43 December phrases: quotes and sayings for the last month of the year

We change the season in December and also the year. This is a very special month and not only because is coming, but because it is a perfect time to shed your skin, to look back a few seconds and return your attention to the present to fully enjoy this moment. And, of course, it is a month to set new goals for the future. We have some quotes, sayings and phrases from December so that the end of the year is more significant than ever. Aim!

Famous quotes of December and winter

It not only inspires spring. December and the arrival of winter are also reasons to celebrate and reflect. The cold invites us to collect ourselves and to introspect, and December invites us to get rid of the past to accept what is to come.

Who doesn’t look for love when December arrives? Even children pray to Santa Claus

Rod McKean

Who’s up for a Christmas?

When dark December darkens the day, it takes our autumn joys with it

Walter Scott

But had brought us many joys?

December, being the last month of the year, can only help us think about what is coming

Fennel Hudson

December is undoubtedly the month of hope.

I heard a bird sing in the dark December, a magical thing, and a sweet thing to remember. We are closer to spring

Oliver Herford

For fans of spring. You have to be aware that it cannot be all year round.

Winter, what a long season, it is time to gather the golden moments, embark on a sentimental adventure and enjoy every hour of leisure

John Boswell

Or did you think that winter could not be enjoyed as much assumer?

It seems that everything sleeps in the winter, but it is actually a time of renewal and reflection.

Elizabeth Camden

Don’t fall asleep; you have to get going for the New Year.

What good is the heat of summer, without the cold of winter to sweeten it?

John Steinbeck

We insist that all seasons are precious.

The color of spring is in; the color of winter in fantasy

Terri guillemots

Let’s put fantasy, imagination and creativity to work.

Keeping a warm heart in winter is the real win

Marty Rubin

Well, this winter we will win for sure.

Summers always fly, winters walk

Charles M. Schulz

Don’t you get the impression that winter lasts longer than summer?

it reminded me of the silence that reigns on the coldest days of winter, when it hurts to breathe and everything is calm.

Patrick Roth fuss

Recollection scenes in.

In the depths of winter I finally learned that inside me lived an invincible summer.

Albert Camus

One of the most famous phrases that is a whole life lesson.

The best Christmas phrases for December celebrations

Like it or not, we cannot ignore Christmas. And, for this reason, we have proposed to enjoy it despite everything. Because there are always reasons to be thankful, reasons to love and reasons to enjoy.

Christmas is not a date; it’s a state of mind

Mary Ellen Chase

It’s like pain or cold, they don’t exist, they’re just in your mind.

Christmas is the time to miss home, even when you’re there.

Carol nelson

Missing is one of the most frequent activities at Christmas.

will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it throughout the year

Charles Dickens

It would make an excellent New.

I wish we could put the spirit of Christmas in jars and open a jar every month of the year

Harlan Miller

Are you in for a permanent Christmas?

Christmas waves a magic wand over the world, and because of it, everything is softer and more beautiful.

Norman Vincent Peale

The magic of Christmas is undeniable.

Christmas is a must. There has to be at least one day in the year to remind us that we are here for more than just ourselves.

Arnold Eric Severed

It wouldn’t be bad if we remembered it every day.

Christmas is not an event, but a part of your home that you always carry in your heart

Freya Madeline Stark

On the.

the only people who are truly blind at Christmas time are the ones who don’t have Christmas in their hearts.

Helen Adams Keller

Look into your heart and you will see how you find Christmas magic.

At Christmas, all roads lead home.

Marjorie Holmes

Wherever you are.

The memory, like a candle, shines brighter at Christmas

Charles Dickens

Both the bad and the good memories.

Motivational phrases to cheer you up in December

It is true that Christmas can cause a certain depressed, as well as the cold and lack of sun. Do you need a little boost of encouragement? Let’s go there with these motivating phrases for December!

When you choose hope, anything is possible

Christopher Reeve

Well, let’s not lose hope.

Listen, I wish I could tell you that everything gets better. But it doesn’t get better. It is you who improves

Joan Rivers

Personal power in the face of circumstances.

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant

Robert Louis Stevenson

Sometimes we get impatient and want to see the results immediately.

I hope that whoever you are, wherever you are, and however you feel, you always have something to smile about.

Stabber Khan

A reason to smile and another to thank.

If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always a second chance. What we call failure is not falling, but not getting up

Mary Pickford


Good things happen every day. We just have to realize them

Anne Wilson Schaeffer

Let’s look a little better.

Think big but savor the small pleasures

  1. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Appreciating the small pleasures is how you will reach the greatest.

happy doesn’t mean you’re perfect. It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections

KB Indiana

Indirect for perfectionists and self-demanding people.

Hold on to a place within you where there is joy, and joy will incinerate the pain

Joseph Campbell

We tried?

Compared to trying and winning, the next best thing that can happen to you is trying and failing.

L.M. Montgomery

Seen like that, it’s not that bad, is it?

Today was a difficult day, tomorrow will be better

Kevin honks

Because anyone has a bad afternoon.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

Wayne Dyer


Wait for trouble and eat it for breakfast

Alfred A. Mont pert

What are you going to have for breakfast tomorrow?

The most popular sayings of December

The proverb reserves a special place for December and popular wisdom leaves us with these warnings and recommendations.

In December, there is no brave who does not tremble

December and equality.

December is an old man, who wrinkles his skin

December and humility.

December, days of bitterness, justdawnand it’s already a dark night

But it is a good reason to fill the house with candles.

Until Christmas, you will not go hungry or cold

Then we’ll see when the January slope arrives.

Sunrise and sunset, in December they are almost at the same time

Proverb exaggerating a little.

By December the thunder announces a good year

In December 2019 no thunder was heard, we expect a lot for this and other months of December.

In December, a mild day, it is that it comes blown

But before the wind arrives, we enjoy a mild day to the full.

In December, milk and sleep

Tips for the day after.

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