46 October phrases: beautiful quotes and sayings for an autumn month

Do you know that your life can change in October? We say this because many people wait until theta renews them, to reinvent them, to improve or to make the change they have been wanting for a long time. But there is no reason to wait, in fact you don’t even have to wait until October, you can do it right now. What we are not going to deny is that we are facing one of the ideal months to reflect, for this reason; we have selected the best phrases of October. Indulge yourself with these beautiful quotes and sayings for the fall month and use them as you please.

The best phrases about October and autumn

The month of October is the most inspiring, as is autumn, which is why there are so many famous quotes that talk about this time of year.

Autumn returns to the earth the leaves that she slows it down in summer

George Christophe Lichtenberg

In the end it all comes back to Mother Earth.

October is cool days and cool nights, a great time to snuggle up around the dancing flames and dive into a good book.

John signor

The best readings happen in October.

Anyone who thinks that fallen leaves are dead has never seen them dance on a windy day.

Shire tamer

Dancing under the wind.

Listen! The wind is picking up and the air is wild with leaves. We’ve had our summer nights, and now it’s October time

Hubert Wolfe

Magic doesn’t just happen.

Every leaf speaks of happiness to me, shaking the autumn trees

Emily Bronte

TO walks unforgettable.

Autumn is of the heart and in it stays forever

Alfonso Sula González

Because fall can be as intense or more than spring.

Autumn is the sweetest season, and the flowers we lose we gain in fruit

Samuel butler

The cycle of the seasons is a lesson in transformation.

Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons

Jim Bishop

Have you seen how the forest shines in autumn?

It was one of those perfect English autumn days that occur more often in memory than in life.

PS James

Will those fabulous English autumns be reality?

My grandfather always said that autumn is the ideal season to uproot anything you don’t want to bother you again.

Patrick Roth fuss

Do not wait any longer to listen to your grandfather.

autumn… the last and most beautiful smile of the year

William Cullen Bryant

Who are you going to give your autumn smile to?

Famous quotes to lift your spirits in October

Although it is true that there are many admirers of autumn and especially of the month of October, it is also true that many others need.

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement

Helen Keller

Still optimistic can change everything.

Your big opportunity could be where you are right now

Napoleon Hill

Although it does not seem.

Sometimes it’s the small decisions that change your life forever.

Keri Russell

Small decisions that can be very important.

In three words I can summarize everything I have learned about life: everything moves on

Robert Frost

Never forget these phrases when.

Do what makes you happy, go with whomever makes you smile, laugh as long as you breathe and love as long as you live.

Rachel Ann Nuns

Don’t regret what once made you smile

Amber Dickers

If it made you smile, it was worth it.

No matter how long the storm is, the sun always shines through the clouds again

Khalil Gibran

This quote is well known, but sometimes we forget it.

Don’t are afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living and your belief will create the fact.

William James

Search, because you will always have a reason to live.

the best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up.

Mark Twain

It’s not always about us.

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts

Marcus Aurelius

Change your thoughts and you will change you.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

Eleanor Roosevelt

And to those who believe in themselves.

My philosophy is that difficulties vanish when we face them.

Isaac Asimov

Better face problems than hide your head.

I am optimistic. It doesn’t seem like much use to be anything else

Winston S. Churchill

Taking advantage of optimism.

A positive attitude can make dreams come true

David Bailey

What do you lose for trying?

Beautiful phrases to motivate you in October

In October or any, who doesn’t need motivation? Find the energy you need in these phrases.

Opportunities don’t happen. You create them

Chris Grosser

Because you are the architect of you.

Don’t let life get you down; everyone in a good place had to start from a worse place

Richard L. Evans

So keep walking until you find that good spot.

Try and fail, but don’t fail to try

Stephen kaggawa

For trying not to stay.

Happiness is not the absence of problems; it is the ability to deal with them.

Steve parabola

Have you heard of resilience?

Life begins at the end of the comfort zone

Neale Donald Walsh

SW dare.

Even if happiness forgets you a little, never forget about it completely.

Jacques Pervert

Before you know it, happiness will return to your life.

The cave you’re afraid to enter holds the treasure you’re looking for.

Joseph Campbell

What you are looking for is on the other side of fear.

Deciding what not to do is just as important as deciding what to do

Steve Jobs

Or how to manage your resources well.

Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken

Oscar Wilde

Being authentic is the goal, forget about appearances.

Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.

Henry ford

Then you better believe that you can.

Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a great stroke of luck.

But we recognize that this is difficult to accept.

In that place between your comfort zone and your dream is where true life is.

Helen Keller

Are you going to stay without taking that step?

A word of encouragement can be enough to spark someone’s motivation to continue with a difficult situation.

Roy T. Bennett

You too can change someone else’s life.

Famous sayings about the month of October

It seems that popular wisdom has a lot to say about the month and we listen carefully.

The farmer for October, his debts cover

If possible, let it be before.

Rainy October, copious year

Welcome abundance.

In October the field is covered with leaves

And it’s nice to walk among the leaves.

In October the shadow flees

Keep looking for the sun.

October water the best fruits rot

Surprises us.

Octobers that begin stormy leave frightening memories

Although storms also have their charm.

the crazy October weather spills a little bit of everything

Climatic variety.

Towards the Virgin del Pillar time begins to change

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