61 phrases from John Lennon: reflections on peace and love that you should read

John Winston Lennon, better known as John Lennon, was one of the most popular musicians in history. To talk about him is to talk about one of the most influential musical bands of all time and the one that has been the most successful: ‘The Beatles’. He was not only a musician; he was also a peace activist and a great thinker. That is why many of his phrases of him are still remembered. we present you with 61 phrases by John Lennon, reflections on peace and love that you should read at least once in your life.

The best phrases of John Lennon, the music icon

John Lennon was born on October 9, 1940 in the British city of Liverpool. He passed away 40 years later, in 1980 in New York City. Remembered today for his spirit, his way of thinking and his of life, Lennon continues to be an example to follow. These are some of the interesting reflections that he has left us.

1Either you get tired fighting for peace or you die

Defend of peace John Lennon declared himself against any war.

2Reality leaves a lot to the imagination

Considered a very creative person, he was always looking for new things to do and learn.

3It doesn’t matter that you hide behind a smile and wear nice clothes, if you can’t hide something, it’s how rotten you are inside

He also believed in the purity of the soul. He said that was above everything, especially any fake smile or any article of clothing.

4I believe that time heals all wounds

Time heals everything; do you also think the same? It may or may not be true, but having that vision sure is a great help in overcoming certain things.

5Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans

You make the plans you want because life already has its own for you. Always keep that in mind!

6I can’t believe they honored me. I thought it was necessary to drive tanks and win wars

What do you think of this sentence ? Gives a lot to think about, right?

7You are alone with you all the time, whatever you do. You have to go down to your own God in your own temple. It’s all up to you mate

We often believe that others have to decide or do things for us, when in truth it is oneself who has the great power to change things and fight for what one wants.

Phrases that made John Lennon immortal

John Lennon was assassinated on December 8, 1980; forty years after that event, his phrases, his words, his way of life and, of course, his music, are still very present. So much so that there are many who believe that some of his phrases have managed to make him immortal.

8If everyone demanded peace instead of another TV then there would be peace

There would be peace if everyone in the world wanted it; unfortunately we are busy with other banal things that are unimportant. Is it really worth putting aside what is important?

9There are two basic motivational forces: fear and love. When we fear we walk away from life. When we are in love, we open ourselves to all that life has to offer with passion, enthusiasm and acceptance.

Love moves the world and helps us understand it, fear and fear keep us from it.

10Well I don’t want to be king, I want to be royal

John Lennon did not want to be a king, he only wanted to be a real person and close to his family.

11 When I can’t sing my heart out, I can only speak my mind

Saying what one thinks seems simple, but deep down we all know that it is not so easy.

12What the sixties did was showing us the possibilities and the responsibility that we all had.

…’ was not the answer. It just gave us an idea of ​​the possibility.’
Possibilities and responsibilities, what do these two words mean to you?

13How can I move on when I don’t know where I’m going?

There are times when we feel so lost that we walk for the sake of walking without really knowing where our steps are going.

14The war ends if you want

Peace, if we want it that way, can be the reason that guides the world.

15 I’m not really a career person; I’m a gardener, basically

The musical icon declared him a gardener.

John Lennon’s messages of peace that endure today

If there is something for which he is known, it is for his innumerable messages for peace and non-violence. Many of those messages have become an emblem and a way of thinking, in their time and also in ours. More than one of these phrases by John Lennon about peace, surely you have heard it on several occasions.

16You have to accept the unknown, lose your fear, the rest is simple

If we leave our fears behind, everything will be much easier.

17Being honest can’t get you a lot of friends, but it always gets you the right ones.

They rightly say that true friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

18Surrealism had a great effect on me because I realized that the imagination in my mind was not madness. Surrealism for me is reality

The singer’s imagination had no limits.

19When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I replied: ‘happy’. They told me that I did not understand the question, and I answered that they did not understand life

If we don’t want to be happy, what else could we become?

20 have to follow my heart wherever it leads me

Would you also say this phrase? It is not easy to be guided by the heart instead of reason.

21 we live in a world where we hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.

How right you are!

22There is nothing you can know that is not known

Human beings are constantly discovering things; this phrase reminds us of it.

23One thing you can’t hide is when you’re crippled inside

It doesn’t matter how hard you try, if you’re bad on the inside, it shows on the outside.

24You don’t need anyone to tell you who or what you are. You are what you are!

You are you, never forget!

25What we are going to do is keep hope alive because without it we will sink

Hopei’s the last thing to be lost.

More meaningful quotes from John Lennon about nonviolence

John Lennon, the singer of peace and nonviolence, leaves us phrases to think about and reflect on with as much meaning as the following list. Keep the ones you like the most and try to never forget them. They will help you a lot!

26Go out and get peace, think peace, live peace and breathe peace and you will have it as soon as you want.

May peace be your goal in this life?

27When you do something noble and beautiful and no one notices, don’t be sad. The sunrise is a beautiful sight and yet most of the audience is still asleep

Stay with what you have done only for your personal satisfaction.

28Count your age by friends, not by years. Tell your life with smiles, not with tears

How old are you really? What a beautiful phrase !

29Some are willing to do anything except live here and now.

We are so projected into tomorrow that we forget to live in the present.

30Happiness is just how you feel when you don’t feel broken

Happiness, what a sweet feeling, I wish it would never leave us!

31Each person is the reflection of the music they listen to

The music we listen to helps us define our personality and our way of seeing the world. Have you ever stopped to think what kind of music Lennon would listen to?

32I’m not going to change the way I look or feel to conform to something. I’ve always been weird, so I’ll be weird for the rest of my life and I have to live with it. I am one of those people

It turns out that the ‘weird’ people are the ones who are right.

34 As usual, behind every idiot there is a great woman.

How many times throughout history has this phrase been repeated?

35Everything will be alright in the end. If it’s not right, it’s not the end

If it still hasn’t gone well, it’s not the end; it’s just one more part of the way.

36Music is everyone’s possession. It’s only record labels that think they’re owned by one person

Music belongs to whoever composes it and whoever listens to it.

Incredible phrases about the love of the leader of the Beatles

The leader of the Beatles, the one who gave life and name to the popular band, also had a lot to say about love and how to experience it as a couple. John Lennon proclaimed free love; from 1967 to 1980 he teamed up with Yoko Ono. A relationship not without controversy since both was married when they met. Many of his phrases from him are inspired by his from him. Let’s see them!

37Everything is more clear when you are in love

Does it happen to you too? Do you also see the world with other eyes when love is part of your life?

38Love makes you feel really rewarding experiences

Totally agree!

39It doesn’t matter who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love or how you love, it only matters what you love.

Loving the person above all else no matter what, what a great lesson on love!

40Love wants to be loved. Love is asking to be loved. Love is to need to be loved

Love should always be part of our life, don’t you think? Lennon believed so.

41Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given it’s never forgotten, never let it go away

What is love for you? Do you also think it’s a gift?

42Love is the flower that you have to let grow

If you don’t take care of it properly it can wither, be careful!

43A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream that you dream of someone else is a reality

Dreams can come true if we are next to the right person. Let her be the one to help you reach them before it’s too late.

44If someone thinks that love and peace are a cliché; they must have been left behind in the 60’s that are their problem. Love and peace are eternal

Loveland peace should never leave us; otherwise existence would cease to make sense.

45 If you love someone, you are never with that person long enough. You never want to be apart

That would be love, always wanting more, spending more time with the loved one. How beautiful!

46Our life together is so precious… let’s take our chance and fly away to anywhere

To whom would you dedicate this phrase with so much meaning? It’s music to the ears!

47all you need is love

Yes, you are right, it Isa that has been said hundreds of times throughout the world, so much so that it even became the name of a well-known television program.

48We have this gift of love, but it is like a precious plant. You can’t just accept it and leave it on the cupboard or think it’s going to grow on its own. You have to keep watering it. You have to really take care of her

Love takes care of itself, from the first day to the last, if there ever is a last day.

49There is something about love that is really fantastic and although I am not always a person who loves, I want to be as much as possible.

Every day is filled with color and magic if you are lucky enough to spend it next to your loved ones.

50 Yoko inspires all this creation in me. It’s not that she inspires me songs. She inspires me

Who is your source of inspiration?

51make love and not war

This other sentence of Lennon’s has also been said so many times that it has come to be repeated as a mantra and a kind of declaration against everything that is detrimental to peace.

Lennon’s quotes that will make you think about the true meaning of life

We come to the end of the list of Lennon’s best phrases with a short batch especially indicated to think and reflect on the true meaning of life. Don’t miss it!

52God is a concept by which we measure our pain

Have you ever thought about it?

53There is an alternative to violence. It’s staying in bed and letting your hair grow

He also had a great sense!

54I don’t know which will come first: rock ‘n’ roll or Christianity

What would you answer to this question?

55I don’t fear death because I don’t believe in it. It’s just getting out of one car and into another

Deaths the passage from one life to another, according to the singer, it is nothing more than that.

56Imagine all the people living life in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one

We are also dreamers!

57There’s nowhere you can be that’s not where you’re meant to be

If you are there it is for a reason.

58Nobody controls me. I am uncontrollable. The only one who controls me is me, and that’s barely possible

Each one must look to follow their own path.

59Yes, we all shine, like the moon, the stars and the sun

Each one has the great capacity to shine with its own light. Do you like this?

60If you want peace, you will not have it with violence

One is the opposite of another.

61I don’t believe in yesterday

Better to believe in today and tomorrow.

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