44 February phrases: beautiful quotes and sayings for the month of love

The second month of the year is quite cold and we are not just referring to the weather. The mood is usually low in February, but that’s only because we don’t notice that spring is just around the corner. And, in addition, this month has a very special date for all those who believe in love, whether they have a partner or not: Valentine’s. Let’s get ready to go downhill and continue the year with more energy than ever with these February phrases to reflect on. Which of these beautiful quotes and sayings for the month of love do you prefer?

Phrases about the month of February

It’s still winter, it’s still cold; we’re still a little sleepy making plans at home. But, in reality, there is nothing left  arrive, to meet the sun again and to get out from under the blanket. Are we ready? Let’s get ready with these motivating phrases about the month of February!

February is the border between winter and spring

Terri guillemots

Before you know it you’ll be crossing the border into spring.

Although February is the shortest month of the year; it sometimes seems like the longest.

JD Robb

Is this month heavy for you? Don’t see it that way; it’s that you’re getting your strength back to give it your all in spring.

February is when the winter days seem endless and we have no recollection of the summer air.

Shirley Jackson

Do you really not remember summer?

February brings with it the rains and thaws the frozen lake again

Sarah Coleridge

If you have something frozen in your heart, take advantage of it in February.

Keep faith in beautiful things, in the sun when it’s hidden, in spring when it hasn’t come yet.

Roy R Gibson

February has the beauty of imagining what is to come.

The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts far out of proportion to their size.

Gertrude Wister

Don’t you think that little that herald’s spring is fabulous?

Always, in February, there is a day when at least one perceives the aroma, however distant, of summer

Gertrude Jekyll

Of course, that you remember summer in the middle of February, when else?

There is promise in every problem, a rainbow after every storm, and a little warmth in every winter.

John Powell

The cold February is fought with high doses of poetry.

The wind has stopped and under the trees there is that supernatural light that follows the rain

Marguerite Dura’s

He who does not see beauty INS because he does not look well.

People don’t realize if it’s winter or summer when they’re happy

Anton Chekhov

There are no seasons for happiness.

Phrases about love and Valentine’s Day to reflect on in February

There is a special date in February that does not go unnoticed by anyone. For better or for worse, February It is Valentine’s Day and it’s time to celebrate love in style. What does love mean to you?

you know you’re in love because your reality is finally better than your dreams

Dry Seuss

Life tastes better when you fall in love.

The kiss is the shortest distance between two lovers

Amy Bungling

Don’t miss the kisses on Valentine’s Day (or the rest of the year).

Your eyes are my spell against the bad day

What do you think as a declaration of love?

A world is born when two kiss

Octavio Paz

The magic of kisses is capable of creating worlds.

it seems, when you love, that the whole world has a rumor of spring

Juan Ramon Jimenez

And that we are still in February.

Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the journey worth while

Franklin P. Jones

Who do you want to travel the world with?

Love is like a fever: it breaks out and increases against our will.


Sometimes a disease.

Love is invisible and goes in and out wherever it wants, without anyone asking for an account of its deeds.

Miguel de Cervantes

Uncontrollable love.

Love is the strongest of passions, because it attacks the head, the heart and the body at the same time.


We are not sure that Voltaire was only talking about love.

in art as in love, instinct is enough

Anatole French

Attention! Be very careful with the instinct that is sometimes joking and we believe it.

never stop smiling, even when you’re sad, because you never know who might fall in love with your smile.

Don’t miss the smiles.

Love never starves; frequently of indigestion

Niño of Lenclos

Surely you have ever had a love story indigestible.

Loving yourself is the beginning of an eternal love story

Oscar Wilde

But the most important thing in life, the most important love is the.

Famous quotes to motivate you in February

You already know that motivation does not last forever and you have to feed it almost daily. So to keep you feeling excited and energized in February, we have some very inspiring famous quotes.

If you haven’t found it, keep looking

Steve Jobs

Have you found it yet?

The most wasted days are those where there is no laughter

  1. E. Cummings

With laughter the world looks differently.

If you’re not making mistakes, and then you’re not making decisions.

Catherine Cook

Have you started making decisions yet?

You can’t beat the person who never gives up.

Babe Ruth

Always invincible.

Happiness often slips through a door you didn’t know you had left open

John Barrymore

The same goes for opportunities, let you be surprised.

In life there are as many special occasions as times we choose to celebrate them

Robert Brail

Today we are celebrating that it Isa.

No matter the situation, remind yourself of this idea: “I have options”

Deepak Chopra

Even if you don’t see the options right now, there always are.

Life changes very quickly, and in a positive way, if you let it.

Lindsey Venn

Allow you to change.

Retry. she fails again. Fail better

Samuel becket

We fear failure because we don’t want to understand what precisely allows us to succeed.

Life has no remote control. Get up and change it on your own

Mark A Cooper

Regardless of unavoidable circumstances, you have all the power in your life.

The world is full of magic patiently waiting for our wits to hone

Bertrand Russell

Look for your magic, you have it.

When we do not know which port we are heading to, all the winds are unfavorable


Do you already know where you are going?

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear

Jeffrey Gomer

Then you have to face that fear.

The best sayings of February

Do you want to know what popular wisdom says about the month? We already anticipate that he takes it for a very crazy month. Let’s go there with these sayings!

Bundle up for February, with two layers and a hat

And with everything you have in the closet.

February water, fill the barn

With a full barn the year gets along better.

In February, one day in the sun and another in the brazier

The weather in February is changeable.

February the unruly did not exceed twenty-eight; if he had thirty, no one with him could

For those who think that February is eternal.

For San Blas (February 3), plant figs and you will eat

All in due time.

Proverbs that are not true and Februaries that are not crazy, few

This one at least is.

February sun rarely lasts a whole day

Don’t trust the February sun.

In February the crazy, no day is like another

The proverb encouraging you to break the routine.

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