34 beautiful phrases of Pope John Paul II: VERY inspiring teachings

John Paul II was the second non-Italian Pope loved by many, Christians Thanks to his inspiring teachings. Even though he was fluent in the language, when greeting those present in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican at the time of the investiture, he showed himself to be a humble man when he recognized that he could be wrong, and he never hesitated to ask help if i made any mistake. To pay tribute to him, we bring you 34 beautiful phrases from Pope John Paul II that you will love. Do not lose detail!

Brief summary of the origins of John Paul II

John Paul II was born in Katowice (Poland) on May 18, 1920 under the name of Karol Josef Wojtyła and became the 264th Vicar of Christ that the Holy See has had; His term de ell in Vatican City spanned from October 16, 1978 to April 2, 2005 and his pontificate de ell lasted almost 27 years, the third longest in the history of the. He is known as the traveling Pope since he visited 129 nations, his intelligence and love for God allowed him to reach the hearts of thousands of parishioners.

34 great phrases of Pope John Paul II to inspire us

John Paul II left a wealth of teachings expressed in various writings and you will learn about some of them below.

  1. If I’m wrong, correct me
  2. 2Respect for life is the foundation of any other right, including those of freedom
  3. The family is the foundation of society and the place where people learn for the first time the values ​​​​that guide them throughout their lives.
  4. I am a young man of 83 years
  5. The worst prison is a closed heart
  6. Authentic religion does not endorse terrorism and violence, but seeks to promote in every possible way the unity and peace of the human family.
  7. No greater reward should be sought than love itself.
  8. The poor can’t wait
  9. No sin of man can cancel the mercy of God
  10. The Church today does not need ‘part-time Christians’, but Christians in one piece
  11. Media have accustomed certain sectors of society to listening to what flatters their ears
  12. The vocation of the Christian is holiness, at all times of life. In the spring of youth, in the fullness of the summer of middle age, and then also in the fall and winter of old age, and lastly, at the hour of death.
  13. The cross of Christ has become a fountain from which rivers of living water flow.
  14. The family is called to be a temple, that is, a house of prayer: a simple prayer, full of effort and tenderness. A prayer that becomes life, so that all life becomes prayer
  15. Peace is not written with letters of blood, but with intelligence and the heart
  16. With pain the poverty of many, in contrast to the opulence of some
  17. Love is the opposite of use
  18. Human life must be absolutely respected and protected from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, the human being must see his personal rights recognized, among which is the inviolable right of all innocent beings to life.
  19. For believers, the family are an experience on the journey, an adventure rich in surprises, but above all open to the great surprise of God, who always comes into our life in a new way.
  20. You are the salt of the earth… You are the light of the world
  21. True knowledge and true freedom are found in Jesus. Let Jesus always be part of your hunger for truth and justice, and of your commitment to the well-being of your fellow men.
  22. The same in the age of spears and swords as in the age of nuclear rockets: the first victim is the heart of man
  23. The spiral of violence is only stopped by the miracle of forgiveness
  24. The Church is the caress of God’s love for the world
  25. Today pleasure, selfishness, or even immorality is often exalted in the name of false ideals of freedom and happiness. Purity of heart, like any virtue, requires daily training of the will and constant internal discipline. It demands, above all, the assiduous recourse to God in prayer.
  26. Today more than ever the Church needs holy priests whose daily example of conversion inspires in others the desire to seek the holiness to which all the people of God are called.
  27. Man cannot live without love. He remains for himself an incomprehensible being, his life de ell is deprived of meaning if love is not revealed to him, if he does not encounter love, if he does not experience it and make it his own de ell, if he does not participate in it vividly. Love is felt, not seen; silent love is the strongest of all
  28. I am affected by any threat against man, against the family and the nation. Threats that always have their origin in our human weakness, in the superficial way of considering life
  29. Man is essentially a social being; with all the more reason, it can be said that he is a familiar being
  30. There is no peace without justice, there is no justice without forgiveness
  31. Humanity urgently needs the testimony of free and courageous young people who dare to walk against the current and to proclaim with force and enthusiasm their own faith in God, Lord and Savior.
  32. God allows himself to be conquered by the humble and rejects the arrogance of the proud
  33. Only the freedom that submits to the truth leads the human person to his true good. The good of the person consists in being in the truth and in realizing the truth
  34. Let me go to the Father’s house 

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