49 phrases from the Elite series: words of humor, wit and hints

Have you seen the Netflix series Elite? I’m sure it will, from now on, or rather since they started filming chapters and seasons, it has become quite a revolution, especially for the youngest. It is not for less, because it is a group of students, let’s say high class, with very few mince words and a great desire to conquer the world. The result? A series that, apparently, nobody wants to miss.

If you also declare yourself a fan, we have prepared a list of 49 phrases from the Elite series that are funniest, most daring and with their own meaning. These words full of humor, wit and hints in their purest form will make you spend a most entertaining time finding you. Which of them will you stay with? Let’s see it!

The best phrases from the Netflix Elite series

The words of Lu (Danna Paola), Valerio (Jorge Lopez), Omar (Omar Ayes), Rebecca (Claudia Salas), Cayetana (Georgina Amoroso), Nadia (Mina El Haman) or Guzman (Miguel Bernard au), among other characters, They are quite fun and daring, as we said before. It escapes no one that these young people seem to know a lot despite their young age, right? The fact is that more and more people are encouraged to watch the series, and more and more are reading their sentences carefully. Look!

Lu is a love that I can’t get out of my head, and it hurts


It has happened to all of us that we cannot get a love out of our heads no matter how hard we try. Here that says that time heals everything comes into play.

I believe in love. Do you know how rare it is to want someone with all your strength and that they reciprocate? That’s called luck… and it doesn’t happen every day


How romantic! These guys go through life hard but deep down they also have a little heart.

Wasn’t this what you wanted? What will stop holding me back? Well here I am, unleashed


Well that, but not having wanted it.

Sometimes I am too competitive. Although the prize is not worth it


I forgive a person for love everything

Polo’s Mother

Would you also say the same?

Love is a disease that has no cure. There is no pill or surgery to cure it

Polo’s Mother

No need to do it!

I like him a lot but I will never be able to be with him


Unrequited love always hurts but you don’t choose who.

All to pretend you’re like them. You are very sorry

Rebecca to Cayetana

Rebecca and her direct phrases. Be careful, sometimes they are pure truth.

One is what it is when you’re alone

Rebecca to Cayetana

Yes, you’re right.

Maybe I haven’t changed. Maybe the one from before wasn’t me


Who knows the way of being one, sometimes it is a mystery.

From now on it will be me


that we should all say, don’t you think? Try saying it out loud right now, why do you feel free?

I overindulged in alcohol and lost control because I wanted to find the strength to tell you that I like you


Well no, it is not necessary to drink; the value must be drawn from oneself.

For you I have done things that I have kept quiet about. And all for you


We are speechless!

If I come back, it’s without conditions


You will have to watch the series to find out what they answer.

Do you expect me to thank you for that?


Well no, I’m sure he’s not going to thank.

Press this button and travel wherever you want

Navy to Nano

Where would you travel if someone asked you this question?

Thank you very much for the award, but I think someone else deserves it more


Sincerity above all, surely not everyone is capable of saying something like that.

Have you been hurt by owing 40,000 euros? In the real world people kill for less money, even if it’s just a small change to you

Elder brother

Many rich people do not give money the importance that it has.

If I am a challenge for you, it is that it makes you impossible

Nadia Guzman

And what will happen when I get the challenge?

you are very good looking bad


Yes, there are many people who look badly or do it over the shoulders of others.

Phrases from the Elite series that will give you a lot to think about

If you are watching this series, surely many of these sound familiar to you, right? And if you haven’t seen it yet, you might get a crazy desire to meet its characters. Don’t stop, you still have a lot of phrases from the Elite series to discover?

you remind me of my sister, who left everyone heartbroken by leaving home at 18


What a pity! No family wants to go through something like this.

Do you know why I’m the best? Because I never settle


Maverick people are also often the most competitive.

I’m not going to leave here without a fight


Say yes! We have to give our best always.

Have you read the notes? I’ll wait for the movie to be made

Samuel and Christian

surely you have also said at some point in your life.

Telling the truth has a price. You can leave people along the way

Mother of Carla

Yes, it is true, but the truth always has to be the best option.

I prefer to see the world in my color palette and not in your gray scale


Seeing the world full of color, surely that way we become.

Cocaine makes it easier for me to get along with myself


No, Valerio, never that!

Don’t kill Marina, it was an accident. I did not want to. But you are aware of what you want to do, you would kill me

Polo to Guzman

Oops… The same thing you have not reached this chapter and we have told you about it.

I have some fancy reheated macaroni at home. Do you want to eat them?

Samuel to Carla

No one can resist some reheated macaroni, right?

I jumped into the pool and there was no water, sometimes it happens


The strange thing is that it happens to her and that she recognizes it with how proud she always is.

My mother is a winery marquise and yours are two lesbians lined with money. You and I are anything but normal


We leave it there…

You look like a soap opera heartthrob from 1999


Where were those novels from the last century?

When I see Samuel I can only think that he looks like Harry Potter. Maybe he bewitched me


Do you also declare yourself a fan of Harry?

I do not cheat even when weighing the fruit


All a statement of sincerity that must be taken into account.

I agree that you don’t say anything. Bye


Many times it is better to say nothing than to say something that can spoil things more than they are.

We have always supported each other… through thick and thin


That is the spirit should never be forgotten.

We’ve done things I’m not proud of


The same has happened to more than one.

What I’m telling you is that no one can shade you


Another way of saying that you have fallen in love.

The best phrases from the third season of the Netflix series Elite

Shortly after the second season of series premiered, the third was released, on March 13, 2020, with eight new chapters. In it we can see how some girls take center stage and also how several relationships take a most unexpected turn. So far we can tell you because we do not want to spoil anyone, what we can do is leave you here a few phrases from the third season of one of the most successful series so that you can whet your appetite.

I don’t get 12 bucks for a drink, I’ll be rich, but not an asshole


The drinks at the disco are still super expensive, perhaps Rebecca is not the only one who should say this phrase, don’t you think?

In hell we laser each other, baby


Rather dead than simple, she may be in hell but no one should take the laser away from her, lest she be caught with crazy hair.

Frida, you lack the eyebrow


Well, there are girls who adore lasers and put beauty ‘of now’ before anything else, such as personality.

You don’t impress me with your money


The same thing she has more money than him. It’s just an assumption.

you have never had me


Take now! What will he have answered?

Never love someone who makes you feel ordinary


Well yes, it is true; you have to love someone who makes you feel special.

Sometimes you love someone but in the end you end up seeing who they really are.


And it is then that you enter the phase to make way in your heart for another person who is truly special.

I still don’t know who I am but I’m going to find out


Many times we insist on wanting to know others when in truth we should first know ourselves.

We are women and we do not like men to play with us


In this series we see that this also present. Elite features independent female characters with clear ideas.

Let’s go get them


Let’s eat the world!

I’m not confident enough that someone can like me just because of what I think or feel


Appearances are usually put in the middle of thoughts and feelings so as not to let us see what a person is like in the background

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