54 colloquial Spanish words and expressions (with their meaning)

The truth is that among Spaniards they are the most normal thing in the world, but a foreigner has probably been left with a poker face more than once thinking: ‘what did he mean?’ And it is that colloquial Spanish expressions and words are, at least, quite unique. If you don’t know them, you might think that we Spaniards are a little crazy, because what does the color purple have to do with eating or elbows with talking? Well, keep reading and you will discover all the meanings of the rarest and most used Spanish words.

The most popular and used Spanish expressions

For any Spaniard or Spaniard, these expressions are a day-to-day thing, something natural, so much so that many times they do not realize that there may be someone who does not understand them. If you have a Spanish friend and you want to impress him (or understand him at once), if you are thinking of traveling or you would just like to watch Spanish movies and understand them at once, you have to know these expressions.

You’re like a goat

Meaning: This curious expression is said to someone when they behave like a madman.

Sleep it off

Meaning: that you fall fast asleep.

Sleep soundly

Meaning: the same, sleep a lot and very comfortable.

Be a chicken

Meaning: to be a coward when you want to challenge someone you say: ‘ Come on, don’t be a chicken’.

Fuck the sow

Meaning: Although it sounds rude and a bit mean, this Spanish expression only means to annoy, bother.

Be involved in garlic

Meaning: that you are in the middle of all the trouble, probably because you have caused it or have helped it.

That they give him black pudding

Meaning: This expression has nothing to do with delicious Spanish tapas, but is used when you don’t want to know anything about that person

I don’t give a damn

Meaning: This funny expression is synonymous with: Igor say.

Put the horns

Meaning: partner with another person. It is said that when you are deceived you grow horns.

That they give you pumpkins or give pumpkins

Meaning: Has someone ever turned you down when you asked them out? Well, that means they’ve given you pumpkins.

Do it literally

Meaning: if a Spaniard tells you that, it means that you do it as it says in the instructions.

Go through the hills of Beda

Meaning: this Spanish expression is the same as going off on a tangent, that is, ending up talking about something else, forgetting what is really important.

Screw up

Meaning: what do you think you do when you’re wrong? Well, according to the Spanish, screw up.

Do not mince words

Meaning: it is said of an honest person, who always says what he thinks, sometimes he can even be too sincere.

Being involved in all the ‘ scrubbing’

Meaning: that you are in the middle of all the problems.

Throw a Kiki

Meaning: if a Spaniard tells you ‘ we’re going to have a Kiki ’, you should know that he wants to have intimate relations, a guy here will catch you, here I’ll kill you.

Make a mess

Meaning: If you think that this Spanish expression has sexual connotations, nothing is further from the truth. When you make a mess, it’s because you’ve messed up, that you don’t understand something.

You can see the feather duster

Meaning: It is said to someone when their true intentions are noticed, not always kind.

Talk nineteen to the dozen

Meaning: are you one of those who like to? So you talk a lot.

Bend your elbows

Meaning: although the thing also goes hand in hand, this expression has nothing to do with the previous one. Leaning your elbows is nothing more than studying.

Twenty one be like a shower

Meaning: What does being crazy have to do with watering cans? We don’t know, but that is what this expression means in Spanish.

Brown fuss

Meaning: Have you messed it up brown? Then it is that you have done something that has created a serious problem.

That has neither head nor tail

Meaning: that is, that there is nowhere to take it, that it does not make any sense.

Get cranky

Meaning: when the milk is bad it is sour, therefore, this expression means to get in a bad mood.

That’s from the year of the pear

Meaning: this curious expression is used when something is very old.

Turn purple

Meaning: To gifted, until you get red and look purple.

Get like the Quick

Meaning: the same, overeating, so much so that you even get a belly.

Other expressions and words that only the Spanish understand 

Do you think that the Spanish expressions that you have read are the only ones? There are so many more. And they are all common in colloquial Spanish jargon. Here they go!

Be broke

Meaning: It is best that you do not ask someone who is broke for money, because they have no money.

You don’t see three on a donkey

Meaning: if someone tells you that, worry because they are telling you that you see very badly (you have to have your eyes checked) or that you don’t notice things.

Being the black sheep of the family

Meaning: To be despised by all. Most of the time it is more a feeling than reality.

You have a fish memory

Meaning: fish have very small brains, so having a fish memory means having Avery.

Marriage penalty

Meaning: This soccer expression actually has nothing to do with soccer; it is used when te bride and groom have become “pregnant” before marriage.

Wrap the blanket over your head

Meaning: make very bad, make mistakes and get confused over and over again.

Be breaded

Meaning: when someone is breaded, it means that they don’t know anything.

Have the fly behind the ear

Meaning: that is, that something worries you about someone or some matter.

Play Swedish

Meaning: Pretend you don’t know something for your own benefit.

The well sings to you

Meaning: If they tell you this, you need to improve your oral hygiene, because they tell someone when they have badly.

Sailor fabric!

Meaning: An expression used when something is very complicated or when someone has done something questionable.

Break your ass

Meaning: although this expression sounds a little bad, it means to laugh a lot. It is abbreviated by saying: ‘ I’m leaving ‘.


Meaning: Do you know how the Spanish say colloquially when they get drunk? So, catch a fart.

Eat the coconut

Meaning: It does not mean that you are eating a coconut or, of course, a head. What this expression means is that you think things too much.

He has noses!

Meaning: how is it possible that it happens that this is so? This would be the translation.

A piece of shit on a stick

Meaning: do not ask why this expression is used to say that it is not so, that it is not as it seems. But the truth is that it is one of expressions, it is generally accompanied by an upward gesture with the index finger.

This is solo easy

Meaning: When you get ready and say that you can do something because it is very easy for you, because it is a piece of cake.

Flip the tortilla

Meaning: turn around an argument or a situation, so that it benefits you. Very typically Spanish.

Get like a tomato

Meaning: When your blush, your cheeks blush, hence the expression to turn like a tomato.

That/that boy/girl is a hogtie

Meaning: that he is very handsome or pretty, that is, that he is ready to eat him.

Being in the turkey age

Meaning: for the Spanish, adolescence resembles the behavior of a turkey, always trying to attract attention, somewhat clueless and clumsy.

Turn someone green

Meaning: who would say that green, the, has ended up being used to express when someone is criticized.

I sweat it

Meaning: If someone says that to you, they are telling you that they don’t care what you say in a somewhat rude way. But if it refers to something else, it’s just ‘ I don’t care ’.

How cool

Meaning: a curious expression that is used when something is very cool, very cool.

Get involved with someone

Meaning: For the Spanish, meeting someone romantically and going to the next level (kissing or having intimate relations) means getting involved with that person.

Be of candle holders

Meaning: if you have ever gone to the movies with two friends and you have realized that in that place/plan you are redundant or ‘leftover’ because they like each other, then you have been holding candles.

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