38 Spiritual Hindu Proverbs That Will Guide You When You’re Lost

Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world. With more than 1,150 million followers worldwide, it represents 16% of the most followed religion among the population of India and Nepal. Truly, Hinduism is not only a religion, but also and thought that it has been cultivated for centuries through observation of nature and the social environment. Knowing a little more about Hindu culture through its most popular sayings and proverbs can leave us with valuable lessons that can even change our way of understanding the world.

We have compiled 38 spiritual Hindu proverbs that will guide you when you are lost. Write them down!

Hindu proverbs and their meaning

Hindu wisdom is mainly based on four major themes: karma (the consequence of the actions we commit), moksha or spiritual salvation (in which samsara or reincarnation is included), dharma (spirituality, ethics and moral obligations) and Aretha. (Prosperity and work). These four great themes guide the life of any Hindu and, therefore, are reflected in the proverbs that have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries, most with a poetic tone that makes them even more special. Whether you are a Hindu or not, dwelling on these wonderful proverbs can touch some of the fibers of your body and soul. We invite you to read them.

The heart in peace sees a party in all the villages

When our hearts feel serene and at life is much more pleasant and we manage to see things in a more positive way.

The tree does not deny its shadow or the woodcutter

Doing good and helping others shows us that we can open our arms to even the most unexpected person. This Hindu proverb talks about the true nature of good.

Before judging a person, walk three moons with his shoes

Places the best attitude towards life with respect to others. Don’t judge the first change, because you don’t know what that person feels.

When the waves have subsided and the water are calm, then the light is reflected and the bottom can be glimpsed.

Sometimes we need to stop and wait forte be able to find the solution to a problem. This ndian proverb says it in a poetic and harmonious way. It’s beautiful.

The ignorant are ahead of those who read books. To these, those who retain what they read. To these, those who understand what they read. To these, those who get down to work

Knowledge has different stages: reading, retention, learning and action. If they are all cultivated, we can reach true wisdom.

There is no tree that the wind does not shake

As this poetic Hindu proverb teaches, it is necessary to understand that adversity is part of life. However, if we remain in our inner strength, we can continue strong and well planted, like a tree shaken by the wind.

On the path of life you will be able to walk the path of wisdom. If you come out of it convinced that you know nothing, it means that you have learned a lot.

Humility is the first step towards wisdom. A valuable lesson from a beautiful Indian proverb.

If you want to be happy, you have to want to see others happy too.

Happiness begins with goodwill towards othersPerhaps this is one of the wisest lessons of the Hindu proverbs. What do you think?

The good we did the day before is the one that brings us happiness in the morning

The kindness of the heart is fundamental in the Hindu thought that is convinced that the good is the path to happiness.

He who recognizes the truth of the body can then know the truth of the universe.

Knowing ourselves, both inside and outside, will allow us to face life with sufficient wisdom. This is the basis of Hindu philosophy, so caring for the body, mind and soul through yoga, prayer is the beginning of happiness, both on an earthly and cosmic level.

God is also hidden in the ocean of a drop of water

A wonderful Hindu proverb that teaches the spiritual greatness that is not only in the immense and great, but also in the smallest and simplest.

To believe that a weak enemy cannot harm us is to believe that a spark cannot cause a fire.

A wise lesson that we should always keep in mind. Never underestimate anyone.

It is hypocritical to say that we love humanity as a whole and hate those who do not adopt our views.

Loving humanity means accepting that we are imperfect see life in a different way.

External objects are incapable of giving full happiness to the heart of man.

True happiness is not found in the material. Experiences, spirituality, love… is what really makes us happy and better people.

Old age begins when memories outweigh hopes

As long as we have and dreams, we will never be old. A Hindu proverb that teaches about the attitude we take towards life.

I learn while I live

Life is learning. This lesson from this Hindu proverb is vital to living life to the full.

I dreamed that life was joy. I woke up and saw that life is service. I served and saw that service gives joy

The attitude of service is fundamental in Hindu culture and wisdom. Serving and helping others with humility is essential to feel happy and fulfilled.

A person only possesses what he cannot lose in a shipwreck.

That is to say, material things do not belong to us, but our integrity, the acquired knowledge, our attitude or creativity, to give a few examples, will always be with us.

He who does not doubt, knows nothing

The lesson of this Hindu proverb is infinite: doubt is the basis of questions and these are the path to knowledge.

The fool who recognizes his foolishness is wise; but a fool who thinks he is wise is really a fool

Humbly acknowledging our mistakes is part of the path to inner wisdom.

He who abandons the certain to run after the doubtful, loses both

A good advice not to make mistakes in life.

It is not your friend who favors you once, nor your enemy who insulted you once

The only way to recognize him is to know if his heart is sincere or false. True, but how to recognize the sincerity of the heart? That’s the big unknown, right?

Hard to get and even harder to keep. Troublesome both losing it and spending it. Money really is a wad of trouble from start to finish

The Hindu culture is very detached from money, since as we have seen in other proverbs, material things are not important in life.

Silk is woven by humble worms; gold is obtained from the rocks… The lotus flower grows in the mud and emeralds are found on the head of the serpent

From the ugliest and most horrendous things can emerge the most beautiful and splendid? Do not forget it before judging something or someone.

The more adverse the circumstances around you are for you, the better your inner power will manifest itself.

Adversity is hard, but it makes our inner power emerge and show us that we are capable of everything we set our minds to.

When you are born, everyone around you smiles and you cry. Live life in such a way that when you die, everyone around you cries and you smile

This Hindu proverb invites you to be proud of yourself in the decisions you make in life. Only then will you live happily and die.

There is nothing to stop the skillful, there are no distances for the fiery, nor is there a foreign country for the scholar: he who is eloquent fears no one.

Eloquence is one of the best human virtues… What do you think?

Life is a challenge: face it; and it is also love: share it; Life is a dream, realize it

Love life and value everything it can offer you. Wonderful Hindu proverb, right?

If you have a remedy, why are you complaining? If it’s hopeless, why are you complaining?

Complaining about everything may be useless, but acting and looking for solutions can.

The man who wants to be quiet must be deaf, blind and dumb

Because life comes and goes and you have to embrace it with the entire luggage that comes in the suitcase. Not being calm is part of life.

The clenched fist locks the gates of paradise, but the open hand is the key of mercy.

As this proverb teaches, having an attitude of listening and helping others brings forgiveness and happiness to anyone.

The word should be dressed like a goddess and dream like a bird

Eloquence and the gift of speech are highly valued in Hindu culture. Knowing how to speak is one of the most precious gifts, and it is that the word is our most important way of communication.

He who before his death has planted a tree has not lived uselessly

Taking care of our and our environment is the least we can do for the planet that welcomes us during our lives.

An open book is a talking brain; closed, a friend who waits; forgotten, a forgiving soul; destroyed, a crying heart

Books are the door to wisdom, having them in our lives and using them brings us much more than we imagine.

The deep rivers run silently, the streams are noisy

Wisdom can make us keep quiet more than we speak because we really know the depth of the subject and we will only speak when it is really necessary.

The land is not an inheritance from our parents but a loan from our children

Hindu wisdom has spent centuries warning of the importance of caring for nature. We should all learn from this wonderful proverb.

I am not my body; I am more. I am not my speech, my organs, hearing, smell; that’s not me. The mind that thinks, I’m not. If none of that I am, then who am I? The consciousness that remains, that’s what I am

Human existence for Hindus is much more than the body or the mind. Consciousness is what, according to Hinduism, remains for eternity.

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional

We cannot prevent things from happening in our lives that hurt us, but we can avoid, because suffering starts from within us and as human beings we can control our own interior.

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