41 phrases for World Cancer Day messages of support

World Cancer Day is celebrated on February 4, a date promoted by the World Health Organization and the International Center for Research on Cancer (CIIC) that has the clear objective of raising awareness and raising awareness in society. We contribute our grain of sand with these 41 phrases for World Cancer Day, reflections and messages of hope and support.

Thoughtful phrases to read on International Cancer Day

According to official data, it is estimated that one in two men and one in three women will suffer from cancer of some kind at some point in their lives. A disease that causes about 9.6 million deaths a year. Not counting family and friends who also suffer the process alongside the patients.

On the occasion of the International Day against Cancer, we have compiled a few phrases of support, motivation, reflection and awareness about this disease. And we also invite you not to read them only during this day, but also to keep them in mind for the rest of the year.

  • Attitude is capable of ending any cancer
  • You are going to become a survivor and a brave warrior who never gives up.
  • can be a victim or a cancer survivor. It’s a way of thinking
  • hope, smile and unconditional love of your loved ones will be your best weapons.
  • day I look in the mirror and ask myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am going to do today?’ If the answer is ‘no’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something
  • long as there is life… there is hope… and as long as you want, you can
  • does not always make an appearance. Sometimes that courage is a weak voice at the end of the day that encourages us to try tomorrow.
  • Cling to life, fight, be inspired by others and let yourself be taken care of by your loved ones
  • It is not only your thing; the others will always be by your side.
  • Each new day will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate life, love and your well-being.
  • Remember these words when you feel like you can’t anymore
  • Famous quotes to read on World Cancer Day
  • Whether you have suffered from the disease on your skin, that you have accompanied a loved one in this difficult stage or that you want to empathize with those who are having a hard time, a good way to do it is to spend a few minutes reading some famous phrases and quotes to reflect on cancer.
  • When a person is sick, they usually think that life is unfair, but it is more common to forget to appreciate and say thank you when you are healthy.
  • Death is not an enemy, gentlemen. If we are going to fight against any disease, let’s do it against the worst of all: indifference
  • Health is something we tend to truly appreciate when we no longer have it
  • Illnesses are the interest paid for pleasures

What is your opinion of this quote about International Cancer Day?

  • when you finish a long health treatment do not think about the suffering that was necessary to face, but about the blessing of God that allowed your cure
  • Freedom and health are similar: their true value is known when we lack them
  • The River cuts the rock not because of its strength, but because of its persistence
  • Another way of saying “never gives up”.
  • The only way to stay healthy is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not do.
  • Disease research has advanced so much that it is increasingly difficult to find someone who is completely healthy.
  • your natural forces, those that are within you, will be the ones that will cure your illnesses
  • the great error in the treatment of diseases is that there are doctors for the body and for the soul, although they cannot be separated.
  • You may be a cancer victim or survivor. It’s a way of thinking
  • With breast cancer, it’s all about detection. You have to educate young women and encourage them to do everything they have to do
  • Old age is the only disease from which one no longer hopes to ever be cured.
  • Illness makes health good, hunger makes you full, and tiredness makes you rest.
  • When we are healthy, we easily give good advice to the sick
  • The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to us
  • The greatest discovery of generations is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude
  • Cancer is complicated and scary. You throw everything, but don’t forget to throw love too. Turns out it might just be the best weapon of all.
  • Love life, yours, the one that the Lord has given you and defends it above all things
  • It affects us all. Whether you are a man or a woman: take care
  • Take care of yourself always and at all times, not just when the disease knocks on your door.
  • We end with a batch of phrases that try to raise awareness about a disease with which hundreds of people are diagnosed each year. Share them with whoever you consider appropriate and do not forget about them, they can be your source of encouragement in the lowest moments.
  • Together we can build a world where cancer no longer means living in fear or without hope.
  • Cancer taught me to stop saving things for a special occasion. Every day is special. You don’t have to have cancer to live life to the fullest. My post-cancer philosophy? There is no waste of time. There are no ugly clothes. No boring movies
  • Science and medicine deal with the body, while philosophy deals with the mind and soul, as necessary to a doctor as food and air.
  • Words are medicine for the suffering soul
  • Always fight with determination. Never give up
  • Cancer opens many doors. One of the most important is your heart
  • When you have a disease like cancer, you look at life a little differently. Some things that were important don’t seem as important as they were
  • The kingdom of heaven is not a place; it is a state of mind

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