45 phrases for Three Kings Day (to congratulate and accompany gifts)

Christmas comes to envelop us with its magic and we have several special dates in which that magic becomes even more important. One of those days is Three Kings Day or Three Kings Night, which both excite us equally. They excite us all, small but also large. So we have thought that in addition the New Year, we are also going to congratulate our loved ones on Three Kings Day. Have you already thought about how you are going to do it?  We have 45 phrases for Three Kings Day both to congratulate and to accompany gifts. In addition, we leave you some interesting curiosities about this date. Take note of everything!

The origin of the tradition of the Magi

Three Kings Day is a magical and special day in which gifts. But we don’t want to forget the origin of this tradition, because sometimes the meaning is lost between shopping centers and competitions for the most expensive gift.

  • The night of January 5 is when the whole mechanism of happiness and illusion starts, although you must first writes that they get the gifts right. Don’t put too many expectations in that letter because these three wizards from the east have too much work for a single day and stress can wreak havoc in the form of misunderstandings, forgetfulness or confusion.
  • But that night, January 5, they arrive in their magnificent cavalcade mounted on their camels, with all their retinue worthy of kings; or some magicians. Melcher, Gaspar and Balthazar arrive loaded with gifts for everyone because a night like this but from a long time ago they reached the portal of Bethlehem following a star to present themselves before the newborn Jesus with gold, incense and myrrh. That time the entourage was more discreet and the gifts were fewer than today, but we already know that beginnings are always complicated.
  • And since then they repeat, for more than 2,000 years, the Three Wise Men have not missed their appointment with all the houses of the world for a single year. Well, not everyone, because of this magical tradition is.
  • But, who were the Magi? His true story
  • It seems that the Magi have been around forever, or at least since Jesus was born. But it turns out that the only possible mention that can be related to them appears in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, which speaks of some magicians (not kings) who come from the east to adore the king of the Jews who has just been born. Herod did not like this at all, because he did not want anyone, least of all a newborn, to take away his title of king, but that is another much less festive story than the one at hand.
  • These three magi would not appear again until the 6th century in a mosaic in the Basilica of Saint Apollinaire the New in Ravenna. Here their names are even mentioned, Melcher, Gaspar and Balthazar and an almost unknown legend is created. It seems that a healing remedy for some patients was to pronounce the name of the three magicians in their ears.
  • But the current tradition that children (and not so children) like so much arises in the Middle Ages. In Spain, the oldest document where they are mentioned is precisely in the Auto de los Reyes Magus, a 12th century manuscript where they do not appear as kings or magicians, but as astrologers. And then we would have to wait until the Renaissance and its fabulous pictorial works so that the whole culture could be created around these three characters, their clothing, their gifts, the star that guided them and their own appearance.
  • From then on, Three Kings Day has gained more or less importance depending on the country, but it is in Spain where this festivity is given the most importance and where the before and after ritual is scrupulously followed, the letter to the Three Wise Men, the parade, the food that is left in the window and the subsequent Reyes for breakfast on the 6th while all the gifts are unwrapped.
  • Phrases to congratulate Three Kings Day
  • Given the importance of this date, we thought it would be better to send. Who are you going to congratulate on Three Kings Day? To your nephews, your cousins, your siblings, your parents, your partner, your friends… The Christmas period is coming to an end, but don’t let your good wishes run out. This year Melcher, Gaspar and Balthazar will come loaded with enthusiasm and hope for everyone.

From the whole family and with all my heart. We wish you a happy night of kings

It is a classic and traditional message with which you are sure to hit the mark.

Let’s give children a toy and they will give us a smile that will brighten our soul

The true value of a child’s smile.

It is not the size of the gift that matters; it is the size of the heart that gives it.

Because gifts are always made from.

There is no better gift from Kings than the smile of the people who love us

Making others happy, that’s what matters.

Whether true or false, the wise men bring happiness and joy

That is the.

Today is January 5th and you have to sleep, because the Three Wise Men are coming

A message with which you will surely get.

Being next to family and friends is the most valuable Christmas gift of all

We are still in the Christmas period, don’t miss the true love.

Those of us who are lucky enough to know you know well that you are the best gift, Happy Kings!

This is a message for a very special person.

If you don’t know what to give your loved ones in Kings, give them your love

How is love

Happy Three Kings for the lucky ones, and also for those of us who eat coal

Some receive gifts, others a little coal.

Love is the best gift of Kings. I hope this year brings you the best of the best.

Can you wish someone something better than love?

Three wizards approach from the east… but the most magical thing in the universe is you

This phrase can be for your partner, but also for a very special friendship.

Of all gifts, big and small, your love is the greatest of them all.

A message that can change the day of the person who receives it.

This year I asked the Three Kings for a treasure and they brought you

Partner’s pillow on Three Kings Day.

Funny messages to wish Happy Kings

Humor cannot be missing at any time of the year, but especially at Christmas when feelings are on the surface and it is convenient to relax the atmosphere.

don’t wait for gifts this year. I’m having drinks with the Three Wise Men, and things have gotten out of hand…

Birds of a feather flock together.

Dear Wise Men, I will be brief: I want everything

Have you already written the letter to the Magi?

Protest against the Three Wise Men: We do NOT want more perfumes, pajamas or underwear. We want GIFTS!

The Three Kings customer service department informs you that you have requested a gift beyond your means. Please try again next year

Another year will be; this year you can give smiles.

The Three Wise Men bring gifts to the children who have behaved well this year and they come on the 5th, so you only have to behave well for 5 days

Doing the accounts so that he comes out to receive us.

If this year no one is going to give me anything for Three Kings Day don’t worry. Just tell me where they live and I’ll go for them

If Muhammad does not go to the mountain…

if on Twelfth Night you see Melcher get naked and get into your bed… explain to him that what you asked for was a VOLVO

Misunderstandings on Twelfth Night.

I want to work less than the Three Kings, who only do it once a year and it’s a lie

Twelfth Night, night of illusion; Twelfth Night, let’s dream a lot

A nice couplet with best wishes.

If you see that the Kings ask you to enter their sack of gifts, don’t be scared, it’s because I asked them to bring me a great treasure

Do you have a crush? Well, this message is for him.

I have asked the Three Wise Men to leave me in your bed tonight

Indecent Christmas proposals.

I already have the best gift of all: I have you in my life. Now all I need is a new bag

Phrases to reflect on Three Kings Day

It is worth taking a moment to reflect on the true meaning of Three Kings Day, just like we do with Christmas. Because sometimes the most commercial aspect of this date gets out of hand and we forget what it really means to give gifts.

When making a gift, the heart matters more than the wallet, because a gift is a wink of love or affection. A gift is a detail that tells that person how much we care, how much we appreciate them and how important our lives are. Giving a gift cannot become an obligation, making a gift is a blessing and an opportunity to.

There is nothing more beautiful than waking up on Three Kings Day and finding gifts as if we were children again

Yes, adults also enjoy the gifts of Kings.

Twelfth Night is a night of illusion, the most magical and special night to renew our love and affection for those who love us.

Don’t leave him alone in an, make Twelfth Night a very special night.

The best gifts are people, not things.

To keep it in mind throughout the year.

The best gifts are not bought, the best gifts are made

DIY as an alternative in.

Sometimes life gives us gifts when we no longer expect them

It usually happens like this.

Beautiful phrases to write in the gifts of Kings

The content of the Kings gift is important, the intention with which it is made as well. But, what if, in addition to your heart, your money and your time, you add something extra to that gift? We have some beautiful and very positive phrases.

May everything that comes be better than you are looking for, last longer than you expect and make you happier than you could imagine.

Let life surprise you.

Make your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile

The power of smiles.

I hope this year you are so happy that you don’t know if you live or dream

Best wishes for incredible happiness.

Do not wait to have everything to enjoy life. You already have life to enjoy everything!

Don’t wait, live now.

I hope all the good things follow you, find you and stay with you.

Today is a perfect day to be happy

What better way than today?

Let’s live and whatever happens

And surely what happens is good.

Wherever you go, go with all your heart

If you go with your heart, you go with everything.

Happiness is a recipe of its own. Discover yours

Take some time to find out what really makes you happy.

Think big but enjoy the small pleasures

Neither the most expensive nor the most exotic, sometimes is in your own hands.

Authentic people smell unforgettable

And to essential.

When nothing is certain everything is possible

A different way of.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

Who are those who believe in themselves?

some people look at the world and say: why? Others look at the world and say why not?

Well let’s try it.

The mystery of the gifts of the Magi

  • Everyone knows that the Magi brought gold, frankincense and myrrh to the newborn at the portal of Bethlehem as gifts. There is no agreement on who brought what but in reality it does not matter because they went together and could be gifts in common. Nor do we believe that Jesus, who had just been born, found these gifts very useful, but it seems that what mattered here was their symbolism of him.
  • Gold symbolized the kingly aspect of Jesus. Gold is what kings and the powerful have, it is something valuable, and as valuable as the person to whom it is offered. For its part, the incense alludes to the divine part of Jesus, because we are talking about the King of the Jews, but also about the son of God. In fact, in many cultures, incense is used as an aid to communicate with the divine or to develop the most spiritual aspect of one.
  • And myrrh… but what is myrrh? They say that myrrh, the third gift, symbolized the human aspect of Jesus, the carnal side. But this still doesn’t make it clear to us what exactly myrrh is. Because we have spent our lives saying that the Magi brought gold, incense and myrrh and the truth is that most of us don’t even know what it is.
  • Saint Google arrives today together with the Magi to bring us the gift of wisdom and tells us that myrrh is a resin extracted from the bark of a tree, which has a yellow or reddish color and that in ancient times it was used to make cosmetics, ointments and various medicines, which worked as an anesthetic for the terminally ill and was even used to embalm the dead.
  • Here the matter begins to get tragic and nothing is further from our intention that we are trying to. But asking the Magi for explanations about the reason for giving myrrh to a newborn, they tell us that it was to symbolize that Jesus, in addition to being king and God, also had his human part and as such would suffer some suffering that could be alleviated with myrrh.

Instructions to receive the Magi

  • Now that we are a little clearer about whom the Three Wise Men were and what gifts they brought from the East, we can empathize with them a little more and contribute our bit so that this year Three Kings Day is more special than ever. Are you already visualizing the you are going to eat that day? Well wait, before you have to do some more errands.
  • To spend a fabulous Three Kings Day, full of joy and with no room for disappointment, you must follow a series of instructions. Melcher, Gaspar and Balthazar, who are magicians as well as kings, know everything and have their own whims and needs. So let’s review the list of what we need to celebrate Three Kings Day in style:
  • +You have to be constant throughout the year and have not behaved so badly that they only bring us coal. Behaving well or badly is relative, but there is one thing that the Three Wise Men always take into account and that is that the number of mistakes you have made this year does not exceed the amount of learning you have accumulated. How is your balance in this regard?
  • +At the beginning of December, if procrastination does not overcome you, you have to write the letter from the Three Wise Men so that they know what you expect from that day. Do not hesitate to ask, there will be time to reduce the list of gifts. If at the beginning of your letter you make it very clear that you are most interested in bringing your health, love, self-esteem, illusion and hope, you have a better chance of them reading the letter completely and reaching those material whims that you have requested.
  • +On January 5 in the afternoon you have to go to the parade of the Three Kings, clap and smile and avoid the jostling of the people. You can collect candies, but you have to know that if you give them to the children, the Kings will look at you with better eyes and will bring you more gifts.
  • +On Twelfth Night you have to go to bed early because they don’t like to be surprised while they place the gifts. But before you go to bed, remember that it is a very hard night for the Three Kings and they need energy. Traditionally, milk left in sufficient quantities for them and their camels, but we know that they also appreciate chocolates, a varietysome liquor. Be careful with the liquor; don’t put a lot of it in case they get confused with the gifts.
  • +And all that remains is to sleep and let the Three Kings do their work so that the next morning they wake up with all the excitement in the world. On Three Kings Day there are no bad faces in the morning, nor “do the warnings talk to me until I drink my coffee”. That morning you have to get up smiling and run to get the gifts and if you have children at home let them be the first to open them, please.
  • If you follow these instructions, the Three Wise Men will be kind to you and will overlook any slip you have made during the year. Think of yourself, think of your loved ones and treat yourself to an unforgettable Three Kings Day.

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