59 phrases to dedicate on Christmas Eve (inspiring, beautiful and fun)

Christmas is a time of year full of illusion and hope, a time when families come together to enjoy their presence, value each contribution they give to each other and live the true spirit of Christmas. The night of December 24 is a special night, which celebrates the arrival of the Child God on Earth and, for those who also like to celebrate Santa Claus, the night when the chubby man in the red suit and white beard distributes gifts all over the world. The planet.

Night it is as special as Christmas itself, so take advantage of this day to send a nice message to your loved ones and show them all your love. We bring you 59 inspiring, beautiful and fun phrases to dedicate on Christmas Eve. Choose your favorite!

Phrases about the meaning of Christmas Eve

We start with inspiring that remind us of the true spirit of Christmas and those values ​​​​of peace and love that Christmas Night brings us. A night of emotions, of meetings, of laughter and joy, it is a night to live, enjoy and appreciate all those people that we have around us. Write down these phrases that can inspire you and yours this Christmas Eve. Look!

1Christmas Eve is painted the color of your deepest emotions. Because it is a night in which real emotions arise, that is why it is important to take care of your emotions and make them paint themselves in colors

When Christmas Eve summons us, no one is excluded, from theta the largest. Long live Christmas! Curiously, Christmas Eve is a night that even the oldest in the house enjoy like children.

2Sometimes we need a little spark of magic to recreate our existence, Christmas Eve is that spark

What a beautiful phrase! Thanks to that spark that Christmas Eve brings us, we can reflect on our true purposes and feelings in our lives.

3Authentic happiness is living wonderful moments with the most dear people, happy Christmas Eve

A truth that we usually live on this special night. When you live Christmas Eve with those you truly love, you realize what true happiness means.

4The children, sleeping with one eye and watching with the other the stealthy arrival of the Child God, wake up at midnight with a start. For them it has really dawned. Because for children, on Christmas Eve, dawn is not the sunrise but the arrival of toys

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

This beautiful message that the writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez left us takes us back to our childhood and that illusion of being able to open Christmas presents.

5Live Christmas Eve as it should and await the birth of Baby Jesus with a clean and sincere heart

For those who Christmas means spirituality, this is a profound message that reminds us of the true purposes of this very special date.

6This Christmas Eve the child God will be born and fill our spirit with peace, love and happiness

A short but meaningful phrase about the spirit of Christmas Eve. It is a beautiful phrase to send to those you loves the most.

7Christmas is not a time or a season, but a state of mind. To value peace and generosity and to have mercy is to understand the true meaning of Christmas

And since the Night before Christmas is an indisputable part of these dates, it is also important to keep Christmas values ​​in mind on this night.

8Christmas is truly celebrated by those who know that it is the most important event in the entire universe, the source of infinite love and joy for humanity.

Inspiring phrase about Christmas that you can send to your loved ones on Christmas Eve so that they can also be inspired by this message of love, peace and gratitude.

9The joy that I can see in the streets on Christmas night fills my heart with great emotion. I can feel how beautiful life is when we all love and respect each other. Merry Christmas

Nice phrase for Christmas Eve, and so real! On this very special night, most of humanity shares a feeling of joy that is felt in the environment. Merry Christmas!

10For century’s men have kept an appointment with Christmas. Christmas is synonymous with communion, celebration, giving and receiving, a moment of joy

  1. J. Tucker

An appointment that starts from the night before Christmas Day, the 24th, and that lasts until the 25th.

11 Christmas Eve has the magic of softening even the hardest heart, of changing sadness for joy and frustration for love.

Yes, Christmas Eve is a very special night that can heal wounds and brighten the heart.

12The gifts of time and love are undoubtedly the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas.

Peg Bracken

This Christmas Eve offer your loved ones the best gift you can give them, that of your time and that of your sincere love.

13The joy that Christmas Eve brings to all homes is undoubtedly the best moment of every human being.

If not the best, one of the best for sure, because it is an immense joy and happiness to be able to enjoy this special day with your loved ones.

14Happiness will come to your life, because this Christmas Eve the Child God will visit your home and will make everyone feel happy to celebrate his arrival in this world.

Christmas Eve is a day full of love, tenderness and spirituality, so do not close yourself to open the doors of your heart and let its spirit enter your life.

15 there is nothing sadder in this world than waking up on Christmas morning and not being a child.

Because the illusion of Christmas Eve is to live it as a little infant. Live it with joy and enthusiasm, just like a child who wakes up excited on Christmas morning.

16Families get together to share and everyone is happy being together, that is the best gift that we can all have on this Christmas Eve

Family union is a gift that the night before Christmas offers us, remembering how important harmony is among all human beings.

17Let our hearts be filled with happiness on this Christmas Eve and we will feel how wonderful and special this date is.

Open your heart to live Christmas Eve with joy and humility. And enjoy Christmas!

18Those who believe that tonight Santa Claus enters through the chimney are mistaken, because he really enters through the heart

Precious phrase that puts aside the materialistic nature of Christmas and talks about the most sentimental, love.

19Wherever you are, celebrate Christmas, as God will always be your company on Christmas Eve and for the rest of your life.

Precious message that alludes to that more spiritual background of Christmas.

20 the most beautiful thing about Christmas is the joy it brings with it, it is that hope, that illusion with which it infects us even before its arrival. Merry Christmas Eve!

The night before Christmas is a special night, because it fills hearts with joy and the world with hope. Remind your loved ones with this beautiful phrase.

Phrases to congratulate Christmas Night

If what you want is to send your good wishes to your loved ones on Christmas Eve and Christmas, then you can send them one of these greetings of affection and love. They are phrases that reflect the values ​​of this very special night and that you can copy or modify to your liking for those special people in your life.

Twenty-one Authentic happiness is living wonderful moments with the people you love the most. Merry Christmas Eve

Do you know that person is with the ones you love the most? Send him a nice Christmas Eve message like this.

22This Christmas Eve I counted stars and began to give each one a reason why I love you… Shall I tell you something? I lacked stars

This is a romantic Christmas Eve message, ideal to send to your partner.

23May you live this Christmas Eve with faith and joy, and I hope that you can provide a moment of peace and love to all your relatives, spending with them this date that lights up everyone’s hearts. Merry Christmas!

A precious message that offers the best wishes to someone with whom you will not spend Christmas Eve but who you do not forget.

24 With all my love, I wish that the magic of Christmas lights you up tonight and helps you achieve your dreams. Merry Christmas Eve!

Nice Christmas Eve message to send the best wishes to someone important in your life.

25On this very special night, enjoy those you have by your side and cherish every moment with them. Merry Christmas!

Learning to appreciate the opportunity that Christmas Eve offers to share with your loved ones is important.

26Recipe for the best Christmas Eve: let’s put together several measures of illusion, a pinch of friendship and a gesture of tenderness. Let’s bake the mixture with a patient mood. Let’s wrap it with laughter, lights and songs. Finally, offer her with the heart. Merry Christmas!

Fun and original, as well as tender and hopeful is this beautiful.

27This Christmas Eve eat delicious food and sing a lot. Merry Christmas!

This phrase is ideal to convey joy to your loved ones on this Christmas Eve.

28May this night of peace and love stay in the hearts of all your family and loved ones throughout the year. Merry Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas

This beautiful greeting is ideal for someone who may not be part of your family but whom you appreciate and wish them the best on Christmas Eve.

29Merry Christmas Eve dear family and a blessed New Year. I love them all!

Will you spend these Christmas dates away from your family? Do not forget to send them a nice message of
affection and love like this one.

30I wish that what you want to do most on this Christmas Eve is to smile and share that beautiful smile with others. Merry Christmas

Focus on one of the best attributes of the person you want to wish the best on Christmas Eve, such as his smile, his good sense of humor, how well he sings… It will be a very nice congratulations.

31Although we are not together, tonight I will send all my feelings for you flying so that they reach your heart and share my Christmas joy with you. Merry Christmas

What a beautiful Christmas Eve greeting! Right? The positive energy of Christmas can be transmitted despite.

32May peace be what abounds the most in the hearts of your loved ones on this very special night. Merry Christmas Eve. May this night of love cause the biggest and most lasting smiles of all on your face. Merry Christmas

The message of peace is one of the most important of Christmas, and inner peace one of the best wishes for your loved ones.

33Remember that the most important thing about Christmas is the arrival of the Child God bringing peace and joy to our hearts. Have a nice Christmas

This beautiful Christmas message is ideal for those who live it with more spirituality.

34 Every year on Christmas night I have the same wish, which is that evil in the world stops, that all children have a home, that poverty ends and that people show more solidarity with those who need it. Merry Christmas to all

A beautiful message to send or put on a card and remember the true magic of Christmas. Solidarity, love, hope and peace.

35Because nothing in this world brings us more happiness than being with the people who make our lives special. Merry Christmas Eve!

Beautiful Christmas Eve greeting that reminds how important it is to be with those you love and love you the most.

36Tonight is Christmas Eve and Christmas tomorrow; bring out Maria’s boot… and the zambomba, the tambourine, the best food and a good smile. Have an amazing time with yours. Merry Christmas!

Wish that you love so much the best this Christmas with a fun greeting like this one.

37My wish for you is that you have a happy Christmas Eve, today I ask the baby Jesus to fill the whole world with love to achieve total happiness

Nice Christmas Eve congratulations full of good wishes and hope.

38May the star of Bethlehem illuminate you on this Christmas Eve and may the Lord’s blessing keep you and your family every day of the New Year

spiritual and beautiful greeting to send to your loved ones on Christmas Eve.

39Merry Christmas Eve to all. May all of you and your loved ones enjoy a true Christmas night with peace and love.

A more formal Christmas Eve good but at the same time beautiful and sentimental.

40Do not keep a single Christmas greeting inside you; offer them all that the Universe will return you much more in blessings. Merry Christmas Eve!

Because the beautiful thing we do for others is always returned to us in the form of positivity.

41Today that we celebrate Christmas, the best gift we can give each other is our pure and sincere affection for our neighbor.

Nice message that you can pronounce in the Christmas Eve toast or send it to a friend to congratulate him on Christmas.

42May peace and harmony not be lacking in your home and May our love continue to unite us for many more Christmas Eves. Happy Holidays

Beautiful Christmas Eve message that you can send to your partner oar, such as a cousin or an uncle.

45 Christmas is more beautiful with you by my side. Thank you for being the best gift this holiday season. Merry Christmas!

An adorable, very romantic and tender message, ideal for you to send to you.

Very funny Christmas Eve quotes to send to your loved ones

Finally, we offer you some funny Christmas Eve phrases that your friends and family will surely love. Because you have to put a little humor in life. Here they go!

46’Christmas Eve’… The one I’m going to give you

mischievous or funny phrase, it depends on the context. You can accompany it with an image that gives it a different meaning. Use your imagination!

47I wish you the best with your family this Christmas Eve… if you arrive, because the Pre-Christmas Eve with your friends will be better than ever

Friends also have to be in your life on the 24th. Right?

48I’ve been watching you… Don’t play nice at this point. Ate. Santa Claus

For that friend that you know is a riot, this message is ideal on Christmas Eve.

49There’s only one Christmas Eve… but I’m good all year. Merry Christmas!

A congratulation to raise self-esteem and make someone laugh on this special night.

50 Dear Santa: since last year you didn’t bring me what I asked for, this year I put a horse purgative in the cup of milk that I left you next to the tree. PS: the bathroom has a key

This joke is great for a laugh on Christmas Eve. Send it to your friends and family with the best sense of humor.

51- Every year I’m scared on Halloween…
– On Halloween
– No! On Christmas Eve, I have dinner with my mother-in-law and my sisters-in-law

If this is your case or the case of a friend or friend… send him this funny joke on Christmas Eve.

52There are 4 stages in life: first you believe in Santa Claus, then you don’t believe in Santa Claus, then you are Santa Claus and finally you look like Santa Claus. Merry Christmas!

A funny joke for all those who are already of a certain age to understand it. Send it to them on Christmas Eve and make them smile.

53It’s not Christmas yet… and I already want to give you your Christmas Eve

Clear and naughty, this message to send ton Christmas Eve.

54What is a bachelor/spinster? A man/woman who has spent many Christmases but no Christmas Eve

Send a funny joke like this to your friends on Christmas Eve. They will laugh a lot (by the way, avoid single friends, unless they have a great sense of humor).

55I have a question for Christmas Eve dinner… does the mobile phone go to the left or right of the plate?

It is actually quite because his thing is that this year there are no telephones at the table and he enjoys the company, although you have to be realistic, this is almost impossible.

56Before you make fun of the children, who believe in Santa Claus, remember that you believed your ex. Merry Christmas Eve!

Well yes, you have to admit it, the illusion is never lost, much less these days, right?

57Share this message if your mom doesn’t know what she’s making for dinner on Christmas Eve either (… and eventually she’ll do the same as every year)

Laughing for a while at some of the common things that the Christmas Eve organization has is very healthy, don’t you think?

58Urgent. if you receive a Christmas basket, a ham or money from a relative these days, do not open it, it is a virus. Return it immediately and put my address that I have the antivirus. It is my duty as a friend. Merry Christmas!

Send this fun to a freeloader friend, I’m sure he’ll find it funny and in the hours before Christmas Eve he’ll show up at your house to try the stew or eat some nougat.

59From Bethlehem we want to remember, like every year, that those who drink and drink and drink again are the fish in the river. Thank you and happy Christmas Eve

To send a cautionary message on Christmas Eve with a touch of humor, this funny phrase is perfect.

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