52 phrases from Beret songs: beautiful lyrics with great meaning

The singer Beret sweeps half the world. We’re not telling you anything new, are we? And it is that this young man from Seville, only 23 years old, has been reaping success after success for some time now and he does it with his urban music and, above all, with his incredible lyrics full of meaning. Do you also declare yourself a fan of the artist? Then the compilation of 52 phrases of Beret songs that we have prepared i will not leave you indifferent. Ready to sing? Here we go!

Beret: his great success as an urban singer

  • Francisco Javier Álvaro Beret, known above all as Beret, was born in Seville on July 2, 1996, that is, he is only 23 years old. It is clear then that you can achieve success at any age you want. Even more so if you do like Beret and define your own musical style, since the artist says that he makes urban music (although many continue to say that it is the new phenomenon of rap). To which we add the word ‘poetry’. Have you noticed that his songs by him are full of lyrics and phrases with a meaning that makes?
  • To give you more information, we will tell you that Beret considers that his music has no valid labels; since he insists on saying over and over again that he only interprets what his heart feels. Can he be more sincere?
  • It was in 2018 when he signed an agreement with the Warner Music Group record company, taking that same year the great leap to Latin America with a new version of his single ‘Velvet’ on this occasion together with the Colombian singer Sebastian Yare. In each and every one of his songs you can see feelings in their purest form such as sadness, disappointment, euphoria or joy, depending on the artist’s mood. It’s not for nothing that his fans say that Beret’s lyrics are a reflection of his inner world, as well as an impressive poetic combination.

Shall we briefly review the Beret’s discography?

-In 2015 he released the album Ephemeral.

-That same year, 2015, he launched Vertigo.

-In 2016 I published Apices.

-And in 2019 one of his most popular albums: Prism en el has the collaboration of great singers such as Sofia Reyes, Melinda, Pablo Albertan and Vanessa Martin, among many others.

His most outstanding singles in 2019 are:

-Dream (with Pablo Albertan)

-From scratch


-It kills me

Now yes! It is time to see the 52 best phrases of the Beret songs. Will you be able to choose just one as a favorite?

  • Phrases from songs from the album ‘Prism’ by Beret

Let’s start at the end, with his latest album and, according to his millions of fans, one of the most successful. Read all the sentences aloud together with their meaning and do not stop humming the melody.

If I hurt you, it was not without wanting you, but without wanting to.

I’m sorry.

Raise your hand whoever knows the whole song.

2.My skin still has your need, my hands keep looking for your body

Tell me who really loves.

Deep down he is quite a.

3.The things you can’t change are the same things that end up changing you later.

I miss you.

Well yes, we have to say that he is absolutely right in the world.

4.I fight to live stable, but it’s no use to me if everything seems stable but never me

Will arrive

As much as we try, there are times when things do not go as we expect.

5.Do you really need me to remember that things that are taken care of are not suddenly thrown away?

Comes back.

Sometimes we forget the most obvious, right?

6.I know you look at me but you don’t see me. I wanted your part, not split in one hundred

Sew me up

Looking without seeing who you have in front of you is of little or no use to you.

7.I learned what it was to live when I picked up the stone on which I fell on the road and learned how to use it


Learning living each day cannot be in any other way.

8.Nobody teaches you the steps in a world that forces you every day to be able to get up and walk


The steps that we have to take must be decided by each one of us.

9.My mind does not know what peace is, I keep looking for shade in the desert

Tell me who really loves.

Surely at some point in your life you have also sought shade in the desert.

10.Not fighting for what you want only has a name and it’s called losing

I’m sorry.

We are not willing to lose under any circumstances, right?

11. Now I realize that there are problems that I solve in so many people but I never solve them in myself.

Come back.

Sometimes we worry about the problems of others and forget about our own.

12.I have time but not to lose it, things with value rather than a price.


Beret ends like this: ‘the desire to be tied up but to be serious, a lot to give you but little loose’.

13.That the things that remain forever are not material

Ten thousand whys.

Of course not!

14.If I never wanted to win, how can I lose, sometimes moving away, brings you closer too


Walking away to realize that you really had to be there.

15.don’t want to live to know, I prefer to improvise without knowing how to live, I know that the best moment is now and the best place is here


It usually happens that the things that we do not plan in the end are the ones that come out the best.

16.Did you know? I am telling you to sew me up, to close what you opened well, not to pretend to hide

Sew me up

Open wounds have to heal well in order to move on.

The best phrases of the songs of Beret

We continue with the compilation of phrases from Beret’s songs with a list that surely does not leave you indifferent.

17.I no longer seek the forbidden fruit of Eden, now I am the fruit of what I will never sow


Phrase from one of the artist’s best-known songs mean to you?

18.Get lost with me and with my desire, tell me that you do not stop finding meaning in what fails


Feelings often do not need any explanation.

19.If you want to know who will save your life, look in the mirror and you will finally know.

Lost bullet.

You are the owner of your life and your destiny, no one else will ever be.

20.I’m that kind of clumsy that doesn’t even want to try

Lost bullet.

To try or not to try, that is the question.

21.I’m going to risk what I wouldn’t risk. If life is a game, I would bet

The world is yours.

Life is a game, and as in any game, you have to risk winning.

22.I who have never been one of stories and tales, I have waited for you just to read you

It will never be late.

Quean! Surely it has also gone to the list of your favorites.

23.I will follow the rhythm, you will see how my sacred source is from oneself and the desire cannot start me

I’ll keep up.

Let each one take this phrase to their own terrain and interpret it as they like best.

24.I’m going to go out looking for myself again, because it’s getting late to find a bit of me in you, and throw myself into the void to make myself ash and fly


It is in a vacuum that you can find the answer to that question that is only said in a low voice.

25.Sometimes I get into two hundred thousand troubles to be able to get out of what I did with you

The world is yours.

Another super, right?

26.Problems only come because you measure well

B face.

And it ends like this: ‘doubts do nothing if you don’t give them power’.

27.Today you keep pulling the rope that held my hands, and that’s why my touch continues to burn

A Thursday at five.

This phrase by Beret ends with these words: ‘it will be because the rubbing of your actions, despite the fact that it was bad, I kept it because it reached so deep’.

28.I had to learn what it is to forget… and here you see me still making songs for you

A Thursday at five.

And he continues like this: ‘I know that there are wounds to close, despite being. More now that the void exists, I know that there is a void that fills’.

29.I must be better, it must only be me, at least today, I don’t know tomorrow


Being better and being ourselves that is one of the great secrets of life that we cannot miss.

30.I’ve blamed life when it’s the world that’s responsible for nothing ever going so right


Things may go well but hardly as well as we would like, right?

31.If they say they grow with sticks, I plan to stay here. If I do have to lose something, it will be the desire to suffer


Grow happy, nothing with sticks as it was said before.

Words and phrases from Beret’s most popular hits

We continue with the best phrases of the Beret songs. Do not stop reading that we still have a lot to discover for you.

32.When there is no light left, turn on; when evil comes to you, go away; just follow your faith, carpe diem; live and be happy

Carpe Diem.

Living and trying to make it the best way possible is how we can achieve the long-awaited happiness.

33.I’ve been feeling good for a while, I know that everything that happens is going to make me OK


Like this: ‘it will be this feeling, the desire or I don’t know, today I want to get fed up with drinking’.

34.Darling I lack your wings on my back so I can fly

Look woman.

The phrase continues with these other words: ‘Give me your war, give me your peace, I’ll take care of giving you my happiness’.

35.I am struggling between what I should and what I want; I don’t know what will happen tomorrow. I’m saying goodbye and I’m dying, I’m living a continuous hopefully


They say the artist that all his letters are a reflection of his most personal feelings.

36.The exact balance is achieved when neither cold nor heat affects the naked soul

Fatima hand.

That will then be the secret so that in our life there is peace and balance.

37.In a world riddled with hate, it is necessary to feel; with you only I want more, my queen of Sheba

Look woman.

And in the meantime, we forget that one of the simplest and most important things there is just to feel and do it from the heart. Do you also think so?

38.If I have learned something, it is that if I do not lose my fear of losing, I will never win, but I will lose even more

Heart of stone.

Risking losing is necessary to be able to win a thousand and one battles.

39.Face B, everything has a Face B, open your eyes and you don’t see it, you get more and more tired

Face B.

Seeing the two faces that life has is necessary to choose well, according to this beautiful.

40.To end up dying in the disaster, I know what I’m fighting for and I’m not going to get tired.


And he continues with this other phrase: ‘I’m going to turn the world upside down and do everything to find myself; you don’t know what I need at that moment’.

41.Sound for your skin for the beautiful ones, you know that with rhymes this M.C. always points to you

To every rhyme

And it continues like this: ‘put together each sentence in each class that succumbs; knock down each evil for each plan that confuses you’. Rhyming is among the best qualities of the artist.

42.I set limits without knowing myself, without knowing what will come to my mind

Lost bullet.

Knowing our limits, yes, of course. Set limits before even trying to do something, NO, in no way.

43.The bad thing about zero is that it does not know how to divide, if there is not a person who also adds


What does this phrase from the artist mean to you? Maybe that there are people who add up and people who will never do it?

Beret songs, his best lyrics and phrases to think about

We close the list of Beret song phrases with these verses. All of them are ideal for reading, thinking, reflecting and, above all, for not stopping singing.

44.Ephemeral life, which gives us for so little what we want. And ephemeral life that lasts a breath and sometimes less


Life is short; you have to make the most of it.

45. I’m still in my waning room, and despite everything I endured the eternity of your moments


And it continues like this: ‘and I was able to stop the clock when it didn’t smell of orange blossom, and I knew how to shut up when I wanted to love’.

46.There is no Benedetti in this line, arrows of reality which arteries

I cease to exist.

This sentence ends with these other words: ‘if it were for brothers I wouldn’t even have a family, everything I want to be is what drives me crazy’.

47.If I look at you, I know that I look at myself too, everything that comes from you will be fine

It will never be late.

He ends with this other: ‘or so I imagine in life that we only know how to do’.

48.Nobody teaches you to be strong but they force you. No one ever wanted a weakling to trust


Undoubtedly another phrase from Beret that makes us reflects.

49.If I had changed I can finally sigh to live and half stories


It continues like this: ‘my harpies for a single hummingbird, my tie for your stockings’.

50.Maybe it’s too late to look for amethysts


‘And I continue to settle for copper to continue…’

51.You will see me laugh, happy and living well

You’re going to see me.

Keep it up: ‘singing, dancing and losing myself. Showing lies about how my life is forgetting you’.

52.I asked you one day, my love: Tell me what you want, you answered, my love: I want you

You’re going to see me.

we will surely be humming all day.

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