77 Harry Potter phrases: unforgettable words from the well-known saga

There are two types of people in life, those who declare themselves a fan of the Harry Potter sagas and those who have not yet discovered its charm. Whether it’s because you’ve eaten the books like there’s no tomorrow, because you’ve seen the movies, or both, the takes us to a world where we all would like to have gone, at least once in a lifetime. Life.

Throughout all the stories, the characters have a journey, they evolve, they start as children and end up being adult wizards, we fantasize about everything we can find in the magical world (butter beer, flavored draggers, quid ditch…) and the most important thing: we find some values ​​of struggle between good and evil, friendship and morality that do not leave anyone indifferent.

Surely even if you are one of the people who has read or seen the movies a thousand times, you have never stopped to think about the truth of their phrases. Because among his books and films of him there are unforgettable words from the well-known saga from which we can learn. For this reason, we bring you a list of 77 Harry Potter phrases divided by movies. Enjoy them!

Phrases from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

1The scars can be useful…

2There are many kinds of bravery. It takes great courage to oppose our enemies, but it takes the same courage to do it with

3The innocent are always the first victims.

4A horrible thought struck Harry, one of those horrible thoughts that come when you’re very upset: what if he didn’t get chosen for any house?

5For the philosopher, death is nothing more than the next great adventure

6But from that moment Hermione Granger became her friend. There are some things that can’t be shared without coming together, and knocking down a twelve-foot troll was one of those things.

7After all, to a well-organized mind, death is just the next big adventure.

8It is not good to get carried away by dreams and forget to live. Remember it!

9There is no right or wrong, there is only power and people too weak to seek it…

10Truth is a terrible and beautiful thing, and therefore must be treated with great care.

11 OH the music ! -He said, wiping his eyes- a magic beyond everything we do here!

12Always use the correct name for things. The fear of a name increases the fear of the thing that is named.

13Books! Intelligence! There are much more important things, friendship and courage…

14All the money and life one could wish for! The two things that most human beings would choose… The problem is that humans have the gift of choosing precisely the things that are worst for them

15 you’re died to save you. If there’s one thing Voldemort can’t understand, its love.

16He didn’t realize that a love as powerful as your mother’s for you leaves powerful marks. Not a scar, not a visible sign…

17Having been loved so deeply, even though that person who loved us is not there, leaves us with protection forever.

Nice phrases from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

18He will not disappear as long as those of us who remain are faithful to him

19 It’s not much, but it’s my home.
– I think it’s great

20 it is our decisions that show what we can become. Much more than our own abilities

21 our abilities are not what reveals our essence. Are our decisions

22- Do you think its okay?
– Who cares?

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: the best phrases 

23You should know that whoever loves us will never abandon us

24When in doubt, going back is always the wisest option.

25You can live without a soul, as long as your brain and heart continue to function. But you can’t be aware of yourself, or memory, or anything. There is no chance of recovery. You just exist. Like an empty shell

26I knew I could do it because I had already done it… Isn’t that absurd?

27The consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is really very difficult.

28Do you think that the dead we have loved abandon us completely? Don’t you think we remember them especially in the greatest distress? Your father lives in you, Harry, and he shows up most clearly when you need him.

Perfect Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Quotes

29If it’s everyone’s approval you seek, I’m afraid you’ll be staying in this cabin for a long time.

30If you want to know what someone is like, look at how they treat their inferiors, not their equals.

31We will be stronger the more united we are and weaker the more divided

32Time does not slow down when something unpleasant awaits us

33I, on the other hand, think that there are stains that cannot be removed. Stains that never go away, do you understand me?

  1. 4Remember Cedric. Remember this if at some point in your life you have to choose between what is good and what is comfortable

35There’s nothing like a night walk to get inspired.

36It’s no use worrying. What comes, will come and we will stand up to it

37This terrible loss reminds me – reminds us – that although we come from different places and speak different languages, our hearts beat as one.

The best known phrases of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

38You are the weak one. You’ll never know love or friendship and I feel sorry for you

39The things we lose always end up coming back to us. Although not always in the way we expect

40Work is important, but something more important is to believe in you

41The mind book that one can open at will or examine at will. Thoughts are not etched into the skull for any invader to analyze. The mind is a very complex power with many layers.

42According to Madame Comfrey, thoughts could leave deeper scars than anything else.

43Your inability to understand that there are things far worse than death has always been your greatest weakness.

44We all have light and darkness within us. The important thing is what we decide to promote

45 Sometimes indifference and coldness cause much more damage than open dislike

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: The Most Beautiful Quotes

46Every day, at all hours… perhaps at this very minute, dark forces are trying to penetrate the interior of this castle. But at the end of the day, your greatest weapon is you.

47We will be by your side no matter what

48This memory is everything. Without it, we are blind. Without it, we leave the of our world to chance.

49Greatness inspires envy, envy breeds rancor, and rancor breeds lies.

50 there can be no light without darkness. Same with magic. I try to live inside the light. I suggest you do the same

51I realized that I could not isolate myself from the world, or collapse. Life is too short… I could be next, right?

52Trust me. I know what I’m doing

53We adults are foolish and careless when we underestimate the young. And now, Harry, let’s go into the dark and go in search of adventure, that whimsy to seductive

54Sometimes I forget how much you’ve grown. Sometimes I still see the little boy in the cupboard. Forgive my sentimentality, I’m already old

55What is hardest for me is accepting that he will never write to me again

56It is easier for people to forgive others for being wrong than for being right.

57All oppressors understand – sooner or later – that among their many victims there will be at least one who will one day rise up against them and stand up to them.

58And yet, unfortunately, cases of unintentional rudeness occur with alarming frequency.

59The only thing that scares us when we face death and darkness is the unknown

60When they’ve lived as long as I have, they won’t underestimate the power of

61″I don’t understand why the boy can do better than you, Dumbledore.”
-I don’t expect you to understand, Phineas.

Phrases from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: part 1 and 2

62What a beautiful place to bewitch. Dobby is happy to be with her friend from her… Harry Potter

63After a while, Harry only watched to see Ginny’s name in the girls’ bedroom, wondering if the intensity with which she watched him could infiltrate Ginny’s dream and let her know that he remembered her.

64Where your treasure is, your heart will also be

65It doesn’t matter that Harry is gone. Every day someone dies: friends, family… Yes, we lost Harry today. But he’s still with us, here. And Fred and Remus, Tanks… All of them, they didn’t die in vain.

66The last enemy to be defeated is death

67It is the quality of convictions and not the number of followers that determines success

68Magical wands are only powerful if the wizards who use them are, but some like to brag that theirs is the biggest and best

69I would assure him that we are all with him in spirit and I would advise him to follow his intuition, which almost never fails.

70Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source. Able to inflict damage and remedy it

71An intelligence without limits is the greatest treasure of men

72I like it that way. Our prefects have to guide us in difficult times

73-I know what you are.
-What do you mean?
-You’re a witch.
Do you think it’s nice to say that to a girl?

74I can’t keep pretending. You have chosen your path, and I have chosen mine

75It saddens me to think that I will never meet him but he will know why I gave my life and I trust he understands. I was trying to build a world where he could be happier

76It’s funny, Harry, but perhaps those best suited to wield power are those who have never aspired to it. Those who, like you, are forced to show leadership and assume that responsibility and verify, with surprise, that they know how to do it

77The scar hadn’t hurt him for nineteen years. There was nothing to worry about

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