17 phrases of support for the International Day of Trans Visibility

The LGBT+ reality is one of the most complex social spheres to understand and shows a constant evolution to offer a space to its members and make visible all the particularities that surround them.

  • For many, this question is reduced to privacy and other banal aspects such as attraction or feelings expressed towards a certain profile of person. These ideas perpetuate the stigmas and gender-generic prejudices that have been built and limit public opinion to establish certain discourses of rejection and hated of the different.
  • Ignorance of many hidden realities, in a manner imposed by the system, results in the replication of LGBT+phobic attitudes and narratives that limit these people and prevent them from developing freely.
  • One of the most harmed by these preconceived ideas is the Trans reality. It is stigmatized and some stories that place these people as abominable, monsters or sick are considered valid and universal.
  • We want to put an end to this negative attitude and help you understand this. With these 17 phrases you can show all your support for Tran’s people on the International Day of Trans Visibility and contribute to a fight that, unfortunately, is far from being won. Take note of them that we started.

Phrases of support for Trans Visibility Day

You are worth more for what your interior says than the exterior

Your aesthetics or your physical appearance do not influence your validity and human condition, but your actions and attitudes towards others do. Do not treat anyone differently because of how they look and focus on getting to know people without any external agent influencing it.

The physical appearance is ephemeral, the essence of each person is eternal

What is truly important is the human quality of each person, the rest are accessories that can be changed.

Corporeality does not define you as a person, since your exterior may be in discord with your interior

The body is the support of the soul and the only vehicle we have to express and materialize ours. Treat everyone with respect and equality for the mere fact of being a person and having the right to receive the same treatment as everyone else regardless of their appearance.

Be aware of who you are and do not allow others to tell you or call you what you are not 

Have you made it clear? The true essence of your being lies in your decisions and how you want to show yourself, not in the opinion of other people. Your gender is not defined by what others say or how others read you, but by you. Do not allow others to define you, take control of your life and build yourself as you want.

May the fear of change in others not limit your change 

Changes are always good and more when they bring a balance between who you are and how you feel. Even so, sometimes they bring with them fear; do not allow the fear of others to influence you to achieve your goals.

You are not a monster for wanting to be how you feel, instead their hate turns them into monsters

Monstrosity only makes its appearance when intolerance becomes palpable through acts and expressions. Wanting to be yourself or yourself does not make you an evil or terrifying being, those who hate the freedom of others and others do.

Each person is what they want to be, let no one tell you how you should be or seem

As a person you have rights that you must exercise without others imposing a series of limitations. Do not restrict the freedom of people to be who they want to be like or want someone else to do it to you.

The path of transition ends when a person achieves what he has been dreaming of all his life.

Don’t take for granted the idea that a Trans person will finish the transition process when they complete the whole process. Each person has the power to decide when and how their transition ends.

Everyone has the right to live their lives according to their feelings and sensations. 

So live it and enjoy it however you want and make you feel good about yourself.

Being Trans doesn’t mean being sick, it means being brave and fighting to be who you are. 

Tran’s sexuality is not a simple path and without any difficulty, therefore, the people who decide to start it show greater strength and courage than those who limit themselves to questioning. May the opinions of those who reject diversity and freedom do not prevent you from being yourself? Medical treatments are not a cure for a supposed disease; they are the vehicle to ensure that the felt gender is consistent with the external gender.

Acceptance of what is different is what builds us as a diverse society

Don’t let your hated, rejection and misunderstanding limit us as a society, contribute to the fight and don’t let anyone feel bad for being honest with what they feel.

Gender is not limited to an appearance, it is a personal feeling

Each person feels in a way that may or may not be consistent with their physique. Gender transcends the material and is made up of a set of sensations, feelings and ways of seeing and feeling life.

Gender identity is not a choice or a decision, it is just the expression of what one or one feels inside

Feelings and the way a person perceives himself is not a choice. Why is being cisgender (person who identifies with their external gender) not questioned? Let’s stop questioning others and learn.

Let people, regardless of gender, enjoy freedom the way you do 

No one should prevent others from living their lives with full freedom. Focus on yours and let the rest do what they want with theirs.

Fifteen do not be afraid to show yourself as you are, and be proud of the person you are

Being faithful to one or oneself is the most important thing, feel proud of whom you are and don’t let anyone make you feel bad. The easy thing is to give up and succumb to the opinion of others, don’t settle for that and pursue your goals to be who you want to be.

In a world of equals be yourself or be the difference 

Differences always nourish a society and are positioned as the element that provides diversity and breadth to the world. Do not fall into this type of attitude because the only thing you will do is make us go backwards and not move forward towards a better world for everyone.

Being different is not bad, following the collective thoughts without any kind of reflection is

Form your opinion about anything before expressing it and adopting the ideas of others. Broaden your gaze and understand what is unknown, it will be then when you can offer a safe and constructed opinion.

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