43 phrases for Peace Day: messages and images against violence

On September 21, the International Day of Peace is celebrated, a day to reflect and contribute our bit to make our world a better place. We can do it from our homes, raising awareness among our loved ones so that they appreciate and value peace. We can also collaborate with some cause of an organization that works for world peace, or perhaps we can go one step further and help more directly to achieve concord and harmony on planet Earth.

Whatever we do, any gesture in this sense is an incredibly valuable contribution, for this reason, we wanted to honor this special and necessary day with 43 phrases for Peace Day. Write down and share these messages and images against violence! Always say NO to war!

How the International Day of Peace was born and when it is celebrated

  • In 1981 the General Assembly of the United Nations declared September 21 as the International Day of Peace, in order to strengthen the ideals of peace that began to be established after the Second World War and the end of the Cold War. In 2001, this day was also designated as a day of non-violence and ceasefire. Thus, the International Day of Peace has had a special relevance, since the UN invites all nations to cease hostilities that still generate many wars on our planet today.
  • Thus, the countries that join this initiative hold educational and public awareness days on world peace. Although it is only one day, perhaps it will help all nations understand the importance of peace and help new generations place peace as a world priority that allows the prosperity of the peoples.

Famous phrases that make us reflect on peace

Do we really know what peace means? If you live in a nation at peace, do you value its importance for you and your loved ones, as well as for future generations? If you live in a nation at war or with a hidden war, perhaps you can understand more the importance of peace. We invite you to read these phrases of peace pronounced by famous people who, without a doubt, will make you reflect on this topic.

The peace begins with a smile

Teresa of Calcutta

What a precious phrase to teach it to all our loved ones. With a smile we can start to change.

 Men build many walls but few bridges


More than a thousand useless words, a single one that grants peace is worth

Sometimes saying the right thing, the exact words, can help to create harmony in our environment. Nations should take this phrase into account.

There is no way to peace, peace is the way

Mahatma Gandhi

If societies do not begin to understand that our path to prosperity is peace, we will never be able to respect each other.

The most disadvantageous peace is better than the most just war

Erasmus of Rotterdam

This phrase is also absolutely right. We prefer peace to war, it will always be infinitely better.

May the peace that you announce with your words is first in your hearts.

Francis of Assisi

Because it is important to believe in peace from the heart. The speeches about world peace are of no use if deep down they are not willing to carry them out.

If you want peace, don’t talk to your friends. Talk to your enemies

Moshe Dayan

Because in dialogue there is understanding, even in dialogue with our enemies.

Not enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it and work for it


Peace must be an objective in the day-to-day work.

Either we all walk towards peace together, or we will never find it.


Exact! It is an effort by all of us, as citizens we must work to achieve peace among the nations of the world.

Peace is the target to which they direct their intent and the good to which all things aspire.

Fray Luis de Leon

Because peace is everyone’s business, it should be something that we all aspire to as human beings.

peace is not for sale


This wise phrase from the U2 musician gives a lot to think about: unfortunately, in reality, war today is for sale. We must not allow peace to be too.

When the power of love surpasses the love of power, the world will know peace.

Jimi Hendrix

Love can be way to find world peace

You cannot separate peace from freedom, because no one can be at peace, unless they have their freedom.

Malcolm x

When all human beings, then we will be at peace.

War is the cowardly way out of the problems of peace

Thomas man

Wise phrase, because it is natural that there are problems between societies and human beings, but we must learn to solve them through dialogue and understanding, not through war.

Peace obtained at the tip of the sword is nothing more than a truce

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

Because peace cannot be achieved through force. It is a historical lesson that we seem to have yet to learn.

Peace is not something you wish for, it is something you create, something you do, something you are, and something you give away.

John Lennon

The multifaceted singer of The Beatles was absolutely right. You have to work every day to have peace in your life, in your community, in your society and, consequently, in the world.

He who has peace in his conscience, has everything

Don Boscov

If we were all at peace with ourselves, even the powerful, perhaps we would achieve world peace. What do you think?

Before we achieve world peace we have to find peace in the streets

Tupac Shakur

The phrase of this rapper who lived for a long time in the poor neighborhoods of the United States and knew the hard life of the streets is very true. If we were able to live peacefully with our neighbors, world peace would be much easier, because we would learn tube.

Peacekeeping begins with the self-satisfaction of each individual

Dalai Lama

A wise phrase from the Dalai that makes you thinks. What is it that really satisfies us as human beings?

Peoples up in arms will never achieve prosperity

The South African activist was right. War only leads to the destruction of peoples.

Peace’s’ is not the absence ofviolence; peace must come from our inner peace. And inner peace comes from taking into account the interests of others

Dalai Lama

To feel at peace, we must be sociable and love all other human beings,and plants.

Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If in our hearts we still cling to anything – anger, anxiety or possessions – we cannot be free.

Itch Nat Hahn

A wise message of ‘non-violence’ that makes us reflects on the importance of freedom achieve peace.

True love is born of understanding


Understanding each other is the step we must take to truly love each other and thus achieve peace among all human beings.

What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love

Teresa of Calcutta

A simple gesture that contains behind it a heroic act of courage, because loving truly is the beginning of peace.

Peace is not the absence of war; it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition to benevolence, trust and justice.

Baruch Spinoza

It is not just about not being violent, but also about loving, trusting, believing in justice and being kind to our neighbor.

Peace cannot be maintained by force. It can only be achieved through understanding

Albert Einstein

The scientist knew very well that understanding is the key to achieving peace.

I don’t want the peace that passes all understanding, I want the understanding that brings peace

Helen Kelly

Because peace does not need to be understood, it needs to be practiced.

without peace there will be no love

Bono Martinez

Peace and love go hand in hand, because without peace there is no true, and without love there will be no peace.

That poverty is better in peace than miserable wealth in war

Lope de Vega

The playwright already said it; money cannot be the engine of peace or war.

If everyone demanded peace instead of another TV, and then there would be peace.

John Lennon

Yes, as citizens we must commit ourselves to demand and demand the peace of our peoples.

love and peace, and we will make it come true

John Lennon

First imagine it; you will like it so much that you will do everything possible to achieve peace. Can you imagine a world at peace? Wouldn’t that be incredibly wonderful?

Shooting down and destroying is very easy. Heroes are those who build and work for peace

Nelson Mandela

A war is much easier for the powerful than doing everything possible to achieve peace.

If you want to change the world, change yourself

Mahatma Gandhi

Because before going out to work for peace, you have to check yourself inside. How many times do you allow yourself to be carried away by your own intolerance, by your fears and by you?

An eye for an eye and the whole world will go blind

Mahatma Gandhi

As Gandhi said, the best way to achieve peace is forgiveness.

 Peace is a gift from God and, at the same time, everyone’s task

John Paul ii

Peace is not built by itself, it exists, but we are responsible for maintaining it.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Peace is light and through love we could expel hate from our lives.

The first condition for peace is the will to achieve it

Juan Luis Vies

Without that will it can never be carried out. Wise phrase Renaissance philosopher Juan Luis Vies.

When they asked me about a weapon capable of counteracting the power of the atomic bomb, I suggested the best of all: peace.

Albert Einstein

And in harmony we should always live.

They all want peace, and to ensure it, they make more weapons than ever before.

Antonio Minogue

What’s the point of that? Perhaps what happens is that peace is not desired with the heart. World peace cannot be achieved through fear, which is what drives war.

The only way to bring peace to earth is to learn to make our own life peaceful.


If each individual on earth made his peaceful, perhaps we would all live in peace. What do you think of this reflection of Buddha?

Looking for peace is like looking for a turtle with a mustache: you won’t be able to find it, but when your heart is ready, peace will come looking for you.

Ajani Chan

The Buddhist teacher left us this phrase that makes us question the interior of one. Finding inner peace is essential so that we can live in peace.

Nothing is more valuable than peace. Peace is the most basic starting point for the progress of humanity

Diasakos iced

We should want peace as the most valuable of treasures. Valuing peace is really one of our pending subjects.

Revenge only breeds violence, not clarity or true peace. I believe liberation must come from within

Sandra Cisneros

As the writer says, only through forgiveness can we achieve peace.

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