29 powerful phrases by Haruki Murakami: very inspiring reflections

Haruki Murakami is one of the most acclaimed contemporary writers. He has spent more than four decades demonstrating the importance of pop culture in literature, reflecting on the individualist and capitalist lifestyle, through a surreal, melancholic and nostalgic style that characterizes his work.

Although he has not yet managed to obtain it, he has been a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature on several occasions and has some of the most prestigious awards in literature today, such as the Franz Kafka (2006), the Fantasy World Cup (2006), the Jerusalem (2009) and the Hans Christian Andersen for Literature (2016). ‘Tokyo Blues, Norwegian Wood’ is one of his most acclaimed works, and with which the writer slipped into the masses of Japanese youth at that time. Other important and acclaimed works by the writer are ‘Kafka on the shore’, ‘1Q84’ or ‘Sputnik, my love’.

We want to honor the writer with a compilation of 29 very powerful Haruki Murakami phrasesinspiring reflections that you cannot miss taken from his works and interviews. Tab all these!

The most relevant phrases of Haruki Murakami

  • 1But in the end, who’s to say what’s best? Do not repress yourself for anyone and when happiness knocks on your door, take advantage of the occasion and be happy
  • The sky was blue, spotless, as if it had just been created that very morning.
  • Concrete goals simplify life
  • There are works that have a certain type of imperfection that captivates people’s hearts precisely for this reason, because they are imperfect.
  • In the end, thinking freely also means distancing you from the body. Get out of that cage that limits you. Break the chains and just give wings to the mind
  • With you I have the impression that nothing is impossible
  • What matters are not the great ideas of others but the small things that happen to you
  • Not looking like something doesn’t have to be bad. That means that one has not yet been pigeonholed
  • Since you’re gone, everything seems insignificant, absurd
  • Looking for something when you don’t know what you are looking for is very complicated
  • Because we live in such a comfortable world, our sensitivity has languished
  • I have the feeling that you breathe a completely different air from the one I breathe
  • Perhaps greater happiness is experienced by owning something that symbolizes freedom than by owning freedom itself.
  • I don’t want them to understand my metaphors or the symbolism of the work, I want them to feel like in good jazz concerts, when the feet can’t stop moving under the seats marking the rhythm
  • Everything is interrelated, with the complexity of a three-dimensional puzzle. Where the truth isn’t always real and reality isn’t always true
  • When you look at them from far above, almost everything seems pretty to you.
  • No matter how far you go, you can never run away from yourself.
  • I have researched a lot, I have practiced for hours and hours. But my mixes can’t compare to yours. Even if you put exactly the same liquor and shake the shaker for exactly the same time, the taste is different
  • The silence is so deep it almost hurts your ears.
  • Nobody likes loneliness. But I’m not interested in making friends at any cost
  • In this world, there is nothing as cruel as the desolation of not wanting anything
  • On the journey, a companion, and in life, compassion
  • One is no longer so young! And over the years, memory drawers don’t open so well
  • To deceive others, deceive you first.
  • Everything happens. Nobody has something forever. This is how we have to live
  • Don’t feel sorry for you. That only mediocre do
  • The problem is that in you there is nothing that fills me
  • There are many different kinds of cookies in a box of cookies. Some you like and some you don’t. At first you eat the ones you like and at the end only the ones you don’t like remain. Well, when I’m having a hard time, I always think: I have to end this as soon as possible and better times will come. Cause life is like a box of cookies
  • You fear imagination. And to dreams even more. You fear the responsibility that can be derived from them. But you cannot avoid sleeping. And if you sleep, you dream. When you are awake, you can more or less restrain the imagination. But dreams there is no way to control them

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