27 phrases of encouragement to face the coronavirus: messages of hope

The coronavirus has left us all in check. A virus that emerged in December 2019Wuhan and has rapidly spread to other countries to become a global pandemic. A virus that has made many of us stays confined at home without going out. A virus that has closed schools, parks, shops, bars and restaurants. A virus for which there is still no cure and that is causing us to lose many lives every day, mainly those of our elders and the elderly. Viruses that have turned everything upside down and have made us rethink our way of living, of seeing the world.

  • Given these circumstances, it is not strange that our forces falter; it is not at all strange to feel sad, disoriented, with uncertainty, anxiety and fear of the future. The normal thing is that you have a bitter taste in your mouth and that you wake up every day with the feeling of feeling lost.
  • But we cannot give up; we cannot (as it is scientifically called) win the battle for us. We have to get up and fight to defeat him, because each of us can do our bit to get him out of our lives, so we can return to normality. That normality that we complain about daily, but that we now miss so much.
  • And to achieve the purpose of curbing the coronavirus curve, defeating it, we must be motivated. For this reason, we offer you these phrases of encouragement to face the coronavirus. Read them daily, send them to all your contacts, send them to all the people you know. These messages are full of hope. Because yes, #everythingwillbewell. We are convinced of it!

Very motivating messages to encourage yourself in the fight against the coronavirus

We are going to stand up to Covid-19 so that it does not continue to do more damage. We are going to challenge him and we are going to do it with all our desire. With the best of spirits and with these very positive messages:

  1. Being strong is getting up from every fall, cleaning your wounds and moving on.
  2. Remember, even on your worst days, that there is no tree that the wind has not shaken.
  3. Life has challenged you to a tough battle, but don’t worry. YOU can beat her!
  4. There is always a solution for every problem, a smile for every tear and a hug (albeit virtual) for every sadness.
  5. God tells you today: I need you to go ahead and trust me… I am going to accommodate all things.
  6. An optimistic mindset is the best stimulant you will ever know.
  7. In the end everything will work out and if it doesn’t work out, it’s NOT the end.
  8. Some days there won’t be a song in your heart. Sing anyway.
  9. A wise man said: first it hurts, and then it makes you angry and ends up making you laugh. Thus the stages are closed.
  10. If you’re going through a bad time, keep walking. The bad is the moment, not you.
  11. Everyone wants happiness. Nobody wants anguish. But there can be no rainbow without a little rain.
  12. Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The surest way to succeed is to try one more time.

Phrases of support for all coronavirus patients (and for their relatives)

There is a part of the population that is having a particularly bad time. We are referring to those people directly affected by the disease, those people infected by the virus, those people who have to be totally isolated, without and, in the worst case, admitted to the hospital. To all of them, especially, and also to their relatives, we want to send these phrases of hope in the face of the Covid-19 crisis:

  1. If you let the disease overcome you, there will be no medication that will give you the cure.
  2. The mind has a great influence on the body, and diseases often have their origin there.
  3. Every cell in your body reacts to everything your mind says. Negativity is one of the reasons that weaken the immune system the most.
  4. The best doctor is the one who best inspires hope.
  5. Health is the greatest gift. Take care of her and protect yourself.
  6. Health is not everything, but without it, everything else is nothing.
  7. The 6 best doctors: rest, sunlight, exercise, diet and self-esteem.
  8. Health is not valued until illness arrives.

Phrases to better cope with the quarantine at home and not get discouraged

Staying at home day after day and not knowing exactly when this situation will end is very hard, which is why we need a bit of energy to charge our batteries and encourage us not to give up. We give you these words of joy and motivation to face confinement!

  1. No matter how you feel today… Get up, get dressed and go out your window to shine. The sun is not enough to illuminate the entire planet, it needs you too!
  2. The sun rises for you too. You just have to open the window.
  3. No matter how much darkness there is, the light always returns.
  4. The best moments are yet to come.
  5. Every crisis has: a solution, an expiration date and a lesson.
  6. I will not allow my wings to be clipped.
  7. Let everything flows let nothing influence.

Text to reflect on the coronavirus and its effects worldwide

  • Everything will happen. We will defeat the coronavirus and everything will return to normal. Our routines, our customs, our life. Surely very soon we will be able to enjoy our loved ones again, we will be able to laugh again, hug and kiss. But, even so, there is no doubt that after the coronavirus crisis we will never be the same again. This pandemic will pass and leave us a great life lesson. Lessons, reflections and values ​​​​that some psychologists like the Italian F. Morella have already wanted to write down:
  • “I believe that the universe has its way of restoring the balance to things according to their own laws, when they are altered. The times we are living in, full of paradoxes, make us think…
  • In an era in which climate change is reaching worrying levels due to the natural disasters that are taking place, China first and many other countries are forced to blockade; the economy collapses, but pollution drops considerably. The quality of the air we breathe improves, we use masks, but nevertheless we continue to breathe…
  • At a historical moment in which certain discriminatory policies and ideologies, with strong claims to a shameful past, are re-emerging around the world, a virus appears that makes us experience that, in the blink of an eye, we can become the discriminated, those who are not allowed to cross the border, and those who transmit diseases. Still not having any fault, even being white, western and with all kinds of economic luxuries at our fingertips.
  • In a society that is based on productivity and consumption, in which we all run 14 hours a day chasing who knows what, without rest, without pause, suddenly a forced stoppage is imposed on us. Still, at home, day after day. To count the hours of a time to which we have lost value, if anything this is not measured in compensation of some kind or in money. Do we still know how to use our time without a specific purpose?
  • At a time when the upbringing of children, for greater reasons, is often delegated to other figures and institutions, the Coronavirus forces us to close schools and forces us to look for alternative solutions, to put mom and dad back together own children. It forces us to be family again.
  • In a dimension in which interpersonal relationships, communication, and socialization take place in the (non)virtual space of social networks, giving us the false illusion of closeness, this virus takes away our true closeness, the real one: that no one touches, kisses, hugs, everything, in the coldness of the absence of contact. How much have we taken these gestures and their meaning for granted?
  • In a social phase in which thinking about oneself has become the norm, this virus sends us a clear message: the only way out of this is to unite, to revive in us the feeling of helping others, of belonging to a collective, of being part of something bigger for which to be responsible and that this in turn takes responsibility towards us. Co-responsibility: feeling that the fate of those around you depends on your actions, and that you depend on them.
  • Let’s stop looking for blame or wondering why this has happened, and start thinking about what we can learn from all of this. We all have a lot to reflect on and strive for. It seems that humanity is already quite indebted to the universe and its laws and that this epidemic is coming to explain it to us, at a high price.”

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