56 cute Buddhist proverbs: teachings to achieve inner peace

Gautama Buddha’s teachings have been passed down from generation to generation for more than two millennia. They have not only inspired the believers of the Buddhist religion, but have now crept into the lives of every culture on the planet. Through their of him, they teach us the path of life in peace, of a life without pain for ourselves or for others. It seems incredible, but his teachings by him are very close to modern psychology, so much so that some practices that are in fashion today, such as mindfulness, are based on many of the Buddhist instructions.

Approaching Buddhism, even out of curiosity, is a life lesson that always brings something positive to our way of conceiving the world. For this reason, we have compiled these 56 beautiful Buddhist proverbs with some important teachings to achieve inner peace, lessons that we are convinced will change your life.

Buddhist proverbs and lessons that will bring you closer to happiness

Take care of the outside as well as the inside, because everything is one

For Buddhists, the perception of our interior is as important as what happens outside. When we manage to stay at peace with ourselves, the exterior flows positively.

Why do things that you will later regret? It is not necessary to live with so many tears. Do only what is right, what you do not have to regret, what whose sweet fruits you will reap with joy

Buddhists believe in reincarnation and karma, so in our various lives we will have to reap the fruits of what we sow. if we constantly live doing things we regret, we will never be at peace (not only in this life, but in the following ones).

Conquer the angry by not getting angry; conquer the bad with kindness; conquer the stingy with generosity, and the liar by telling the truth

This proverb is. How to act before what makes us feel bad? With best thoughts and wishes.

Wise man who has obtained wealth, usually helps his relatives

If you are lucky enough to have riches, do not forget to help yours. Generosity is a virtue.

False imagination teaches you that such things as light and shade, length and height, black and white are different and have to be discriminated against; but they are not independent of each other; they are different aspects of the same thing, they are relationship concepts, not reality

Understanding how everything is one and everything is interdependent is one of the most transcendental reflections of Buddhism.

Reflection is the path to immortality; lack of reflection, the road to death

Living without reflecting on what we do and why we do it is absurd life, which is not worth it.

If we’re headed in the right direction, all we have to do is keeping walking.

If you feel that everything is on the right track, go ahead and trust your intuition. Only inside you do you know if what you do is right or not.

Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most

Living in this the best way to feel good about ourselves and clear our karma, since in this way we will be aware of each of our actions.

Don’t hurt others with what hurts yourself

If each person could internalize this proverb and be able to act accordingly, surely the world would be a more respectful and kind place.

He who is provided with patience and love is always lucky, honest and happy.

Cultivating patience and focusing on love will always. What do you think of this Buddhist proverb?

if we don’t change direction, we may end up where we started

There are moments in life when we have to change direction when our path is not the most suitable for us, because otherwise we live as if we were in a vicious circle.

In any battle, winners and losers lose

Because conflicts and battles of any kind always ends up hurting both parties.

Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional

For Buddhism, people can be able to control our interior if we want to, so when we are going through a bad moment in our lives, the way we take it is part of our personal responsibility.

A fool, guided by his own stupidity, is often scorched by his own anger.

Buddhism considers that getting carried away by anger is a symptom of human stupidity. Considering that we can cultivate our self-control, the smart thing to do would be to never get angry. Of course, this is learned with practice.

Better than a thousand empty words, a word that brings peace

Why talk more if you have nothing to say? Leave empty words in your life and focus on those that do well.

Don’t be friends with fools

Buddhist proverb very similar to many others from many cultures. Always look for friendships and companies that enrich you as a person.

Give, even if you have very little to give

Being generous is part of good karma and a full and happy life.

When evil bears fruit, the fool will experience suffering.

Because in the end, the one who is more intelligent will know how to take things differently, in the best way so that it doesn’t affect them so much.

Remembering a bad thing is like carrying a load on your mind.

And it is true, it is important to learn to release what has hurt us, since it is a very heavy burden to always keep it in mind.

What we are today remains on what we thought yesterday, and our current thoughts shape our future life.

We cannot go backwards, but we can go forward. That is why we always have the power to change our current thoughts to achieve.

 rejoice because every place is here and every moment is now.

Because in reality life is the present, neither the past nor the future, but what we live in each moment.

He, who is attentive and enjoys a focused mind, will be able to achieve maximum joy.

It is important to be attentive to both our exterior and our interior. Getting to know ourselves and the environment is what will make us more aware of our own happiness.

If you cannot improve what others have said, keep the noble silence

Like other, this one focuses on the importance of words and speaking just when necessary.

Hate does not diminish with hate. Hate decreases with love

The only way to pierce hate and overcome it is love. It’s a very beautiful Buddhist proverb, isn’t it?

When morality in this world is well studied and observed, all kinds of riches come

Proverb refers to knowledge, which goes through observation without judgment in order to understand how the world really works.

The tongue is like a sharp knife… it kills without drawing blood

Because with words you can do a lot of damage, so it is important to be aware of every word we say.

There is no other happiness than inner peace

For Buddhism, achieving inner peace is reaching the highest happiness. What do you think? Do you agree?

If you can appreciate the miracle that a single flower contains, your whole life will change.

Knowing how to appreciate each of the miracles of life, the beauty of nature, the little things like a smile or a helping hand, as Buddha said, that is what really brings happiness.

No snowflake falls in the wrong place

Because everything happens for a reason, for Buddhism the Universe has prepared a path for us to travel.

Like a snake sheds its skin, we must let go of our past again and again.

It is part of our personal growth, to overcome and abandon our past (and that of past lives) to be able to live in the presenting.

The fool who recognizes his foolishness is wise. But a fool who thinks he is wise is, in truth, a fool.

What do you think of this Buddhist proverb? You really are absolutely right.

To understand everything, it is necessary to forget everything

Because the only way to understand what is happening around us is emotional detachment.

Happiness is the result of the accumulation of good deeds

For Buddhists this is one of the most important paths to follow. With our good deeds we will achieve happiness because we will also clear our karma.

Kindness must become our natural way of life, not the exception

Reflecting on this proverb is an entire act of knowledge and inner.

Anger is overcome with kindness. With generosity pettiness is overcome. And with the truth the lie is overcome

profound proverb that makes you questions how to act in your own life.

Peace comes from within, don’t look for it outside

As Buddhism says, the first step to full happiness.

The man who does evil suffers in this world and suffers in the next. He suffers and regrets seeing all the damage he has done. However, the man who does well is happy in this world and he is happy in the next. In both worlds he rejoices, seeing all the good he has done

One of the basic teachings of Buddhism is the importance of doing well at all times.

What we think, that’s exactly what we will become

Our thoughts can make even the things we fear happen. Cultivate positive thoughts about yourself and the outside so that your life is peaceful.

By worrying about a single leaf you will not be able to see the whole tree.

Sometimes it is necessary to get away from a situation to be able to see it with sufficient perspective and to be able to face it in the best way.

There is nothing more terrible than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relationships. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills

Doubting oneself (or oneself) is, as this proverb says, a bad habit that will only lead to the destruction of our own life.

There are two things, oh disciple that should be avoided: a life of pleasures; that is low and vain. A life of mortifications; that is useless and vain

Proverb says, neither one nor the other. It is about finding the balance, a healthy balance, to be happy.

The mind is always consumed by its own confusion. Refrain from associating with their greedy influences

Don’t let other people disturb your mind and make you feel confused. Self-confidence is your source of power.

Your purpose in life is to find a purpose, and give your whole heart to it.

wonderful proverb that shows you the way to go in those moments when you don’t know what you want in life.

Nothing is forever except change

Because life is a constant change, change is infinite and personal growth means accepting it.

one should speak only when his words do not cause him to regret or hurt others

Before you speak, think about this. Will what you’re going to say hurt anyone? If you think that might be the case, then you better shut up and wait until you are able to say something kinder.

Among beings that hate, we must live without hate

This Buddhist teaching can be one of the most difficult to apply. But a single energy in peace manages to make great changes in the world.

No one will punish you for your anger; he himself will be in charge of punishing you

In the end, the worst unemployed are ourselves when we get angry, because anger breaks the soul.

Only when you can be extremely flexible and soft can you also be extremely hard and strong.

Human strength also has to do with tenderness and the ability to adapt to changes.

The greatest prayer is patience

Because being patient with what happens to us can become our most powerful force, don’t forget it.

 do not seek the friendship of those who have an impure soul; do not seek the company of men with perverse souls. Associate with those who have a beautiful and good soul

Learning to choose those who transmits good energy to us is part of our path.

Those who are free of resentment will find peace

Forgive those who have hurt you from the heart. When you achieve it, you will feel at peace with yourself / or, and in the end, that is the most important thing.

True love is born from understanding

As this Buddhist proverb says, learning to understand those around us is an.

Just as the bamboo is consumed for its own fruit; the petty person is ruined by hated, greed, and delusion born of his own base mind.

Therefore, before petty people it is better not to worry too much, life, the cosmos, God or even they themselves will take care of giving themselves their own lesson.

Don’t believe anything, it doesn’t matter where you read it or who said it, and it doesn’t matter if I said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense.

This is a basic Buddhist principle, having to do with human intelligence and understanding. Before blindly believing in something, believe in yourself, in your reason and intuition.

The foot feels the foot when it feels the ground

Life cannot be experienced other than by getting in touch with it. Experiences with our environment are what make us feel alive.

He who envy has no peace

For Buddhism, in reality before envious and petty people what you have to have is mercy, because they are people who cannot achieve inner peace.

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