44 phrases from Game of Thrones: famous quotes from the series not to forget

(Game of Thrones) is one of those series that you may not have seen but that you know and know what it is about because of how popular and famous it is, it is on everyone’s lips! Double merit because it has not lost a single one of its fans despite how long it is. Not only is it interesting and different, but it is also perfect for extracting a few lessons, reflecting on them and sharing them with others. So, without further introductions, get ready to enjoy with nothing less than 44 phrases from Game of Thrones. You are going to love these famous quotes from the series to remember!

The most popular phrases of Game of Thrones

It belongs to the HBO platform, it is based on the George RR Martin fiction novels, it has 8 seasons, many awards and prizes, almost everyone likes it… Yes! You’re right! We are talking about Game of Thrones, the series that is even mentioned in other series. There must be a reason! We let you know their best phrases, which are the ones we liked the most and, if you see that we are missing any, tell us in comments, do you think?

The man who passes the sentence must wield the sword

Edward Stark

If someone has the audacity to influence the of another person, they cannot do anything other than get fully involved in it.

Love is the death of duty

Ammon Margarine

Do you agree? We are not, we are fans of, but of course it gives us food for thought.

A man without motives is a man whom no one suspects.

Pettier Abolish ‘Little finger’

This sentence ends like this: ‘ Keep your enemies confused. If they don’t know who you are or what you want, they won’t be able to know what you plan to do next.’ What a strategy!

The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands.

Deanery’s Margarine

There are things that it is better not to play with, don’t you think?

All hallways lead somewhere. Where there is an entrance, there is an exit

Sana Stark

It reminds us of the ‘all roads lead to Rome’. And also to this other one: ‘when a door closes a window opens’.

I will take what is mine, with fire and blood!

Deanery’s Margarine

Undoubtedly a declaration of war from before.

The gods have no mercy, that’s why they are gods

Cerise Banister

Deities have no regard for human feelings.

All men must die. But we are not men

Deanery’s Margarine

We will be immortal!

Hate is good if it keeps us going

Sander ‘The Dog’ Cleaned

In this fictional saga we see more than once that hate is a feeling that acts as an engine to keep going.

The strongest trees grow in the darkest places

Bryn den Tully

This talks about the resilience of each one that, by the way, can be worked on.

Occasional kindness will save you all sorts of trouble down the road.

Cerise Banister

Kindness can be part of our strategy. Now this other phrase comes to mind: ‘kindness is something that costs nothing and gives a lot in return’. What is all the reason in the world?

We will defend the Wall to the last man

Eddy Toilet

Eddy Tolled is a member of the Night’s Watch; he is in charge of motivating to defend the wall from attacks.

Phrases to reflect on the Game of Thrones series

As we mentioned before, this fictional series is based on the literature saga called ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’. In it, elements of the medieval fantasy genre are mixed with political dramas and thrillers. Is that one of the keys to your success? We continue with another batch of phrases!

What we don’t know is what usually kills us

Pettier Abolish

Ignorance can shake the world.

Any man who has to say ‘I am the king’ is not a real king.

Twin Banister

What a curious phrase, right? It could well be worth putting on the profile of ours.

ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is

Brand Stark

It is for phrases like this that the series has generated so much interest among viewers.

Let me give you some advice, bastard. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.


Undoubtedly a lesson that we can apply tour.

Money buys a man’s silence for a while. An arrow in the heart always buys it

Little finger

What a hint!

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?

Jamie Banister

This seems taken from a fable of a lifetime.

Sometimes there is no happy option, only one that is less serious than the others.

Jon Snow

Sometimes there is no good side, just a less bad side.

when the snow falls and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.

Sana Stark

better in a team; you become stronger than being alone.

Sometimes when trying to understand a person’s motives, I like to play a game: I assume the worst.

Jon Snow

The same is not a bad method, positive of course not, but you will avoid taking surprises.

You don’t need powders and potions, my queen. You don’t need lies. You are strong enough to look into the light of our Lord and see the truth with your own eyes, Melisandre.

Little finger

How beautiful!

What is honor, compared to the love of a woman? What is duty, compared to the warmth of a newborn child in your arms, or the memory of a brother’s smile?

Master Ammon

This phrase that has become so popular ends like this: ‘Air and words. Air and words. We are only human, and the gods made us for love. It is our greatest glory and our worst tragedy.’

When playing Game of Thrones, you can only win or die.

Cerise Banister

It seems that there is no middle option.

The world is full of horrible things, but they are all like trays of cakes next to death.

Glenna Tyrell

Seen like this… he is still absolutely right; that is why they say that there is only one thing in that has no remedy, solution or turning back.

Some of the most memorable phrases from the Game of Thrones series

Phrases from Game of Thrones there are many but, you will agree with us, that some are more memorable than others. These are exactly what we are revealing to you now, sentences that could even be said to come from the mouth of the best of all time. Take good note!

I did what I thought was right and they killed me for it

Jon Snow

There are always risks to be taken, even more so when the truth is told.

Bastards are born of passion, right? We don’t dismiss them in Drone

Oberon Martell

Phrases one of our favorites!

All rulers are one of two things, either butchers or meat

Dario Ansaris

They say that it is a fictional series with very realistic overtones, do you also think so?

There is no creature on earth that is as terrifying as a truly righteous man.


Justice and truth often terrify us.

I think mothers and fathers invented the gods because they wanted their children to sleep through the night.

Davos Seaworthy

Come on, don’t stories for this purpose!

I was nothing. And when you’re nothing, you have no reason to fear

Sawmill barley

He, who says he has nothing, has nothing to lose.

Why, when one man builds a wall, does the next man immediately need to know what’s on the other side?

Tyron Banister

Curiosity is part of the instinct of the human being, what can we do?

It doesn’t matter what we want, once we get it, then we want something else.

Pettier Abolish

It’s like a child’s game, you want something, you get it, you stop valuing it and, instantly, a new thing comes to your mind.

If you think this will have a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention.

Ram say Bolton

Surely you remember perfectly when you heard this phrase from Game of Thrones.

The past is already written. The ink is already dry

Three eyed raven

Therefore, nothing can be done. It’s time to look to the future.

Game of Thrones messages to always remember

We have not finished yet, we still have to see a few phrases from Game of Thrones, only that these are to always remember, because of how much we liked them, the reflection that they invite us to do and why, some of them, we can apply to our life. You learn from everything!

The man who is afraid of losing has already lost.

Aria Stark

Well, there you have the first onto, how interesting!

The worst always live

Sana Stark

Or said through: ‘weed never dies’.

The more people you love, the weaker you are

Cerise Banister

What do you think? We dare to say that it is just the opposite.

We can’t choose who we love

Jamie Banister

If we could, the world would become a boring and predictable place.

The mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone.

Tyron Banister

With this other phrase we couldn’t agree more.

I was never as alive as when I was winning this throne, nor as dead as now that I have won it.

Robert parathion

Challenge achieved, mind that remains empty waiting to host a new one.

A bastard has to learn to notice everything, to discover the truths that people hide behind their eyes.

Tryon Banister

A bastard and any other human being, the same way we could beat.

Broken legs healed with time, but some betrayals rotted and poisoned the soul.

Tyron Banister

It is an act like that that makes confidence vanish leaving us touched from the inside.

I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should be trying to save the kingdom to win the throne

Stannic Parathion

If you can’t achieve what you want, take a look at your goals. 

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