32 birthday phrases for a sister: very special congratulations

Who has a sister has a treasure. So if she is going to be yours’ birthday, what better than to tell her how much you love her with a beautiful dedication? If you need help finding the, look at the ones we have prepared for you. Here you have no less than 32 birthday phrases for a sister that we are sure that both you and her de Ella will love. Which of these special congratulations will you stay with? Choose the one you like the most, write it on a birthday card, and that’s it!

Beautiful phrases to congratulate a sister’s birthday

Having a sister is one of the greatest gifts that life can give you, right? With her you share unique moments as well as laughter, sorrows and many joys. If your sister’s birthday is coming up and you want to have an excellent detail with her from her, in addition to preparing a personal gift for her, make one of the special birthday phrases that we share with you here, she will love it!

1.May life gives you a thousand and one reasons to move on without looking back and may one of those reasons be that we are always together.

It is then that you raise your glass to your sister’s and say out loud: happy birthday sister, I love you with all my soul!

2.On this special day I can only tell you how proud I am to be able to grow by your side and to share unique moments.

What is a perfect phrase to congratulate your sister other? Well, imagine it written on a nice card!

3.Your companion of joys, sorrows, laughter and life wishes you the best of birthdays, I love you sister!

Undoubtedly a congratulatory phrase that will make your sister shed tears of joy.

4.Life gave me the best sister in the world, happy birthday!

And you add: Let nothing and no one ever separate us.

5.Today that is your birthday, I want to thank fate for having put you on my path. CONGRATULATIONS sister!

They rightly say that a sister is the best support you can have, right?

6.Sister, on a day as special as this, it only occurs to me to tell you, let’s open a bottle of wine and toast!

Of course it’s your turn this time to have the bottle of wine ready.

7.Every day we have the great opportunity to tell our loved ones how much they mean to us. That’s what I’m going to do on your birthday

Happy birthday sister of my soul! I do not know what I would do without you. Thank you for always being by my side and helping me in everything I need.

8.You give me the gift for being my sister and for always being there, through thick and thin, happy birthday sister!

Do you also turn to your sister in bad times? Do not forget to thank her on such a special occasion as her birthday.

9.To my sister, my best friend, I wish you the best in the world today and always!

It is at that moment that you give him the gift that you had prepared with such enthusiasm.

10.Do you remember when we were little girls and…?

Finish the sentence with your sister’s favorite anecdote; surely she won’t stop laughing all day.

11. Sister, happy birthday, that we celebrate it in style and that you never forget how much you mean to me

What a beautiful.

12.Through thick and thin, for another year by your side

Congratulations dear sister!

Phrases from famous authors to congratulate a sister on a birthday

If you liked the phrases you just read, wait until you see these. These are famous phrases full of meaning and super suitable to tell your sister on her birthday that she will always be an essential part of your life.

13.You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

Les Browns

Sister, I will help you make your dreams come true.

14.With joy and laughter, let the old wrinkles appear

William Shakespeare

May wrinkles come into our lives and may we continue together to laugh about it.

15.No one grows old simply by living a number of years. We grow old by abandoning our ideals

Samuel Ullman

Like this: ‘the years can wrinkle the skin but abandoning enthusiasm wrinkles the soul’.

16.Let’s celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words


Just the words that I dedicate to you here: I love you, sister.

17.It is not true that people stop chasing dreams because they get old, but that they get old because they stop chasing dreams.

Gabriel G. Marquez

May your dreams always guide your path?

18.Happy birthday and remember that you only live as long as you love yourself

Claude Adrian Helvetius

We will live forever because of the love we feel for each other.

19.Inside us we are always the same age

Gertrude stein

If you choose birthday phrase for your sister, you can complete it with phrase number 10. It will make her very happy!

20.sometimes the simplest and most ordinary things could turn into extraordinary events, simply if they were carried out by the right people.

Nicholas Sparks

My sister, you are one of those people. Don’t change for the world!

21.The more you exalt and celebrate your life, the more you will find in it to celebrate.

Oprah Winfrey

Let’s celebrate together that today you celebrate another year.

22.youth has no age

Pablo Picasso

Neither does the spirit.

23.I hope you live to be over 100 years old and that the last voice you hear is mine

Frank Sinatra

birthday phrase for a funniest sister.

24.You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake

Bob Hope

It’s a joke! You will always be young!

25.The secret to staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.

Lucille Ball

Your sister will surely laugh when she hears this congratulatory phrase.

26.Anyone who has the ability to see beautiful things will never grow old.

Franz Kafka

You have had that ability since you were a child. Happy Birthday!

27.Birthdays are as good as bridges to the future.

Jacques Chirac

A birthday phrase for a sister to think on the future.

28.The people who don’t know how to grow old are the same people who didn’t understand how to be young

Marc Chagall

wise advice that cannot be ignored.

29.One grows old when regret supplants dreams

John Barrymore

Dear sister, may such a thing never happen to you.

30.Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled

Jean Paul

Keep in your memory forever the good times we have had and will spend together.

31.The noble demands everything from himself, the common expects everything from others


You are from the first group!

32.The older you get, the more important it is not to behave according to your age

Ashleigh Brilliant

So laugh, play and love like there’s no tomorrow. Happy Birthday Sister!

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