52 phrases of the sea: inspiring words and poems about the ocean

No matter how many times you have seen the sea throughout your life, it will always be like the first time. And it is that the sea has the great capacity to amaze us, to leave us with our mouths open and to inspire our deepest thoughts. Poets, painters, writers and others famous have always tried to dedicate a few words to it. Because? Perhaps because no one escapes its magic or perhaps to try to give meaning or an answer to all the questions that come to mind every time we take a quiet walk on the beach. Here are 52 phrases from the sea as well as some inspiring words and poems about the ocean. Don’t miss it!

Short and well-known poems that speak of the sea

Do you think we start with some short poems? They will not only serve as a delight but also to realize that there are many authors who have wanted to dedicate some wonderful verses to the immensity of the sea. As you well know, cultures and civilizations have been born on the seashore that has reached our days. The sea, in addition to being a source of life, is an inspiration and reflection. Can you ask for anything more?

1.The verses of Pablo Neruda

I need the sea because it teaches me
I don’t know if I’m learning music or conscience
I don’t know if it’s a single wave or a deep being
or just a hoarse voice or dazzling
assumption of fish and ships.

2.The sea, Rafael Alberta

The sea. The sea.
The sea. Only the sea!
Why did you bring me, father,
to the city?
Why did you dig me
out of the sea?
In dreams, the tidal wave
tugs at my heart.
I would like to take it.
Father, why did you bring me

3.The verses that José de Espronceda dedicates to the sea

That my ship is my treasure.
is my God; my law, the force and the wind; my only homeland, the sea.

4.Richard Feynman’s short poem about the sea

Standing in front of the sea
marveling at the wonder itself:
I am a universe of atoms
and an atom in the universe.

5.Antonio Gala also talks about the sea in these verses

It was by the sea,
at midnight.
I knew that God was there,
and that the sand and you and the sea and me
and the moon were God.
And I loved it.

Beautiful phrases to dedicate to the sea that you will love

Let’s see, then, some beautiful phrases dedicated to the sea. Does it also happen to you that the more you admire it, the more colors it seems to have? From sky blue to greenish tones through an incredible bluish range. It is not surprising that there are so many phrases that have been written in his honor of him and in the walks that we wish were endless by the sea. After reading this list am sure that even you will be encouraged to write some verses.

6.If you want to build a ship, don’t start by looking for wood, cutting boards, or distributing the work. It evokes first in men and women the longing for the free and wide sea

Antoine de Saint-Expiry

First, awakening the passion for the sea, then everything else. Do you agree with these words?

7.There is nothing more beautiful than the way the sea refuses to stop kissing the shore, no matter how many times it is sent back.

Sarah Kay

What will the swaying of the waves and the tidal changes have that seem so hypnotic to us.

8.The Ocean is a central image. It is the symbolism of a great journey


When you are in the middle of, evoke the sea in your thoughts, it will surely help you to remove any sign of stress from your mind.

9.There is a spectacle greater than the sea… the sky

Victor Hugo

What a marvelous image when the sea seems to unite with the sky!

10.The monotonous crash of the waves on the beach, which for the most part calmed his thoughts, seemed comforting.

Virginia Woolf

Have you ever read anything by Virginia Woolf? It is wonderful!

11.to me, I’m just a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth remain undiscovered.

Isaac Newton

Childhood Memories of playing in the sand by the sea should never be forgotten.

12.Because there is nothing more beautiful than the way that every time the sea tries to kiss the beach, no matter how many times it puts it on the street

Sarah Kay

The water of the sea and the sand of the beach, two lovers who seem to play hide and seek every sunset.

13.What would youth be without the sea?

Lord Byron

Totally agree, we would even dare to affirm that the sea helps to form the personality of each one.

14.When you are emotionally fragile, it is enough to look at a panorama, listen to the sound of the sea and remember the faces of the people we have been with until a few moments before.

Banana Yoshimoto

The sound of the sea relaxes and also comforts.

15. this silence, white, limitless, this silence of the calm, motionless sea

Elise Diego

what words would you choose to describe the sound of the sea ? Ask this same question on, surely more than one answer will surprise you.

16.The Sea is a peace treaty between the star and poetry

Alain Bosque

What beautiful words!

Famous and very beautiful quotes about the sea

We continue with our list of sea phrases. There are so many that it is impossible to collect them all, which is why, after reading a lot, we have decided to write down the most beautiful and the ones that most invite. And speaking of reflections, what do you usually think about when you are laying peacefully in the sun?

17.Looking at the sea at night as one looks at a sleeping mother. Take care of every breath. Learning to hear that breath that seems to say ‘Open up to things and dream’

Maurizio Caramagna

Dream like there is no tomorrow and enjoy unique moments with your loved ones.

18.We will always find ourselves in the sea

  1. E. Cummings

Look into your inner self when you are at sea and you will find many answers.

19.Without water, our planet would be one of those trillions of rocks floating in the vastness of the dark void of space.

Fabien Cousteau

The sea is what makes, don’t you think?

20.why do we love the sea? Because it has a potent power to make us think about the things we want to think about.

Robert hernia

We can’t think of a better way to say the things that the sea really does for us.

21.pray that I am like the ocean, with gentle currents and sometimes waves. More and more, I want the consistency of it more than its ups and downs

Drew Barrymore

It had never occurred to us to stop and think that the sea, however changeable it may seem, is actually super constant. Have you noticed this?

22.Thousands of people have survived without love; none without water

Witan Hugh Auden

There are people who say that they cannot live without seeing the sea at least once a year, do you also think the same?

23.After the magical moment in which my eyes opened in the sea, it was no longer possible for me to see, think, and live as before.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau

There are people who have never heard of the sea but when they see it, their lives change completely.

24.The Sea is an oblivion, a song, a lip; the sea is a lover, faithful response to desire

Luis Bermuda

The sea Isa, a hand and an arm that rocks you strong and safe.

25.There is no end to the sea

Samuel becket

It is like numbers, infinite in all its extension.

26.The Sea is the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence

Julio Verne

Consider yourself lucky because you can contemplate a little piece of that existence.

27.The man who has experienced a shipwreck shudders even before the calm sea


The sea can be treacherous if you have the audacity to enter it despite signs telling you not to.

28.Smell the sea and feel the sky

Van Morrison

Tell a special person that it smells like the sea and it will sound like music in their ears.

29.The voice of the sea speaks to the soul. The touch of the sea is sensual, enveloping the body in its soft and close embrace.

Kate Chopin

This phrase from the sea has gone straight to our favorites list.

30.The waves are the voices of the currents, and the currents are life

Tamara Pierce

The life that is there, at your feet, for you to enjoy and take care of like gold on cloth.

31.More wonderful than the knowledge of the wise old men and the knowledge of books, is the secret knowledge of the ocean.

HP Lovecraft

Few are the lucky ones who can boast of knowing the sea for real. The ocean reveals who it tells its secrets to and rest assured it doesn’t do it with everyone.

32.We are attached to the sea. When we return to it, either to navigate or to see it, we are returning to where we came from.

John F. Kennedy

We come from the sea and we will return to it at the end of our days.

More beautiful phrases that are an ode to the sea

What is the sea for you? When the holidays arrive, do you like to go to the mountains or to the beach? Do you love playing with the sand like when you were a child? Do you love feeling the waves caressing your toes? Then it is that you are an, so, how could it be otherwise, these phrases are especially dedicated to you.

33.The Sea stirs the heart, inspires the imagination and brings everlasting joy to the soul.


The sea also heals the wounds of the skin and the soul.

34.You will never have enjoyed the world properly until the sea flows through your veins and until you are clothed with the heavens and crowned with the stars.

Thomas traverse

This sea phrase is perfect for sharing on social, don’t you think?

35.A woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows the open sea.

Honoree de Balzac

phrase so true that more than one has repeated out loud.

36.In a drop of water are all the secrets of all the seas

Khalil Gibran

A small drop of salt water that hides many secrets.

37.We feel that what we do is just a drop in the sea, but the sea would be less for that lost drop

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Every drop, every small gesture, every action that seems insignificant has, deep down, great importance.

38.I need the sea because it teaches me

Pablo Neruda

What does the sea teach you? We would say that to value the little things in life as they deserve.

39.It is important to remember that the resources of the sea are finite.

Ted damson

A phrase that comes to tell us that caring for the sea and all that live in it is super important.

40.The great sea makes one a great skeptic

Richard Jefferies

Do you agree with this phrase about the sea ? There are those who think the opposite.

41.The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and that the storms are terrible, but they have never considered that these dangers are a sufficient reason to stay on the coast.

Vincent van Gogh

Passion and vocation before everything else, another lesson well worth remembering.

42.The Sea is the closest we’ve been to another world

Anne Stevenson

We are speechless!

43.The Sea is the same since before man could even sail in boats

Ernest Hemingway

It has changed little, it is still immense and full of wisdom.

44.Staying on the surface of the sea is like going to the circus and staying outside the tent.

Dave Barry

Browse through it all you want, it will be a feeling that you always keep for yourself.

Last sentences about the sea and its immensity

And to finish, a few more sentences that will delight all those who consider themselves connoisseurs of the sea. Write down on a piece of paper the ones that you liked the most or share them with your and family.

45. beaches is not just a sweep of sand, but shells of sea creatures, sea glass, algae, and incongruous objects washed up by the ocean.

Henry Grunewald

The sea is much more than sand and water, it is marine animals and spectacular creatures.

46.Being in the ocean, in God’s creation, is like a gift he has given us to enjoy.

Bethany Hamilton

If you get to enjoy this gift every year, consider yourself lucky!

47.You cannot be unhappy when you have this: the smell of the sea, the sand under your fingers, the air, the wind

Irene NémirovskyLa

Do you see why we told you before that the sea teaches us to value the little things in life?

48.In the sea life is different. It is not made of hours, but of moments. You live according to the currents, the tides, following the sun

Sandy Ingra’s

The passage is not marked by the clock but by the waves and the tides.

49.For me the sea is a continuous miracle, the fish that swim, the rocks, the movement of the waves, the boats and their navigators. Is it that there are stranger miracles?

Walt Whitman

we can’t think of any, can you?

50.the cure for everything is always salt water: sweat, tears or the sea

Karen Blixen

They all taste the same, bitter at first, then sweet.

51.The Sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. His breath from him is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never alone, because he feels life everywhere.

Jules Verne

Even in the open ocean you feel life on every side.

52.The Sea does not reward those who are too eager, too greedy, or too impatient.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

He only rewards those who know how to wait.

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