phrase about the true meaning of the truth that will make you think about its worth.

25 Useful suffering makes you grow and advance as a person. Useless suffering drains your energy and sinks you, it is useless

There are times when it is worth suffering to grow up, but there are others when you must choose not to suffer too much for yourself.

26 The stone mind does not allow itself to doubt and abhors self-criticism. Its foundations are unchangeable and indisputable

Phrase about the added value of having a somewhat flexible mind, somewhat open to the reflections of others.

27 In extreme situations we realize our value

There are moments in life when we realize that we are more capable than we may believe.

28 Do not wait until you reach the end to rest or enjoy the bustle or the fight

Enjoy life as it is! Walter Riso encourages you to savor every moment without waiting for the end.

29 Seeing the world in black and white keeps us from moderation and inner peace because life, from whichever way you look, is made up of nuances.

A phrase with good reason, because life as a whole is of many colors and not just two.

30 Forgiveness takes time, easy forgiveness is suspect

Do not trust someone who forgives you without having thought about it more than once, because they will not have fully meditated on their decision and could fall into rancor.

31 Based on the current knowledge we have about the mind, it is possible to affirm that there are two ways to open the doors of the good life: philosophy and psychology.

Phrase to praise the function of both psychology and philosophy, two very important fields to understand life.

32 When some event scares you, see it as an occasion to strengthen your courage. That’s the key

Fear is the worst ally we have, and if you have to face something that scares you, look at it from another perspective. It will help you!

33 If you are normative, perfectionist and intolerant, you will not know what to do with life, because it is not like that

Walter Riso and his beautiful phrase about the value and meaning of life

34 To overcome anxiety, fear of the future, of the uncertain, as a wise man said, one must unconditionally surrender to the inevitable.

Stop thinking about everything that may happen in the future. Tomorrow is future, but today is present and matters much more.

35 The age with which you should feel most comfortable is now, the one you are today, not yesterday or tomorrow

The years you meet or have should not be a reason for joy or sadness, because any age is good to do what you really want.

36 People learn by trial and error and you do not escape from that principle

Everyone suffers at any moment in their life, but thanks to that you will learn a lot about life.

37 Sitting down and crying at the first stumble and wanting life to be rewarding twenty-four hours is definitely childish.

Growing up is realizing that sometimes we are going to have to go through many setbacks. And that you will never go a whole day without worrying about something or someone.

38 The problem with the human mind is that it can transform a happy event or a dream into a psychological sorrow.

Don’t let your mind play tricks on you! What do you think of this phrase by Walter Riso?

39 We admire a television or a telephone more than a kind and generous person

This criticism of society is quite blunt but, worst of all, it is absolutely right.

Walter Riso quotes to improve your self-esteem and self-esteem

The writer and psychologist Walter Riso also focuses a lot on improving self-esteem and self-love, something that we sometimes forget but which is essential to have a happy life. Read all the phrases, and choose your favorite!

40 How exhausting trying to be what others want you to be! If they don’t like it don’t look at you or cover their ears!

The reality is that it is very tiring to always do what you are told instead of what you want, don’t you think?

41 Being friends with yourself is the first step towards good self-esteem

Raising your self-esteem is easy if you start working on self-love right now.

42 When you respect yourself as a person, you respect the human being and your relationship is better with others

Respect is a quality that everyone should develop in order to live in peace and harmony with everyone.

43 Set aside what is left over, disconnect and say goodbye with the wisdom of someone who has understood what is not good for them

You have to keep in mind what you want and what you don’t to realize that, perhaps, you have too many things to part with.

44 Beauty is an attitude, if you feel beautiful or beautiful, you are

Who said that beauty is only a pretty face? Nothing of that!

45 Respect for us and our values ​​must take precedence over any fear or desire to please.

A good phrase about the respect and tolerance that we must have first with ourselves.

46 If you don’t forgive yourself, if it bothers you to be with yourself, if you can’t stand yourself and belittle yourself… well, you don’t love yourself!

Another phrase about how important it is to love yourself to be completely happy.

47 It is in silence when we make contact with who we truly are.

There are times when we need to take our time alone to reflect on ourselves, to get to know ourselves better.

48 Make peace with loneliness. Don’t be so afraid of him anymore. She doesn’t bite, she caresses

Loneliness is not as bad as you may think; it can help you a lot!

49 Submitting yourself to “what will they say” is a socially accepted form of slavery

The opinion of others cannot have more weight for you than your own, don’t you think?

50 to build high self-esteem, avoid the influence of others

Another phrase about self-esteem and the opinions of others by Walter Riso. It’s perfect!

51 Love begins at home, if you don’t love yourself nobody will love you

Again a phrase that shows that there is nothing more important than self-love.

52 Is there any greater foolishness than to love what I am not and to miss what I have never been?

Perfect phrase to reflect on love, on life and on oneself.

53 If you don’t have self-love, what love can you aspire to?

How important it is to love yourself! Walter Riso reminds us of it again with this wonderful phrase.

54 Be proud and happy about your physical attributes. It doesn’t matter if they are many or few, you are lucky because you have them.

The physical attributes of each one are unique and unrepeatable, feel good about you!

55 You cannot go through life asking for permission to live or feel

Do things according to your own thoughts and what is really good for you. What does it matter what they say?

56 The problem is in the attitude, not in what you are

A very good phrase to reflect on how you act in life, something that could define your personality and character.

57 If you love yourself healthily, you will be able to give love wherever you go

It is so important to love yourself that if you don’t you will never be able to love anyone else.

58 People with a low self-image, who consider themselves unattractive or ugly, can very easily cling to those they are attracted to.

People with low self-esteem tend to be much more dependent on their partners, as Walter Riso rightly says.

59 Be proud of who you are and learn to pin medals on yourself

Stop for a moment to think, surely you will find thousands of reasons to be proud of yourself.

60 A healthy and well-constituted self-love will start from a fundamental principle: “I deserve everything that makes me grow as a person and be happy”

Keep this principle in your mind and you will achieve that long-awaited happiness, we assure you!

61 You are what you do and what you think. Both. And if they’re not compatible, you’re not credible.

Each person is defined by their actions and their thoughts, how right is this phrase!

62 Loving oneself, despising or ignoring others, is called presumption and exclusion; loving others, despising oneself, is a lack of self-love

That’s why you must find the perfect balance between loving yourself and others.

63 Personal fulfillment is not in being the “best” but in fully enjoying what you do

And enjoying everything you do, you will know what the meaning of happiness is.

64 Fall in love with yourself, with life, with what surrounds you, with what you do, with who you are

Self-love has a lot of value, that’s why every day you must fall in love much more with your own person.

65 The worst garbage that the mind stores are self-destructive thoughts. If you think that you are not lovable, nobody will love you.

The mind can play very tricks on you with the negative thoughts you have. Get rid of them!

66 A minimal increase in your self-esteem will incredibly improve your day-to-day life and your happiness.

Loving yourself you will find the path to true happiness.

67 Dress up, paint yourself, lose weight, but to flatter yourself, not to flatter

Do what you want with your body because you are perfect for you just the way you are, without the need for anyone to approve you.

68 You have the right to change your mind

A short, clear and concise phrase so that you can learn it almost by heart.

69 To be autonomous from the emotional point of view is not to stop loving, but to govern oneself

Loving yourself does not mean never stopping loving others.

70 If you spend all day comparing yourself, you will end up depending on what people think of you.

Comparisons are never good and, as Walter Riso says, you better not spend the day making them.

71 If there is nothing that excites you, for which you feel passion, you live in a routine

The best thing is that you always find a reason to be excited, a reason to motivate yourself every day.

72 Authenticity means not changing your personality for convenience or attachment. Don’t give up who you are

Authentic people would never get carried away by the people around them, how wonderful is this phrase!

73 Cement your own path, choose your actions, be yourself, establish what your destiny will be and do not allow chance to condition your instinct

On the way to improve your self-esteem it is very important that you keep this phrase in mind, it will be of great help to you!

Famous quotes about love by Walter Riso

If there is something we have to thank Walter Riso for, it is his wonderful and unique love phrases. The purest, most sincere and true love is summed up in each and every one of these phrases. You sure love them!

74 Detachment is not indifference. Love and attachment do not always have to go hand in hand. We have intermixed it to the point that we already confuse one with the other

Wise reflections on love that will make you think of it from another perspective.

75 It is very difficult to love someone who does not love himself.

Self-love is very important, so much so that without it we can barely love other people.

76 If my pain doesn’t make you suffer, it’s because you don’t love me

Sometimes the pain we feel is so great that the person we love feels it as their own. If not, it is not love.

77 Do not idealize the loved one; see it as it is, crudely and without anesthesia

Idealizing love is sometimes something that can easily turn against us.

78 If you really want to understand the person you love, look at them as if it were the first time, without the weight of memory.

We love Walter Riso and his reflection on what it really is to love someone. Does it happen to you too?

79 Right now, somewhere in the world there is someone who would be happy to have you.

You will always have someone who loves you, whether in the form of a couple, friends or family.

80 Healthy loves do not cancel, they add up

Stay away from everything that remains in your life, and if it is from a person who does not really love you, all the more reason.

81 You are going to break your relationship because it does not suit you, not because you stopped loving it. It hurts but it doesn’t kill

And in the end you will realize that you have made the best decision of your life in love.

82 The best friend is the one you find when you need it. And the most extraordinary thing is that you don’t need to tell him: he will know.

What would we do without our best friends ! To whom would you dedicate these words by Walter Riso?

83 Love is not preached, it is shown

Love must be demonstrated with facts, day after day and without falling into the routine. Do you agree with this phrase?

84 Love is one way or return: I love you and I love myself, I take care of you and I take care of myself, I respect you and I respect myself

Love will always, always, always be a matter of two people. And both are equally important, right?

85 Love is not suffering, and we have the right to be happy. This is the supreme good that no one can take away from us, even in the name of love.

Happiness and love go hand in hand in a very nice phrase from the psychologist, what do you think?

86 I want you to accept me and not “approve” me. Love me without admission exams: loving is not judging

Love never judges, love supports, love enriches. To whom would you dedicate this sentence ?

87 incomplete love hurts and sick

A phrase that can summarize the disappointment in love that you feel when you are in a relationship that is not good for you.

88 The limit of love is when you lose yourself in the other or in the other. Love as you want, but be true to your values, you don’t need more

The purest and most sincere love is the one that allows you to be yourself.

89 Hope in love is sometimes the first thing to lose

How many times have you maintained a relationship on the brink of the abyss out of “hope” that everything will be fixed? It’s a big mistake!

90 The good friend does not hide his defects, he puts them on the table to point out the danger of believing in him beyond what is convenient

phrase about the meaning of friendship and about how good friends are in life.

91 I do not ambition an eternity together, but the fullness of now

It is very important to live in the present in the best way possible and not think too much about the future. What has to happen will happen?

92 I cannot force you to love, nor can you demand it, love comes when it wants and leaves when it wants

It is clear that you cannot force anyone to love you; love sometimes hurts but that pain can serve as a good learning experience.

93 It is not possible to accept an unequal relationship if we want to maintain a constructive and healthy love

A healthy and lasting love relationship is one that is completely balanced, and Walter Riso teaches us in this sentence.

94 A love without courage is a weak and insecure love

Courage is also necessary in love, being brave will serve you throughout your life.

95 The true virtue is not in loving, but in loving well

This phrase teaches us that there are many types of love, but the one that really counts is good and sincere love.

96 The person I love is an important part of my life, but not the only one

Your partner cannot be your whole life, in this way you will only be able to forget about yourself.

97 Love has two main enemies: the indifference that kills it slowly or the disappointment that eliminates at once.

If you have disappointment or indifference towards your partner, it is that you really do not have love. Do you agree with this phrase?

98 You don’t drive me crazy, I’m passionate about you. I don’t need you, but I choose you

Beautiful phrase of healthy love that you can dedicate to the person you love the most. It’s perfect!

99 Love when you’re ready, not when you’re alone

The fear of loneliness can be so great that you desperately search for someone to lean on. Before you find love, you must find yourself.

100 One nail doesn’t always drive another nail out, sometimes both stay in

How many times have you heard the phrase ‘one nail pulls out another nail’? That is not always the case, as he well cites this sentence.

101 You can admire without loving, but not the opposite.

Admiring your partner is a clear sign of all the love you feel for her, of everything you can learn and advance by her side.

102 Love is the main antidote against grudges and hatred

Love not only has to be with your partner, but also with everything that surrounds you, don’t you think?

103 Nobody is worth so much to have two loves, nobody is worth so little to be the second option

How right is this phrase of love by Walter Riso, don’t you think? You should NEVER allow yourself to be anyone’s second choice.

104 It doesn’t matter how much they love you, but how they do it

As they always say, what matters is quality, not quantity. In love it happens exactly the same.

105 If you are not capable of loving me as I deserve, better go, there will be someone who is capable of enjoying what I am

A phrase that you could well dedicate to your ex-partner or to some unrequited love.

106 I have known countless people who were abandoned and over time they ended up thanking the breakup because they found someone better for them.

If you just went through a painful breakup, think that, in the end, that breakup will make you happier than you can think.

107 Why do we continue in an unhealthy relationship, knowing that they don’t love us?

A phrase that you should consider when your relationship is about to end, when you think that the person you are with does not really love you.

108 It is useless to sweeten your ears if they make your life bitter

You must bear in mind that many times the words are carried away by the wind; the important thing is the actions.

109 Couples fail because they don’t think, you have to look for attraction but also friendship, it implies being a “buddy”, having a sense of humor, communication, life projects in common

And with this phrase Walter Riso perfectly sums up what a healthy and stable relationship is.

110 Who said that to love you had to cancel yourself and put aside your life projects? To love you must not give up yourself, that is the maxim

Loving someone will never imply that you stop loving yourself, that you put your life aside to give yourself to another person.

111 If someone doesn’t love you anymore, learn to be a good loser and leave your dignity intact. Fighting for an impossible love, new or old, only serves to leave you with many scars.

When love ends you must learn to let go, you must learn to let go for your own good.

112 Loving is not synonymous with continuous joy. When you fall in love, you must appreciate both the good and the bad of that person, cold, without anesthesia

No one is perfect and everyone has a good side and a bad side. Loving means that you know those two sides and you love that person the same with her defects and virtues.

113 The first thing you should do with an impossible love is accept it.

And once you assume it, get away from that impossible love that will not benefit you at all.

114 No feeling has two faces as marked as love. It’s fascinating but risky, wonderful but risky

Love is difficult when it ends, but it is so special… Do you agree with this sentence?

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