18 beautiful phrases to show your support (and dedicate) to gay people

The collectives made up of a large number of people for whom diversity has become the main foundation and link between all of them. Within this group we find people whose orientation, identity and/or gender expression does not correspond to the regulations, for which reason they are designated as strange subjects or objects of violence of any kind.

One of the realities that suffer the most stigma, prejudice and discrimination are gay people. For a long time, they have become the main target of ridicule, discrimination and rejection by certain sectors of society and, far from eradicating these attitudes, they are being perpetuated and the way in which they are manifested is constantly changing.

We want to make visible each and every one of the diverse realities that can occur in society. We are very committed to the fight for the rights and freedoms of LGBT+ people and for this reason we want to offer 18 beautiful phrases to show your support and dedicate to gay people. Pay attention to each and every one of them, because it has a message that must be disseminated and perpetuated to eradicate the prejudices and stigmas that affect this issue. Let’s start!

18 infallible messages to show support for gay people

Love is free and should not be hidden in a closet.

  • We are all free to live, enjoy and experience love as we like or as it suits our desires. Don’t make your harm or condition anyone to live a love they don’t feel.

Loving a man doesn’t make you less of a man.

  • No one is less than anyone depending on the person with whom they share their life. Rejecting diversity does not make you less of a man either, it makes you less human.

Masculinity is a social construct that hurts more than it helps

  • You tend to associate the values ​​that society considers masculine with the person with whom you share your life. Enough of taking relationships as an element of value! The worth of a person depends on other aspects such as empathy and not on whom they share their time with.

Being gay is not a bad thing, irrationally rejecting it is

  • Loving freely and courageously must be valued and given greater diffusion than receives. Let each one do with his life what he wants and desires!

A two-man couple is made up of two men.

  • Let’s stop stigmatizing sentimental, emotional or intimate relationships between two men and accept some that do not conform to reality. No one occupies any role, they are simply people who love and respect each other.

If two men are together, don’t assume they are gay.

  • Eliminate labels and prejudices, it may be that neither is and they are only together because they have fallen in love with the interior and not with the exterior, or it may belong to another reality such as pan sexuality.

There is no single identity that dictates how gays should be

  • Each person is unique and different, why would gay men be different? Eliminate the stigmas around and do not perpetuate the social imaginaries that have been imposed on you about this and other realities.

Being gay is not the main characteristic of a person

  • A person has many characteristics by which he can be identified. We recommend that you stop using a condition as the main characteristic to highlight in your conversations.

Being gay does not define you as a person.

  • The worth of your humanity and your values ​​are determined by your actions and your attitude, not by the partner you have. Being gay does not influence other aspects such is that clear to you?

We are all the same and there is no difference

  • People are all the same and there is no difference, let’s stop taking the gender of the couple as a differentiating factor and learn to value other attitudes.

Being gay does not make you less human, rejection and hatred towards them does

  • The humanity of a person is influenced by their interaction with the social environment, if you treat someone badly because of their orientation, race or gender, where does that leave you?

Being gay is not a choice, homophobia is.

  • Nobody chooses who they fall in love with or the attraction they feel for a certain personal profile, but attitudes of rejection, hatred and discrimination are a choice that can be abandoned whenever you want. Do not choose the path of hate.

A couple is a couple regardless of the people it is made up of.

  • How important is the composition of a couple? Let’s learn to value the feelings that are dedicated and the way they relate to each other. With this attitude you will make others perceive that you only care about the of its members more than other human qualities.

A gay man is not sick and nothing is wrong with him

  • Is love a disease? Because, if so, we all are. Let’s stop using this hackneyed argument because it only shows the ignorance and rejection towards diversity.

Male homosexuality is not temporary

  • Your hated towards them can be, expand your mind and get to know this reality more closely, you will be pleasantly surprised!

The only tragedy that affects the life of a gay is intolerance

  • Gay people are not forced to experience a life full of pain and suffering, but with your hate and discrimination they will be forced to live it that way. Live and let others live as they want.

Being gay is not abnormal, just uncommon.

  • Normality is a rather abstract and subjective concept. Nobody is normal and we must eliminate this word to refer to what we consider correct. Male homosexuality, like other, is not normal or abnormal; it is just a rare condition that is present in a vast heterosexual majority.

Each one is free to be and act as they consider, and this should not be taken as a universal trait.

  • All people are different, why are some traits, attitudes, and ways of being, behaving or dressing taken as universal symbols? Let’s eliminate the stigmas and let each person express themselves as they want without fear that others will reject them for it.
  • To finish this list we would like you to know that people are simply people and that you should not be influenced by your partner, their tastes or their way of being. Do not keep in mind the generic prejudices imposed by a system that only wants a subject to attack, discriminate against and reject. The best way that we can advise you to show your support for the G of the acronymic for your actions to speak for you and not your words. We all deserve the same respect for the mere fact of being people.

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