41 phrases of April: beautiful quotes and short sayings of the spring month

It is time to pause to reflect. Let’s look back, let’s look forward, but let’s stop in the now for a moment because comes despite everything. And with April comes spring as well, nature begins to wake up after the cold winter and hope turns a deeper green. Because in the end everything will be fine, if not, it’s not the end. And because spring always returns to our lives, take a minute to think about the best April phrases.  we bring you a compilation of beautiful quotes and short sayings about this month. Take note!

Phrases related to the month of April

April is almost certainly the most inspiring month of the year. It is the month in which flowers are born and nature is reborn. And we can do the same, fill ourselves with energy, feel lighter and stop carrying all the weight of winter. It’s spring!

  1. April gives a youthful spirit to everything
  2. April is a promise that May must keep
  3. Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush
  4. Who has stolen the month of April?
  5. Spring is nature’s way of saying: let’s celebrate!
  6. They can cut all the flowers but they can’t stop the spring
  7. With freedom, books, flowers and the moon, which can’t be happy?
  8. There are always flowers for those who wish to see them
  9. When a flower opens, it is spring all over the world
  10. A house full of books and a garden full of flowers
  11. As long as there is spring in the world, there will be poetry!
  12. I keep the light days, the dark ones I return to destiny
  13. I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees

Precious appointments to bloom in April

By flourishing, we flourish up to us. For this reason, April is the perfect month to motivate ourselves, to, to inspire us to keep going. Do you need extra help to motivate yourself?

  1.  do the best with what you can and let the rest happen.
  2. The dry seasons of life do not last. Spring will return again
  3. Don’t expect extraordinary opportunities. Take ordinary occasions and make them grand
  4. Men cannot discover new oceans unless they have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
  5. Turn your head towards the sun and the shadows will be behind you
  6. if you really love nature, you will find beauty everywhere
  7. the most beautiful springs are those that come from the most terrible winters
  8. Nature is pleased with simplicity
  9. Embrace the rhythm of nature; his secret is patience
  10. If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.
  11. We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorny bushes have roses.
  12. Winter is in my head but eternal spring is in my heart
  13. Spring is the time for plans and projects
  14. No winter lasts forever; there is no spring that skips its turn
  15. There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in
  16. One thing is certain in this world, there will always be more springs
  17. Where flowers bloom, so does hope

Short sayings that speak of April

We are one step away from being able to reap the harvest. Popular wisdom has the month of April in its sights, one of the most important when it comes to reaping the fruits of effort.

  1. April showers create May flowers
  2. In April, two hours of siesta is sleeping
  3. In April a thousand come out of one grain
  4. April without hail, God did not
  5. Vine that does not sprout in April, little wine goes to the barrel
  6. Neither April without flowers, nor youth without love
  7. In April waters a thousand, if not at the beginning, in the middle or at the end
  8. In April you cut a thistle and you get a thousand
  9. In April the flower begins to shine
  10. Winter hasn’t passed until April is over

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