27 funny and funny phrases for Father’s Day: jokes for dad

This year I will dare to congratulate your father in a fun and original way. Send him one of these 27 funny and funny phrases for Father’s Day, a message that will make your father smile or perhaps the colors, it all depends on where you look at it. All these that mask love for your dad reveals some of his defects; even some more sarcastic ones are only suitable for parents with a great sense of humor. Take note of these jokes for dad on his day!

Funny phrases to share on Father’s Day

  1. Being a father has to be a very simple task with a daughter like me, don’t lie
  2. I love that it is not necessary to tell us that I am your favorite son. I love you so much dad. Good morning
  3. Thanks for teaching me more than Google, dad. I love you!
  4. I have memories as a child in which I saw you giant. Today that I am an adult… I see you even bigger (and fatter)
  5. Every time I needed you, you were there, except when I wanted to buy a motorcycle. Happy day Dad!
  6. Congratulations dad, next year you will have to congratulate me. Guess why
  7. Thanks for teaching me all the best I know… plus some other good stuff I probably should have paid more attention to
  8. Some people never grow up. You’re one of them. Ask mom if you don’t believe me
  9. Dear dad, our relationship means a lot to my psychologist.
  10. If Father’s Day were every day of the year, I would have to multiply what I have spent on you today by 365. 365 x 0 = 0 euros
  11. Know you’re worried about gray hair. Forget it, in a few years you may not even have hair anymore. Happy Father’s Day!
  12. Your soul is pure, your heart is priceless and your wisdom is… Happy day, dad!
  13. Thanks dad for not telling me how to live, because what an example
  14. Happy Father’s Day! Thank you for giving me the worst of you, alopecia
  15. Much love to the father who went out of his way to keep me out of trouble… from the daughter who had a knack for finding it!
  16. For the coolest dad of all, after Darth Vader, that is.
  17. Congratulations dad! Not everyone can boast of having a daughter like me
  18. I hope your day goes very well, dad. I can’t wish you the best because the day you had me as your son has passed. Acknowledge it!
  19. ! Papa, era led aide file¡ if you want to decipher the message you will have to put your neurons to the test. And don’t complain, it’s very easy
  20. Hope your wallet is as open as your heart, dad. Congratulations!
  21. On this special day I do not want to congratulate you. I want to congratulate myself for having been lucky to have a father like you. It’s a joke! Congratulations!
  22. Growing up, you taught me to laugh. You could have taught me how to be rich by now
  23. Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual, but mine came with a messed up parent.
  24. I could never find a gift that measures the love you have given me. But if you give me a Ferrari I’m not going to say no
  25. Even though we’re all supposed to have the same genes, you still look great, dad. Happy day to a handsome man!
  26. Sending you a heartfelt thank you on Father’s Day. It’s the least I can do considering all the gray hair I’ve caused you.
  27. I hope all your craziest Father’s Day wishes come true, maybe even the one to stay up for the entire afternoon movie on TV!

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