31 beautiful Celtic proverbs that will make you see life in a different way

The Celtic is one of the oldest cultures in the Western world that has left a legacy of wisdom, legends and myths that still amaze historians, linguists and archaeologists. His legacy of him has endured over time thanks to his proverbs of him, which leave us with an essence of Celtic morality, much closer to modernity than we imagine.

The Celtic peoples came to expand in almost all of Central Europe, the Iberian Peninsula, Gaul, Belgium, Great Britain and Ireland during the Iron Age (between 1200 BC and 400 BC). Actually, these peoples spoke different Celtic languages ​​​​and their culture developed differently in each geographical area, but always with similar traditions that were mainly transmitted orally. For this reason, the Celtic proverbs that have endured are so important, because they allow us to get a little closer to their mysterious and valued culture. We have collected some of them, proverbs that teach us valuable lessons and from which we can still learn today. Here they go! We assure you that when you read them you will begin to see life in a different way!

Celtic proverbs that leave us valuable lessons

  1. Some of the sweetest berries grow among the sharpest thorns
  2. A friend’s eye is a good mirror
  3. Your feet will take you wherever your heart is
  4. Share the load and it will be lighter
  5. May the roof above you never fall and the friends gathered under it never leave. May you always have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, and may the road always open at your door.
  6. A little help is better than a little compassion
  7. Better old debts than old grudges
  8. Beware of secrets because they are a powerful weapon. You can use it to your advantage or it can be reused against you.
  9. If you don’t plant in the, you won’t harvest in the fall.
  10. May you live over a hundred years with an extra year to regret. May the Lord keep you in his hand, and do not clench his fist too much
  11. Kind response mitigates anger
  12. May your neighbors respect you, troubles leave you, angels protect you and heaven welcome you and the fortune of the Celtic Hills embrace you
  13. Remember that you live in the shadow of your neighbor
  14. Choose your company before sitting down
  15. It is not the same to be as to have been
  16. Reputation lasts longer than life
  17. Don’t show your teeth until you can bite
  18. Knowledge comes through practice
  19. Those who open their mouths the most are those who open their hearts the least
  20. He who curbs the tongue, keeps his friends
  21. Lie down with dogs and you’ll wake up with fleas
  22. A constant guest is never welcome
  23. The higher your destination, the higher the price
  24. What fills the eye fills the heart
  25. Be careful what you wish for, for the gods may grant it to you.
  26. Better one good thing that is, than two things that were
  27. Blind must be the eyes in another’s dwelling
  28. There is no joy without sorrow
  29. Character is better than wealth
  30. Without knowledge of the past we will lose the future
  31. A man can live after losing his life, but not after losing his honor.

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