28 Wise Egyptian Proverbs That Will Make You Question Your Values

Ancient Egypt is one of the oldest civilizations of humanity that, as it could not be less, has left us an infinite legacy of popular wisdom. Not only do its papyri and tombs reflect the grandeur of this ancient culture, but the Egyptian proverbs that have been passed down from generation to generation over the centuries provide us with valuable life lessons. Proverbs that have been created and conformed through the centuries and the numerous cultures that have been a reflection of a rich, wise and diverse Egypt. Greeks, Romans, Hyksos, Arabs and, of course, Egyptians have contributed to creating an incomparable cultural richness that can be perceived through their traditional sayings.

We want to pay homage to this powerful land full of mysticism by gathering it’s most beautiful and wise Egyptian proverbs that will make you question your values. Popular sayings with which we can learn from life…

The best Egyptian proverbs to reflect on

  1. The grain must return to the earth, die and decompose for a new crop to emerge and grow.
  2. The kingdom of heaven is within you; and he who knows himself will find it
  3. Images are closer to reality than cold definitions. Search in peace, and you will find
  4. Knowing one reaches faith. By doing one achieves conviction. When you know, you dare
  5. Human beings must learn to increase their sense of responsibility, and the fact that everything they do has to have its consequences
  6. If you have to know yourself, locate yourself at an initial point and return to your origins. Your beginnings will discover your end
  7. The seed includes all the potentialities of the tree… The seed will develop all those potentialities. However, it must receive all the necessary energies from heaven
  8. Hearing is precious to the listener
  9. Everything is within you. Get to know your deepest interior and look for its correspondence in nature
  10. Your body is the temple of knowledge
  11. Judge by cause, not by effect
  12. A response is beneficial in proportion to the intensity of the search
  13. Our senses serve to affirm, not to know
  14. The first thing needed in teaching is a teacher. The second, a student who is capable of enduring the tradition
  15. Social good is what brings peace to families and society
  16. Who does not understand a look will not understand a long explanation either
  17. The growth of consciousness does not depend on the will of the intellect or its possibilities, but on the intensity of the internal will.
  18. Every seed reacts to light, but its color is different. The plant reveals what is inside the seed
  19. No discussion will shed light if it strays from the real issue.
  20. Foot is not enough to walk
  21. The only humiliating thing is helplessness
  22. Before you question your wife’s good judgment, take a look at who she married.
  23. What you do doesn’t matter much… It’s what you learn from what you do that really matters
  24. A pretty thing is never perfect
  25. The one who is carried away by the heart will never be lost
  26. If you have to build something lasting, do not work with the ephemeral
  27. Desert sand is to the weary traveler what incessant conversation is to the lover of silence.
  28. Half the joy lies in talking about it

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