53 phrases for Grandparents Day: congratulations with feeling

The relationship we have with our grandparents is unlike any other we may experience throughout our lives. It is a special relationship, full, affection and understanding. There are few people in the world who will come to love you the way your grandparents love you and, for this reason, we have decided to pay tribute to them.

And what better date to thank our grandparents than Grandparents Day. We leave you some congratulations, dedications and beautiful messages for grandparents full of sentiment. Which of these 53 phrases for Grandparents Day are you going to dedicate to yours? Happy day, grandparents!

When and why is Grandparents Day celebrated?

Just like Mother’sandDay Honor our parents, grandparents also deserve their own recognition day. They are one of the most important figures in the family and deserve all our respect and admiration and, therefore, to honor them, Grandparents’ Day was created.

In Spain, this day is celebrated on July 26 of each year, since 1998. Its origin is Catholic since this is the date on which the parents of the Virgin Mary and grandparents of Jesus Christ, San Joaquin and Santa Ana are commemorated, which, at the same time, are considered patterns of grandparents.

On the other hand, the United Nations (UN) has promoted another special day for the figure of the grandfather: the International Day of Older Persons, which is celebrated every October 1.

And, in addition, the rest of the countries combine the official celebration of the UN with their own dates and celebrations dedicated to grandparents. For example:

  • In Argentina, Grandparent’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of August.
  • In Colombia, it is the last Sunday of August when they dedicate a special day to grandparents.
  • In Mexico, the celebration takes place on August 28.
  • In Ecuador, Grandparents’ Day is on May 5, a few days before Mother’s Day.
  • In Honduras and in Brazil, Grandparents’ Day (Die dos avows) is also celebrated on July 26.
  • In Chile, honored on October 15.

Beautiful phrases for grandparents on their day

Grandparents deserve absolutely everything and any day of the year is a good day to show them all our love. However, if you are looking for an excuse to dedicate beautiful phrases to your grandparents, Grandparents Day may be the perfect date. Pay attention to these very dedications. Happy day, grandparents!

  • To all: grandpa, granny, aunt, toot, Abu, yoyo, kaya and derivatives… Happy Grandparents Day 2020!
  • If you didn’t exist, I would have to invent you… Congratulations, grandparents!
  • No one consents or pampers like a grandfather… Thank you for your love!
  • No one is capable of doing for children what grandparents do for their grandchildren: they sprinkle a kind of magic dust over their lives. We love you grandparents!
  • You hold our hands for a while, but our hearts forever. Happy Day, grandparents!
  • Grandparents… Because you never run out of cookies and hugs. Congratulations!
  • A grandfather is a person with silver in his hair and gold in his heart.
  • To the one who taught us to tie the first knot in our shoes so that we would trip over the laces and fall. It’s coming for you, grandparents!
  • Grandparents… Those magicians capable of creating unique memories in grandchildren
  • For infinite patience and unconditional love… Like grandparents there is no one like them!
  •  Grandparents who raise their grandchildren leave traces in their souls. Thank you for being my example to follow!

Special phrases to dedicate to a grandmother

She is like your second mother. She has taken care of you, she has transmitted all her love from her to you and she has instilled in you the best values. It’s time to thank him, don’t you think? You can take advantage of Grandparents Day to send phrases special as these:

  • A=Admirable, B=Kind, U=Unique, E=Exemplary, L=Loyal, I=Intelligent, T=Tender, A=Happy… GRANDMOTHER
  • Remember that time only passes through your body, but the soul always remains young. Those gray hairs and wrinkles you have are signs of wisdom and experience. I love you grandma!
  • Grandma, thank you for being a light on my path; joy in my day to day and the affection that I need in my life. I adore you!
  • how lucky I feel! The best grandmother in the world has touched me
  • For being like my second mother, for taking care of me, pampering me and giving me so much love… Happy day to you!
  • A mom knows a lot, but a grandmother… knows everything! You are the voice of experience!
  • Today I congratulate that person who has taken care of me better than anyone when my parents couldn’t. Thank you very much, grandmother!
  • There are never two without three: mother I have one, grandmothers I have two and I love all three of you with all my heart
  • Today I send a kiss of love to my grandmother who is everything in my heart. Congratulations!
  • many wonders are spread all over the world, but nothing as wonderful as having a grandmother like you

Phrases of love to congratulate your grandfather

Another very important figure for the family: the grandfather. That man full of wisdom and experience capable of spending hours telling interesting stories about his past and youth. All these, grandparents!

  • Grandpa, you always told me that the best gift of life was health, but it’s not true. Over the years, I have realized that the best gift is to have a grandfather like you. Happy grandpa’s Day!
  • A grandfather is a bit of a father, a bit of a friend and a bit of a guardian angel.
  • Have I already told you that one of my most valuable treasures is that you are my grandfather? Congratulations!
  • Now that I’m older, I realize what it really means to have a best friend. And I realize, too, that mine has been you, grandfather
  • The first time I wrapped my tiny hand around your finger, I knew I wanted to hold on to you forever.
  • If nothing goes right… call your grandfather. If something goes wrong… call your grandfather!
  • The simplest toy that can be enjoyed is called grandfather.
  • If you’re so lucky to have a grandfather, you won’t need a history book. Thank you for filling me with wisdom and knowledge!
  • Relationships between grandparents and grandchildren are simple. Grandparents criticize little and give a lot of love
  • Grandparents are the only ones who, despite not having Facebook, remember your birthday. You are the best grandpa!

Famous quotes about grandparents

Some famous belonging to different spheres and spheres of life have also wanted to express their opinion on what the figure of the grandfather means. These are some of the best phrases about grandparents that have left us:

  • From my parents I received practical and academic training; but from grandparents I learned to love and be loved
  • Every time I think of the person who has inspired me the most in the world, I think of my grandfather.
  • When grandparents walk in the door, discipline goes out the window.
  • Each generation rebels against their parents… and befriends their grandparents!
  • We should all have a person who knows how to bless us even in the worst moments. For me, that person has always been my grandmother.
  •  My grandmother Mariana doesn’t look like a grandmother, she seems like a fairy to me
  • White hair, it is a memory without end of life. It is the shelter of a treasure of memory and wisdom
  • Being a grandmother must be magnificent; first you are just a mother and then you are a wise person and full of love
  • Just when the woman thinks her job is done, she becomes a grandmother.
  • There are parents who do not love their children; but there is no grandfather who does not adore his grandchildren
  • Surely, two of the most satisfying experiences in life are being a grandson and being a grandfather.

Phrases for deceased grandparents

How sad it feels when… A void is left in our body that no one is capable of replacing, yet our hearts are filled with love. Grandparents Day is also a good date to remember your grandfather in heaven and you can do it through these phrases:

  • You loved me since I was born and I will love you for the rest of my life, grandpa.
  • Grandma, I’m going to ask you in favor: get away from heaven for a little while and come hug me
  • my eyes can’t see you, but deep down, I know you’re here: in my heart. I miss you!
  • No one is as happy as I know that the angels take care of my grandmother / o. Good day!
  • No not doubt that I will spend the rest of my life missing you, but always with the certainty that I have taken advantage of the best of you.
  • Now that you are no longer with us, I hope that in heaven they know how to value your generosity and joy.
  • Part of my heart is in heaven
  •  Thanks grandpa. To this day, I am because you were you
  • Grandparents never die, they just become invisible
  • You didn’t give me life, but you taught me to live it. I will always carry you in my heart

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