31 phrases for International Hug Day: inspiring messages

We all like a good hug, a hug of those that comfort the soul. And it is that human beings could not live without hugs. It is the first thing we receive from our mother at birth, giving us calm and security when we discover the world for the first time. In addition, they are perhaps one of the first signs of affection that we know and that we can share with family, friends and in a spontaneous way.

When we feel sad, a hug seems like the best medicine, and when we jump for joy, our first impulse is to hug whoever is in front of us. Hugs are part of our life and, for this reason; we have prepared 31 phrases for International Hug Day, which is celebrated every January 21. Don’t forget to hug your family and friends!

Significant phrases to commemorate International Hug Day

What would we do without hugs? They are, without a doubt, the natural medicine that we can offer someone when they are going through a bad time… And hugs are very comforting. Here are a few phrases and messages about hugs, you’ll love them!

  1. Happiness is an unexpected hug
  2. The good thing about hugs is that when you give one, you get one too.
  3. No matter how long a hug is, its duration is never long enough.
  4. A hug is a handshake that comes from the heart.
  5. If life hadn’t given me reasons to know pain and grief; I would never have known the healing power of a hug.
  6. One of the best feelings in life is hugging someone after missing them so much.
  7. Be the first to give a hug, and you will be the most hugged
  8. Hugs are an awesome thing. They are the perfect way to show what we feel when we can’t find the words to express it.
  9. There is more power in a big hug than in a thousand well-articulated words.
  10. Tradition says that every time we hug someone for real, we gain a day of life.
  11. One day someone will hold you so tight that all your broken pieces will come back together.
  12. A hug without a kiss is like a flower without its fragrance.
  13. There is nothing comparable to a mother’s hug
  14. Laughing together is as close as possible to a hug without touching
  15. There are people who hug and reset you
  16. There are hugs that heal, and they are not prescribed by a doctor
  17. Not all things can be fixed with a hug, but you can’t make them worse either
  18. Hugs are the purest form of giving and receiving
  19. Every day we must have contact with people. People love a warm hug, or a friendly pat on the back.
  20. Wanted my home to be a refuge, like coming in from the cold to a big hug
  21. Hug me and then let’s swear for a minute alone, because even if I leave, I’m already dying just to come back
  22. While I hugged you I knew that the best place in the world is in you, always in you
  23. Giving a hug is recharging the heart with the beats of the other
  24. Hug your friends tight, but more so your enemies, hug them so tight that they can’t even move
  25. That’s what people who love do. They put their arms around you and love you, even if you’re not very adorable
  26. Feel the presence of love, wrapped within an embrace
  27. The best hug is not the strongest or the longest, it is from the right person
  28. Hugs are God’s way of reminding us how much we are loved.
  29. Sometimes I just need a hug, without words and without questions
  30. Sometimes we can only be healed with a big warm hug from Grandma.
  31. There is something about hugs that always warms the heart, welcomes us back home and makes it easier to leave.

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