56 revealing phrases about selfishness and envy: don’t be fooled!

Individualism is gaining adherents and this is becoming a kind of every man for himself. And it is true that we must take care of ourselves, love, love, understand, value and place ourselves in the first place of our vital priorities. But this is not something we have to do at the expense of others, nor at the cost of leaving others forgotten and neglected. It is important not to confuse selfishness with good, so we have selected these 56 revealing phrases about selfishness and envy to better understand it, don’t be fooled!

Famous quotes about selfishness

Selfishness causes enough havoc in society, which is why it has deserved the attention of some thinkers since ancient times. These are some of the most famous quotes of all time about selfishness.

  • For a solitary animal, selfishness is a virtue that tends to preserve and improve the species: in any kind of community it becomes a destructive vice.
  • A strong egoism is a protection
  • The same story always repeats itself: each individual only thinks of himself
  • When a man is wrapped up in him, he makes a rather small package.
  • Selfishness is the detestable vice that no one forgives in others, but that everyone has
  • We only feel public ills when they affect our private interests
  • We are all basically made of the same stuff: generosity and selfishness, kindness and greed.
  • The more you make this world about you, the more miserable you’ll be
  • Anything done in self-interest is justified.
  • selfishness is blind
  • the first human being devoid of that second skin that we call egoism is yet to be born.
  • A man is not defined as selfish by pursuing his own good, but by neglecting the good of others
  • One of the biggest diseases in the world is selfishness
  • Selfishness is the very essence of a noble soul

Phrases to reflect on selfishness

But let’s continue with this attitude that we have all suffered at some time in life. Reflection on egoism does not include the desire to punish ourselves (neither to ourselves nor to others) but rather to improve and reach that point where we are aware that others have the same value as us.

  • Loves asks: What can I give? And selfishness answers: What do I gain?
  • Earth revolves around the sun, not around you.
  • Selfishness comes from poverty in the heart, from the belief that love is not abundant.
  • An egoist is that guy who insists on talking to you about himself when you are dying to talk about yourself
  • It is useless to be selfish, since each of us lives in interdependence with everyone and everything.
  • It’s interesting how the selfish, the ignorant, and the constantly angry tend to be the same person.
  • We’re all prone to being a little selfish and a little lazy.
  • Messages about the difference between self-love and selfishness
  • Selfishness is not self-love, but an inordinate passion for oneself
  • It is not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself and make your happiness a priority. Sometimes it’s necessary
  • If you have the ability to love, love yourself first.
  • Go your own way and don’t worry if others like it
  • The best thing in the world is knowing how to belong to yourself
  • Your time is too valuable to waste on people who can’t accept who you are.
  • When I started loving myself, I got rid of everything that wasn’t good for me. At first I called it healthy egoism, but now I know its self-love.
  • The person who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone
  • The most important relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself.
  • When you love yourself, you make better decisions.
  • There is overwhelming evidence that the higher your level of self-esteem, the more likely you are to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity.

Very beautiful phrases about generosity

Faced with selfishness, nothing better than generosity. Giving, sharing, helping, supporting, and caring for others are generous acts that fill you and others. Although yes, there is a small bottle of personal and individual essence that you should not lend to anyone.

  • The most generous people are those who give quietly without hope of praise or reward.
  • Drawing attention to one’s own generosity is equivalent to indicating that others are indebted to you and that you expect compensation.
  • Generosity needs no reward, it pays for itself.
  • Generosity can be as contagious as a plague as long as people are willing to be the carriers
  • The most generous tend to be the most humble
  • With time and maturity, you will discover that you have two hands: one to help yourself and one to help others.
  • What is not shared is lost. What is offered from the heart multiplies
  • in the end, you only have what has been given
  • Being big is easy. He just reaches out your hand, close your mouth and open your heart
  • Anger is overcome with kindness. With generosity pettiness is overcome. Deceit is defeated with truth

Phrases to reflect on empathy

We already have two of the main ingredients to deal with selfishness: love and generosity. But there is more, there is a fundamental ingredient to make life more pleasant, for ourselves and for others. And we are talking about. Do you know what empathy really consists of? These phrases will help you understand it better.

  • Instead of condemning people, let’s try to understand them. Let’s try to find out why they do what they do
  • Try to understand before being understood
  • True empathy requires that you step outside of your own emotions to fully see things from the other person’s perspective.
  • One does not have to operate with great malice to do much damage. The absence of empathy and understanding are enough
  • Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity
  • Empathy is the ability to get out of your own bubble and into other people’s bubbles.
  • Big egos have little ears.
  • You never understand a person until you consider things from their point of view, until you get under their skin and walk through it.
  • Empathy is the opposite of spiritual meanness. It is the ability to understand that every war is lost and won. And that someone else’s pain is just as significant as yours.

How to recognize a selfish person: traits to keep in mind

  • With all these phrases and reflections, surely you already have in mind the image of a few people around you. We are going to take an X-ray of selfish people because it seems important for us to be able to identify them quickly. After all, they are still those kinds of toxic people that we don’t want by our side.
  • A person is not selfish for living in their own way, oblivious to social conventions and looking for their place in the world. Many people may call people who dare to be authentic and free selfishness, but selfishness is not about blurring yourself so that others grow, but about following your path without preventing others from following theirs.
  • One of the traits that are most evident in selfish people is complaining. That constant complaint because they think that life (and others) owes them something. Selfish people believe that they deserve the best, something that is very good, but with the detail of excluding others from that deserve. They are what deserve the best, not everyone.
  • This characteristic leads to two other clear signs of selfishness. Frustration and envy. When a selfish person is not doing as well as they would like, they unleash waves of frustration often lead to criticism and direct attacks on all those people they see as happier than they are.
  • Selfish people are also often master manipulators. Everything must be for them, attention, material things, success… and throughout their lives they develop the necessary strategies so that their entire environment revolves around them. Your needs are, not your priority, but everyone else’s as well.
  • Falsehood is another common trait of selfish people. Along with falsehood lies and lack of scruples appear. And sometimes even cruelty. Because a selfish person will do everything necessary to achieve his goal, whatever it may be. His immediate well-being of him is a priority and he does not hesitate to achieve it, generally at the expense of the well-being of others.
  • We can add to the traits of selfish people a certain emotional vampirism. The most sensitive people immediately identify the egoists because they can clearly notice how their energy fades and their illusions are reduced by their side. The egoist may be interested in you, but only until you stop being useful to him.
  • It would be necessary to go to psychology to find out the reasons that lead selfish people to ignore the care of others to these extremes. At the moment we can only settle for identifying them in time to get as far away as possible. As we have already said, selfish people are toxic who can shake your self-esteem and your world, since for them you have no value beyond being a tool to achieve their ends.
  • But we do not want to be left with a bitter taste. Let’s identify the egoists, those people who carry the ‘I’ as their flag and who ignore what respect is. And once identified, let them pass through our lives glancing. It will be better to focus on those people whom we can respect, help, care for, listen to and love. In those people who know what love, respect and share are. Because you already know that shared sorrows are relieved faster and that shared joys become even greater.

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