66 phrases of silence: great messages for when there are no words

Barely noticeable, intensely uncomfortable, superfluous or loaded with meaning, silence has many faces and communicates more than we usually realize at first glance. As Lao Tzu said: “silence is a source of great power”, it can become a source of wisdom as well as stupidity, it can show love and tenderness or contempt and ingratitude.

Silence is a mystery that has been sought to be revealed over the centuries and for this reason many people have on the emptiness of silence, leaving us countless words that deserve to be heard, in silence, of course. We bring you no less than 66 phrases of silence, for when words are left over. Do you dare to choose your favorite?

Phrases to value the importance of silence

1It is better to be the king of your silence than the slave of your words

William Shakespeare

Silence can be the best way to maintain you’re at certain times. Once you say something you haven’t thought clearly, you may regret it for the rest of your life.

2Desert sand is to the weary traveler what incessant conversation is to the lover of silence.

Persian proverb

And it is that not everyone likes to talk and talk non-stop. There are for whom silence is a pleasure. Do you like silence or a good conversation?

3Make sure that your words are as beautiful as your silences

Alexander Jodorowski

Just as there are thoughtful silences, there are thoughtful, while some silences evoke tenderness in us, words can be the same. If your silences are kind silences, this phrase invites your words to be equally.

4Silence is the sun that ripens the fruits of the soul. We cannot have an exact idea of ​​the one who never shuts up

Maurice Maeterlinck

Silences are necessary to think, reflect, understand and see beyond what is before us. For this reason, a person who is never silent does not have the opportunity to grow personally.

5Silence is the great art of conversation

William Hazlitt

Silences are a fundamental part of a conversation, where it is as important to speak as to listen.

6Silence is the only friend that never betrays


Because if you’re not sure about saying something, keeping quiet will never betray you… although there are silences that can also give away a person, what do you think?

7Our generation will not have lamented so much the crimes of the wicked, as the shocking silence of the kind.

Martin Luther King

A great phrase that invites us to reflect on how important it is to fight for our rights with our word. Not shutting up in the face of adversity is what makes the difference in social development.

8Sometimes silence is the worst lie

Miguel de Unamuno

Be careful, because silence can be a double-edged sword and there are those who use it to lie and deceive those around them.

9Silence is the loudest noise, perhaps the loudest of noises

Miles Davis

Also silence can be used to say much more than what can be said with words. Because silence has a lot of power.

10Blessed are those who have nothing to say, and who resist the temptation to say it.

James R. Lowell

Because talking just to talk makes no sense and can only lead us to be wrong.

11 from the tree of silence hangs the fruit of security

Arabic proverb

According to this Arab the person who knows how to shut up at the right time is the one who really has self-confidence, who has a strong and healthy self-esteem.

12Silence is the safest match for the one who distrusts himself

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

If you are not very clear about your position or do not know very well what to say, then it is best to opt for silence, it will never fail you.

13The most unpleasant way to reply in a polemic is to get angry and remain silent, since the aggressor ordinarily interprets silence as contempt.

Friedrich Nietzsche

What do you think of this wonderful?

14My greatest weapon is the silent prayer

Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi taught us the power of silence to vindicate what is fair. Silence can make a difference; it can enhance the desire for peace.

15 do not speak unless you can improve the silence

Jorge Luis Borges

Still inspiring that makes you take life in another way.

16I am such a supporter of the discipline of silence that I could talk for hours about it.

George Bernard Shaw

phrase about silence with a point of humor. How about?

17Of all the possible reactions to an injury, the most skillful and economical are silent.

Santiago Ramon y Canal

As the thinker said, the most intelligent thing to do is silence in the face of insults, or as the saying goes: “to foolish words, deaf ears.”

18Nothing strengthens authority as much as silence.

Leonardo da Vinci

The truth is that an authoritative silence can have much more effect than authoritative words, both for better and for worse.

19Silence is the mother of truth

Benjamin Disraeli

What do you think of this? Do you think silence is the truth? It can be very much in tune with the famous saying: “he who is silent, grants”.

20 when reason is so clumsy, better speak, sir, who better keep quiet

Pedro Calderon De La Barco

If reason does not come to a conclusion, the best we can do is shut up and be silent, instead of saying some bravado.

Messages that speak about silence

21 the silence of the envious is full of noises

Khalil Gibran

deep phrase with a great truth behind it, when silence is produced by envy, it is not usually a total, real silence, but somehow, through gestures, words behind, etc… They end up having a lot of noise.

22 There are silent people who are much more interesting than the best speakers

Benjamin Disraeli

And there are those who think that by talking and talking and talking… they become interesting, but the important thing knows how to use the word at the right time.

23 The most egregious of the bad things of bad people is the silence of good people.

Mahatma Gandhi

Phrase that makes you think and that appeals to the need for truth and compassion to be heard.

24Silence is like the wind: it stirs up big misunderstandings and extinguishes only small ones.

Elsa triplet

Depending on the circumstances, it can happen that silence affects a more problematic situation.

25Nothing fortifies souls as much as silence; which is like an intimate prayer in which we offer God our sorrows

Jacinto Benevento

Sometimes, behind the silence, there, worries and thoughts that only one carries with them.

26It costs more to respond with grace and meekness than to remain silent with contempt. Silence is sometimes a bad response, a very bitter response

Gar Sea

In the same way that silence can be the best response, it can also be the most egregious and the most damaging. Therefore, silence must be used carefully and with some responsibility.

27Beware of those who only see disorder in noise and peace in silence.

Otto von Bismarck

Everything has different angles from which to look, so sometimes you have to understand that noise can be much quieter and calmer than silence itself.

28It is better to remain silent and let them suspect your foolishness than to speak and remove all doubt from it.

Abraham Lincoln

It seems obvious, but we don’t always see this reflected in. How many times do others, or even ourselves, speak without knowing what they are saying?

29Silence is the sign of wisdom and talkativeness is the sign of stupidity

Pedro Alfonso

What do you think of this? There may be exceptions of talkative people who know what they are saying, however, this phrase refers more to so-called “charlatans”, who seem talkative but all the time say vague words.

30 He who does not understand your silences, most likely does not understand your words either

Elbert Hubbard

Human understanding also involves being assertive in the face of each other’s silences, as long as those silences are not intentional to hurt, don’t forget it.

31 Seeing her sitting there giving no sign of anything makes me realize that silence has a sound.

Jodi Picot

Deaths the greatest silence of all and the one that has the most meaning and sound in the hearts of loved ones.

32Blessed are those who do not speak; because they understand each other!

Mariano Jose de Lara

And it is that sometimes it is so difficult to understand each other with language, that it seems that those who really understand each other are those who do not communicate or those who remain silent.

33 I decided it was better to scream. Silence is the true crime against humanity

Nadezhda Mandelstam

While some think that with silence many things can be said, for others what is necessary is to shout to the sky everything that they consider an injustice. What do you prefer, shout with silence or shout with the word?

34 Without silence there can be no real appreciation in life, which is as delicate as a closed rosebud.

Deepak Chopra

In order to enjoy most of the good things in life, one must know how to listen and remain silent. For example, to appreciate the life of a forest or understand the meaning of.

35Sometimes there are just no words, just a silence that floats like an ocean between the two of us.

Jodi Picot

The silences in that cannot communicate can be great chasms that can even become a reason for rupture.

36Doesn’t everything depend on the interpretation we give to the silence around us?

Lawrence Durrell

Because silence can say so many things that often depend on how we are interpreting it, how we are receiving it in our particular reality.

37The cruelest lies are told in silence

Robert Louis Stevenson

Silent lies are so cruel that sometimes they hurt the most. Have you ever been told a silent lie?

38After you have released the word, it dominates you. But as long as you haven’t released her, you are her dominator

Arabic proverb

A very wise proverb, so it is important to think before speaking, reflect before saying something that you may later regret.

39Silence is not the absence of sound, it is another kind of sound, let’s learn to listen and enjoy it if possible

JJ Brotons

beautiful phrase about silence. Silence exists for a purpose, to be listened to carefully.

Very significant phrases about silence

40 True friendship comes when the silence between two passes pleasantly

Erasmus from Rotterdam

When you feel comfortable next to another person in silence, then trust shows that you are true.

41Nobody preaches better than the ant, and does not speak

Benjamin Franklin

This fabulous phrase makes it clear: the example to others is given with actions, not with words.

42It takes two years to learn to speak and sixty to learn to be silent.

Ernest Hemingway

Its funny isn’t it, but Hemingway was absolutely right. Around the age of two, all human beings learn to speak well enough to communicate, but it is not until we reach old age that we finally learn to listen and remain silent when necessary.

43Silence is more than being silent

Miguel Vestal

Because silence has meaning and we should all know it in order to use it responsibly enough.

44A silent face often expresses more than words


Someone may tell you something, but inside they want to say something else, but those who are silent sometimes express more with their silence, an expression that is denoted in their eyes and their countenance.

45  there is no sound more annoying than a child’s tantrum and none sadder than the silence left behind when it is gone.

Mark Lawrence

The truth is that children are the joy of the house and when they leave to make their lives, they leave an immense void, a sad and desolate silence. Do you agree with this?

46Handling silence is more difficult than handling words

Georges Clemenceau

True, sometimes it is not easy to learn to remain silent at the right time, as well as not to do so when necessary. It all has to do with experience and inner listening.

47The word is silver and silence is gold

Townies that implies that although the word is valuable, silence can be much more so, due to its immense power.

48Enough of silences! Shout with a hundred thousand tongues! Because, for having kept silent, the world is rotten!

Saint Catherine of Siena

The silence withheld the one that silences the injustices and lost rights, that silence, as Saint Catherine of Siena rightly says, drowns the world and does not let it improve.

49Not all distance is absence, nor is all silence oblivion.

Mario Sarmiento

Sometimes we believe that silence, loneliness or absence are negative feelings, but they don’t always have to be that way.

50 the man walks into the crowd to drown out the clamor of his own silence

Rabindranath Tagore

Searching for noise so as not to be silent with oneself is a habitual human resource, but it is important to learn to and to dialogue with ourselves in a healthy and respectful way with ourselves. Don’t close yourself to your own silence; it has many things to teach you.

51I don’t know who said that great talent does not consist precisely in knowing what to say, but in knowing what to keep quiet

Mariano Jose de Lara

wise phrase about silence and knowing how to use it properly in each situation. It is clear that he is a great talent.

52The great elevations of the soul are not possible except in solitude and silence.

Arturo Graf

Personal growth can only be achieved from the corner of silence with oneself. This lesson that this phrase teaches us is essential to achieve inner.

53The biggest challenge after success is not to say anything about it

Chris Jami

Silence is also a sign of humility. When someone who is successful shuts up and doesn’t brag about him, it usually means that he is a humble and self-assured person who does not need praise from others.

54 You have a great gift for silence, Watson. It makes you very valuable as a partner

Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock Holmes valued the thoughtful nature of his companion Watson, as he once told him.

55 Silence is the element in which all great things are formed

Thomas Carlyle

Through silence you can reach great answers, good from which to move forward in life.

56One must guard well against silent water, a silent dog, and a silent enemy.

Jewish proverb

To wise Jewish proverb that invites us to be cautious with certain types of silence, mainly that of enemies.

57Your distrust worries me and your silence offends me

Miguel de Unamuno

There are times when silence can offend people; it can become so uncomfortable and very irritating.

58The deepest rivers are always the quietest


The deepest thoughts are the most silent, sometimes the deepest problems are the ones that remain silent, and the most comprehensive solutions are also often the most silent.

59My silence hides them. I was like an upside down bottle whose water can’t come out because the bottle is too full

Leo Tolstoy

Faced with people who discriminate against you and do not accept you as you are, you can use the resource of silence, which will probably get in the way, but it can make you feel better. Toxic are better to keep away.

60There are certain kinds of silence that make you walk on air

Cecelia Ahern

They are those silences that make your imagination fly, those that are enjoyed as when we were children and we felt that we could walk among the clouds.

61God is silent. Now if the man could just shut up

Woody Allen

Perhaps if we could listen to each other and listen to the environment more, then we would understand many things and we could have more clarity to know our own path.

62Noise is relative to the silence that precedes it. The more absolute the silence, the more terrifying the thunder

Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

When we keep things too quiet by staying in contained silence, we can explode if we don’t know how to channel those feelings. For this reason, it is important that we use our inner silence in our favor, not against ourselves. What do you think of this?

63I sat in a corner, waiting for a little piece of silence where I could introduce myself.

Ana Maria Matte

There are times when we need peace, and the best way to find it is to find a secluded place where we can be quiet, alone with ourselves.

64When a question does not have a correct answer; there is only one valid alternative, the gray area between yes and no. The silence

Dan Brown

Silence is the great answer to unanswered questions. That is why they say that it is wise to remain silent when we do not know the solution.

65Silence is peace. Tranquility. Silence is turning down the volume of life. Silence is pressing the off button

Khalid Hussein

Once in a while, give yourself a break from the noisy world we live in and you will find a you won’t want to trade for anything. The peace of silence is the peace of wisdom.

66I have always loved the desert. You sit on a sand dune in the desert, you see nothing, and you hear nothing. Yet through the silence something pulses, and shines

Antoine de Saint-Expiry

In silence there is also sound, a more subtle but deeper and more mysterious one, which can lead you to infinite paths of wisdom.

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