44 phrases for January: quotes and sayings to start the year with enthusiasm

Not every year is going to be terrible, and we’re not going to have to go to great lengths to make. But, it is true, regardless of the events over which we have no control; we have to do something on our part so that the New Year brings us happiness. Ace? We have selected some phrases for January to help us reflect and so that our energy lasts all year. Write down these quotes and sayings to start the year with enthusiasm!

Powerful phrases about January and the New Year

Celebrating New Year’s Eve is also celebrating and the arrival of the month of January. Let’s receive them with a smile and with these beautiful phrases.

January. let go of yesterday. Let today be a new beginning, be the best person you can be.

Joel Osteen

May your New Year’s resolutions not lack being a better person every day?

January the month of empty pockets

Simony Gabrielle Colette

The Januarys a reality that we must face as soon as possible.

With January comes snow, and it makes our feet and toes sparkle.

Sarah Coleridge

We can all shine in winter.

It’s a new beginning and like a phoenix I will rise from the ashes and won’t let anyone stop me.

Xavier Wilson

Do you want to start from scratch?

I hope that this year you make mistakes, because making mistakes means doing new things, learning, living and changing the world.

Neil Gagman

That said, we are going for new errors.

Hope smiles at me from the threshold of the coming year and whispers to me that this will be happier.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Never the best is yet to come.

Tomorrow will be the first blank page of a book with 365 pages. Write a good story

Brad Paisley

What story awaits you this New Year?

Happy New Year and happy new opportunity to do things right

Oprah Winfrey

We will try to do them well.

It wouldn’t be a new year if you didn’t have the odd regret

William Thomas

And you, what do you regret?

Let each New Year find the best version of yourself

Benjamin Franklin

This year you can be a little better.

May all your problems last as long as your New Year’s resolutions!

Joey Adams

With our best wishes.

Phrases about winter and snow ideal for January

A new year begins, it is January, it is the middle we love that the snow falls because it helps us to do that cleaning and renovation that we need. Take note of these wonderful January phrases !

It is the life of the crystal, the architect of the snowflake, it is the fire of the frost, the soul of the solar ray. This crisp winter air is full of it

John Burroughs

We adore summer, but winter also has its beauty.

It’s snowing outside and everything is calm and quiet. In those moments it is possible to believe that the world could still be good.

Richard Paul Evans

Hope it is green, but you can also find it in the white blanket of snow.

In winter we snuggle up with a good book and dream of keeping the cold away

Ben Aaronovich

Who signs up for this?

the snow that falls silently in the middle of the night will always fill my heart with sweet clarity.

Novella Take Moto

We associate winter with darkness, but we don’t count on the snow that brightens hearts.

The snow itself is solitary or, if you prefer, self-sufficient. There is no other time when the whole world seems to be made up of just one thing.

Joseph Wood Krutch

Introspection landscapes in winter.

The snow shines like a million little suns

Lama will miller

What if we see winter from another point of view?

The spring of the spirit blooms in winter

Antonio Portia

Do not stay without doing anything waiting arrive.

Keeping a warm heart in winter is the real win

Marty Rubin

Don’t let the cold settle in your heart.

spring, summer andfallfill us with hope; only winter reminds us of our human condition

Mignon McLaughlin

Could it be that in winter we see everything more objectively?

Snow provokes responses that date back to childhood

Andy Goldsworthy

It is inevitable to return to childhood on a snowy day.

Snow is fine on a good morning, but I like to be in bed when it falls.

J.R.R. Tolkien

The best place to enjoy the snow is, without a doubt, the bed.

Famous quotes to reflect on in January

The beginning of the year is a good time to reflect and make plans for the following months. Don’t forget, reflection is followed by action. Let’s go with some famous quotes from January !

There is no security in this life. There are only opportunities

Douglas MacArthur

Have you learned to better tolerate uncertainty yet?

There will come a time when everything you believe in will be over. That moment will be the new beginning

Louis Amour

The end of something is always the beginning of something else.

The most important investment you can make is in yourself.

Warren Buffett

This year invest in yourself.

Love yourself and everything else will fall into place.

Lucille Ball

You will see how when you, everything around you makes sense.

A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work

John Lubbock

But how do?

Reality is not what happens to us, but what we do with what happens to us

Aldous Huxley

Have you thought about what you are going to do with what is happening to you?

A man who does not feed on his dreams grows old soon

William Shakespeare

Never stop dreaming, not even in winter.

Don’t be afraid of perfection; you will never reach it

Salvador Dali

We are going to forget about being perfect and we are going to dedicate ourselves to enjoying ourselves more.

The future is not promised to anyone

Wayne Dyer

So you have to build it little by little.

Our greatest weakness is giving up. The best way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

Thomas an Edison

Don’t give up yet, please. Try again.

Light up tomorrow with today

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The light you create today will illuminate you in the.

You can’t cross the sea just looking at the water

Rabindranath Tagore

You have to get wet, you have to navigate.

The best sayings about the month of January

How could it be otherwise, popular wisdom has turned its attention tithe. File and burn in your head these sayings about the first month of the year !

Wet December, Frosty January

This is going to be a normal winter.

In the month of January the sun enters each stream

A much appreciated sun, in addition.

In January, fat sock and hat

Don’t forget them.

In January, the snow on the eaves

Waiting for the snow that begins the New Year.

January is a good gentleman if he doesn’t become windy

Winter winds.

Dusty January, rainy February

Who needs a meteorologist bearing sayings?

January sun, short-lived

Seen and unseen.

In January, close the door and light the brazier

In the month of January the clothes freeze on the clothesline

For those who do not have a dryer.

Of loves the first, of moons those of January

January moons are as unforgettable as first love.

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