39 deep and direct Mayan expressions and proverbs (with meaning)

The Mayans are still one of those ancient cultures that we are always waiting to learn more about. Connoisseurs of the universe, with a unique culture and cosmogony in the American continent, they had their own numerical system, which even included the number zero (basic in modern measurements) and with which they managed to accurately calculate the periods of the Moon or the Sun., as well as those of many stars. Although unfortunately with the Spanish Conquest many of the documents that could shed more light on Mayan culture were lost, fortunately some were saved (the famous codices and the Pool Vouch) and morality has continued from generation to generation.

In this way, their way of understanding the world still persists thanks to indigenous cultures, which have continued to transmit their loaded with wisdom. Do you want to know more? we bring you 39 very deep, direct and simple Mayan expressions and proverbs, but at the same time full of meaning, with their meaning. Don’t miss it!

Wise Mayan proverbs that will make you reflect

Mirror yourself so you can see how you are

Looking at both our exterior and our interior is essential to have a meaningful life. Therefore, this wise Mayan proverb is simple but powerful at the same time. Look at yourself, in all your being, to achieve wisdom from within.

All things pass like the wind

In Mayan “bay u male ink tulacalé”. The Mayans already knew that “patience is the mother of all virtues”, which is why this alludes to it indirectly; because with patience you can realize that everything in this life, good and bad, eventually passes.

You can’t put corn in a basket with holes

It is clear that there would be no point in doing so, since the corn would fall off. Well, the same thing happens with our reality. Sometimes we put time and effort into something that is not worth it that will not bring us anything good in. And what’s the point? None.

Don’t start beating around the bush, tell the truth

It seems that the Mayans did not like to think about things too much, they preferred honesty above all else.

Look first what you do, so you don’t regret it later

In the Mayan language “chic ilia to hippo herbal lick u tale a belticé; u laic a khakis u patch thane”, which comes to say that the ideal is to think before acting.

With cocoa you pay for cocoa, with money for money and with corn for corn

The Mayan culture came to have different forms of economic exchange: gold coins, silver, cocoa and even corn. This is where this saying comes from, which what it means is that you have to give a fair value to things, to learn to appreciate them in their proper measure.

Your speaking makes you present

Words you choose when you speak are what define who you are at this very moment. For this reason it is essential to reflect before speaking and not to speak without thinking with words that may be hurtful to other people.

Before criticizing, look at your tail

Before judging other people, ask yourself if you are truly an example in everything you do. Would you like to be judged? I sure don’t.

I am another you, you are another me

Because in the end, human beings find us on the road, and what we may like or dislike about another is a reflection of what we like or dislike about ourselves. A wise Mayan lesson, don’t you think?

Be constant and have courage in your work

Persistence, tenacity and positivity are essential toad feel that what we do motivates us.

Man was born to die, he is mortal

Sooner or later we all die, so it is important to live day to day in the and not take it for granted that everything will come or that we will be able to do so later. In the Mayan language, this proverb is written “cash civil urinal unit can ziti”.

The heart does not age, it is the body that wrinkles

wise and beautiful proverb that reminds us that what is important is our interior. The way we take things is what will bring us youth in our hearts; if we live in with ourselves we will not feel old.

The heart of the earth and the heart of the universe are in everyone… My heart is in you

According to the Maya, all human beings are interconnected with the earth, plants and animals, as well as with the Universe. That is why this beautiful proverb alludes to the importance of loving one another.

His heart is gone, he is submerged in his thoughts

Thinking too much can distance us from our heart, from our good feelings towards a situation or towards someone. Therefore, it is essential to find inner balance between our mind and our soul.

He who believes, creates; he who creates, does; what he does transforms himself and the society in which he lives

Each of us and each of us have the ability to transform our lives and even that of others. We just have to start by believing in our capabilities and putting them into action.

Life does not summarize. We are born only eleven, we only have one life in this life, and we only die eleven.

For this reason it is important to live each present moment, learning to forgive and accept the past, looking for a way to be happy in the now, worrying just enough about.

The flower only blooms once

Wasting the wonderful moments that life gives us is not living life itself. As this Mayan proverb expresses well, valuing the beauty that is offered to us is an act of wisdom.

Don’t shorten your stride, don’t slack off or faint

Faced with the vicissitudes of life, keep walking, without losing your goals, your dreams and projects. Because in the end, if we don’t back down, if we don’t loosen up, we’ll make it.

My nails are over, I have no strength or power

This popular Mayan saying refers to those moments in life when we feel like we can’t take it anymore, that our strength has run out. However, do not forget that nails always grow back.

Inside the ground is the moon

TO curious that had a lot to do with its connection with the Moon, both in agriculture and in cultural aspects, such as dances, festivals and rituals.

 doesn’t crash twice in a row on difficulty

In Maya it is “am kaput u cabal yah”, and it has to do with the human being’s ability to learn from their own mistakes and sufferings.

A good snore who doesn’t take care of being bitten

When you are not afraid, you can even be reckless, which in the long run can take its toll. What do you think of this Mayan proverb?

You can’t kill the deer without arrows

To achieve our goals we need a plan, we need tools, help from other people and a whole series of things that we must provide ourselves with if we want to be successful.

The beggar’s hand is long

“Cauca u cab ah manta” is the Mayan proverb that the friars of the colonial era recorded at the time. Currently, this Yucatan Mayan proverb is known in Spanish as “when they give you the heifer, go with the rope”, which means that it is important to take advantage of every beneficial opportunity that comes our way.

Letting flow means surprising us with what life brings us, taking advantage of everything for learning, the universe does not conspire against us

For the Mayans, living in the present was fundamental, and this wise saying proves it. It is not a question of thinking that life conspires against us, but letting ourselves be carried away by situations, acting according to how they arrive.

The fox does not eat in his den

Why do we sometimes take our problems inside our home? Thus we only create friction in our environment. This is what this Comes to say, that the ideal is to be able to put aside external difficulties at home.

Animal you don’t know, don’t touch it

Mayan warning proverb, referring to the importance of being somewhat careful with the unknown.

good advice is priceless

There is nothing more valuable than good advice, so if they give it to you, wherever it comes from, listen to it and accept it; it will be an act of wisdom on your part.

Wherever the pig goes, it will always be a pig

Very interesting Mayan expressions and their interpretation

The Mayan expressions, like the proverbs, offer a continuous wisdom that is worth knowing. The Yucatan Maya still use many of these expressions on a daily basis. We have compiled some of them. Take note!

Hijab a civil, your yam chef, your yam tunic

Translation: I don’t know where you have to die, between sticks or between stones.

Expression used to refer to someone mischievous and mischievous.

Bevel uh you cent

Translation: Go to the moon to the well.

It is an expression used when the waning moon can barely be seen.

Emel chef, eel tunic kohl

Translation: Falling sticks, falling stones on top.

This curious expression is used when you want to refer to someone who is being punished.

cumtantah Xanax

Translation: Settle on the shoe.

That is, to be defeated in some circumstance or situation right?

 Chiral to auk tureen cousin

Translation: May the devil bite your tongue.

Mayan women still use this kind of curse that expresses the desire for a person to shut up.

Bin a cue it Kanab!

Translation: You will shit on the red earth.

As you can already imagine, this expression is used to tell someone that they will have a lot of bad luck.

Ames u couch a pic a piano

Translation: Lessen the excess burden of your soul.

TO beautiful to tell someone that it is necessary to relieve their conscience by speaking or with some good deed.

Clan it yet up

Translation: Being at the bottom of the atoll.

Atone is a typical Mexican drink made with corn, the basis of Mexican and Mayan food, which is also cheap. Therefore, being at the bottom of the pot of atoll is like saying that the economic situation is very poor.

Cheek u cash to Xanax

In Mayan it translates as “He is putting on his shoes”, which means that this person is already on his way, so he will arrive soon.

Be chi u kook be

Translation: You are like the stones on the road.

If they tell you this expression in Maya, it means that you are a bit restless, that you don’t stay in one place, and that you can even be annoying to some people 

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