76 sincere phrases of condolences to express condolences to someone close

Surely, many of us will agree that death is the most painful and sometimes traumatic event to face. Losing a loved one leaves us paralyzed from head to toe, time it no longer matters and, in our minds, the world stops spinning. Accepting the departure of someone we love is very difficult. At first, disbelief arrives and later, and as time goes by, it.

It is in these complex events that you most need a helping hand and a shoulder to cry on. At first, an understanding person is required and to show us his affections of her with delicate words and silent actions. However, it is not always easy to get it right when it comes to cheering. we leave you the best phrases of condolences to give condolences to someone with sincerity and closeness.

How to give condolences correctly

Each person has their own process and acceptance of death: there are those who take it as a totally natural process of life and it seems that it does not affect them in a noticeable way, while others collapse emotionally and feel that their life has been lost. A very significant part. Therefore, we must be very delicate when it comes to offering our condolences to people, because we are not completely sure how they will react.

Even if your intentions are the best for that person, they may misinterpret your words and think that you are downplaying what happened. The best thing is to wait for him or her to ask for your help and, meanwhile, look for the phrase that you think best suits that person and their loss process De Ella.

What you should and what you should NOT do when giving condolences to someone

+Support someone who is going through grief

You don’t need to deliver an inspirational or motivational speech about your presence in that place and how much they can count on you, because that person and their relatives do not have enough mental clarity to even pay attention. Instead, offer silent supportoffer yourself for something that you see they really need, such as helping to organize the wake, the food, the farewell cards, the ceremony schedule… Focus on being proactive instead of talking the rest.

+Keep alert

Especially since that person who is going through a loss is not. The more recent the event, the less connected the world will feel. Notice that at a wake the relatives or close friends of the deceased seem to be gone, as if they were not fully present. This is due to emotional exhaustion and death shock, which is absolutely normal and understandable.

So your best role will be to try to reduce their pressure a little by performing acts for them or taking care of errands, requests or guiding other people, so that they can feel calm and free to go through their grieving process..

+Listen carefully and be empathetic with the loss

One occurs, but they do not have the opportunity or there are people around them who are just as affected as they are. So, she takes a moment to get her away from everything and everyone, she looks for something soft to eat and asks her to release everything, regardless of whether what she says makes sense or not. Emptying her chest of those emotions will make her feel better and her brain will be a little more relaxed and active to think.

+collaborate as much as you can

Whether it is bringing food, coffee, and chocolate, providing transportation services, contacts for the wake room, for flowers or for hospital procedures. Any collaboration on your part will be very welcome at a time when those affected by the death of a loved one are not in a position to assume. You can even put together a group so that everyone can add their grain of sand.

+ Don’t force him to act a certain way.

I previously mentioned that each person grieves differently and, unfortunately, some are judged for it. That if they cry a lot, they are very dramatic, they are insensitive or with little empathy. That is not our business, we are there to offer support and condolences, the reaction factor to a person has in public does not affect the depth of their emotions for the loss, so do not tell them how they should feel or act or try to push them away from those who do this.

Some may prefer to appear strong with others but break down in private, others calm down once they are alone, while some see this process as natural and only find peace knowing that person is too.

Successful phrases to offer condolences for the loss of a relative

1Remember those who leave with their best smile.

2I will always be here when you need me. May his soul rest in peace.

3I have just heard of the passing of your family member and am deeply by your loss. Please accept my condolences.

4What an honor and what a blessing to have known him. He was a true blessing in my life and I will miss him dearly. My condolences.

5I know there are no words to ease the pain you feel forth. No word or gesture can calm the pain you feel now but do not forget that in me you will always find a comforting hug.

6After the tears and goodbyes, only the good times you shared with him will remain. In the meantime, you have my full support.

7May my condolences bring you comfort and my prayers ease your pain over this loss.

8I offer you my thoughts, prayers, and good wishes during this dark.

9He may have slipped out of sight, but never out of our hearts.

10I know it’s hard to believe that your relative is no longer with us. However, he will always be in our hearts.

11Words seem inadequate to express my feelings for the death of your relative. I am here offering you my sincere condolences and I am here to help you through your grieving process.

12Sometimes it’s hard to get comfort from words, but I hope mine can convey to you how sorry I am for your loss.

13I can’t even comprehend what you are going through right now, but I would like to offer my prayers and condolences to you and your family.

14I’m so sorry for your loss, my friend. You have always been there for me throughout my life and I wanted to let you know that I too, will always be here for you.

15 you and your family are in my heart and mind. My condolences for your loss.

16My heart is with you in these times of loss.

17I am available to your family, today and always.

18My sincere condolences on the loss of your family member. My heart is with you in these moments of greatest affliction.

19I know it is hard to believe that he is no longer with us, but remember that what we keep alive in our hearts and in our memories will never die.

Twenty hope these words, coming from the bottom of my heart, show you that you are not alone.

Phrases for the consolation of someone who has lost their partner

Twenty-one It may have escaped our sight, but never our mind. We will always remember you.

22I know what it’s like to feel like nothing can fill your emptiness, but please stay strong and lean on me when you need it.

23Neither the clouds in neither the sky nor the sunlight are as beautiful as your memory.

24Let your memories flood your mind, warm your heart, and guide you forward.

25No one can understand how hard a separation is, when one of our precious gems leaves us. You look for her and we can’t find her, you talk to her and she can’t hear you, you wait and she doesn’t come. We only have the eternal memory of our love in our hearts.

26I dare not say that I understand your pain. But I would like to be close to you to offer you my comfort and my love.

27Please accept my condolences, I want to let you know that I am here for you and do not hesitate to call me if you need me, especially during this difficult situation.

28I wish you healing and peace. My condolences.

29Death takes with it a pain that no one can heal and love leaves a memory that no one can ever steal.

30Death has taken his body, but his spirit will always be with us, protected in our hearts.

31Losing someone close to you is never easy, try to find relief in being surrounded by people who love you and care about you. If there is anything I can help you with, please don’t hesitate to let me know. My condolences.

32It breaks my heart to see you like this; I will be by your side at all times for when you need me, friend.

33Please remember that you are never alone. We are always here for you. My condolences.

34 In weak and painful moments, yours are your rock, your refuge and your support. We are here for whatever you need.

35A prayer, a flower, a candle and sad tears of pain in your grave. My condolences.

36I don’t know how I can help you heal your pain, but I would like to know. I need you to know that you are in my prayers and that I wish you well.

37My condolences for your grief, my sincere condolences for your pain and all my love for you to get through this moment. I’m here for whatever you need.

38May the memories of your loved one help you find the peace you need.

39The memory of a feeling can last a lifetime, and I know you won’t forget it.

40Those we love never leave, they walk with us day by day.

Condolence phrases for the death of a friend

41Someone so special cannot be forgotten.

42Let us take comfort in the fact that he had a great life, surrounded by people like you, who loved and admired him above all else.

43He was a great person, a vital example for many others; the memory of him will remain and his path will be remembered.

44Words won’t be able to dry your tears and hugs won’t be able to ease your pain. But hold on to the memories you have, as they will forever prevail.

Four. Five our souls are in great pain to hear the premature and unfair loss of this person. We knew him, appreciated and admired him. He will forever remain in our memories. My deepest condolences.

46Every day I think of her, because her memory is still present in me.

47At these times, words would be superfluous. We are with you in mind and soul, along with those privileged to have known him.

48We have shared great moments in life and I want you to know that in these difficult days I will also be close for whatever you need.

49I am very sorry for your loss. I would like to invite you to dinner and talk about all the good times we had with this person.

50 having enjoyed his presence all these years is the luck we must hold on to.

51Despite having lost it physically, it will always accompany you throughout your life. I am so sorry for your loss and offer my sincere condolences.

52I remember her in my and you can be sure that I won’t forget you either. My deepest condolences.

53When reason fails, pray for peace. I will also be praying for him.

54May your memory keep the flame of your light alive.

55My condolences to the bereaved family. My tears run for a friend. May God help his soul to rest in peace?

56My words cannot describe my feeling. I offer my condolences to the entire family and may God rest his soul from him from him.

57Friend, count on me for whatever you need my shoulder to cry on and the happy moments to remember. I am with you in the feeling.

58We know that his departure is heartfelt and that we, but we also know that he is now at peace and resting.

59Those we love can never be more than a thought away. As long as there is a memory of them, they will live forever in our hearts.

60Let’s keep the good memories that he gave us; that will make us stronger.

Formal Condolence Message Suggestions 

61If my hug was strong enough to take away your pain, I would never end it.

62Today and always, May the memories of love bring you peace, comfort and strength.

63I will pray for his rest and for the peace and comfort you need.

64May the pain that your heart feels be lightened by the love of those around you.

65You and your family are and will be surrounded by love during this difficult time. My deepest condolences.

66Although the end is always sad, we must remember those who are no longer in good times and keep them in our hearts.

67I accompany you in your pain, dear friend, deathis something that we all must go through, and however we are never prepared.

68Prayers and pleasant memories are what we must remember him with. May the love of your family and friends comfort you during these difficult days? My deepest condolences.

69Death is something we all have to go through, yet we are never prepared. My condolences mate.

70Although there are no words that can comfort you, I want you to know that.

71It’s terrible to hear about your loss. I offer my sincere condolences to you and your family.

72I can’t even comprehend what you are going through right now, but I would like to offer my condolences to you and your family.

73I am aware that at a time like this, no words are enough to calm, receive my condolences.

74Search your memories for comfort, turn to your friends for strength, and always remember how much we love you.

75The pain we feel at this moment is very great, but the love we feel for you will be even greater because he will be alive within us forever.

76I join the pain that overwhelms this unexpected tragedy.

All these phrases are very well received by the relatives and friends of the deceased, they are also suitable to put them into practice if you are not very good at giving condolences or you cannot find a way to do it. Of course, remember that actions speak louder than words and precisely in these moments, words are sometimes superfluous.

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