79 graduation phrases: messages to close a stage (and open another)

The graduation ceremony is being implemented with force in each educational cycle and it is something that we love because it is still a sign of recognition of the effort of that person. Inuit is important to recognize achievements, stop along the way, look back to see everything you have traveled and take a breath to continue with your training. We have some phrases for graduation day, so that you can send them to the person who finishes their studies or for that person to use in their graduation speech.

The best phrases for your graduation day

It must be borne in mind that graduation marks the end of a cycle but at the same time a beginning. You finish a stage and you enter a new one with all the illusion and all the motivation. I am sure that fantastic things await you in the next stage of life and it is always positive that you arrive at the beginning proud of what you have achieved so far.

1You have conquered a goal, now conquer your dream

A phrase to encourage you to move on.

2Look back and be proud of what you have accomplished. Look ahead and create the bright future you deserve.

Don’t stop, there are great things you can do.

3When you start your journey, the first thing you do is throw away the map you bought at the store and start drawing your own.

It is time to be your own guide in life.

4Now is your time, you have knowledge, time to experiment and show the world what you are worth

Now the best begins.

5Now is when the real adventure of life begins. Forward!

This new stage begins with all the illusion.

6Graduation is the first step towards establishing an autonomous life

Let’s go for independence.

7Finishing studies does not serve to stand out, but to help us know the place we want to occupy in the world

What place do you want to occupy?

8You will continue to learn from mistakes, and these take place far beyond the classroom

You will be wrong many times from now on. Count on those mistakes and be on your way.

9Taking advantage of what has been learned is the real challenge

Everything you can do with what you have learned so far.

10A lot of effort invested well invested. The future is yours, but now the really difficult part begins

It’s not going to be all rosy either, but you’ll get it.

11 you are ready to go out on the pitch and succeed. Do not forget that until now you have been training, but your time has come

The moment of truth.

12Put your future in good hands: yours

No one better than you to know what you want in your life.

13In real life you graduate every day. Graduation is a process that continues until the last day of your life. If you can understand that, you will make a difference.

And you will continue to take exams for the rest of your life.

14Never stop trusting in the magic of new beginnings. Happy Graduation!

Graduation day is a magical moment, but the magic doesn’t end here.

15 the fireworks start today. Each diploma is a lit match and you are the wick

Start a new stage with passion.

16Your effort has paid off and will pay off. Don’t stop and keep fighting for your dreams

Don’t stop believing in your dreams.

17It’s ironic that we spend our days wishing we were graduating and the rest of our days feeling nostalgic for college days.

You will miss your student days, but the best is yet to come.

Very inspiring phrases about education

Education, knowledge, learning… are some of the most important things in life. It is true that we often give too much importance to formal education when life is continuous learning that goes beyond the classroom, but an academic foundation will give you solidity for the future.

18Awakening the desire to learn is the best gift we can give a child

Curiosity is essential.

19Educating is transforming, it is advancing, it is enjoying the knowledge to direct dreams to reality

All the power that education has.

20 Education is the key to open the world, a passport to freedom

Freedom as a goal.

21 Never consider studying as an obligation, but as an opportunity to enter the beautiful and wonderful world of knowledge.

True wealth is knowledge.

22We always learn, until the day we die

And luckily it is so.

23If you think education is expensive, try ignorance

The lack of education as one of the greatest dangers.

24Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.

One of the phrases that Nelson left us to keep in mind.

25A child, a teacher, a pencil and a book can change the world

Let’s not let anyone prevent us from accessing education.

26Learning is a treasure that follows its owner for a lifetime

Your greatest treasure that also increases with.

27Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.

One of the best resources we have to face the challenges of life.

28The purpose of education is to increase the probability that what we want will happen.

What do you want to happen? Go and make it happen.

29The key to education is not to teach, it is to awaken

Awaken curiosity, awaken freedom.

Motivational phrases for a new stage of life

Who doesn’t need a little extra motivation from time to time? It may be that after graduation you feel a little lost without knowing what direction to take and, therefore, it is important to maintain the illusion, feed your motivation every day, cover your ears to those who say that you will not make it and continue to believe in yourself. Same.

30Wherever you go, go with all your heart

If you put all your effort, sure you get it.

31You will have failures in your life, but it is what you do during those falls that determines the height you will reach.

Don’t be afraid of falls because you can always get up stronger.

32Obstacles are those scary things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.

Don’t get distracted, put your attention on your goal and it will be closer and closer.

33What you can do today can improve all your tomorrows.

Don’t get caught up in your past mistakes, the only thing that defines you is you.

34Motivation is what gets you going, habit is what keeps you going

Motivation doesn’t feed itself, feed it daily.

35The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is possible to achieve it.

Be confident in your purpose and don’t stop trying.

36When you decide to focus your mind on the goals of your life, the mind begins to discard what does not matter to focus only on what is important.

The importance of focusing attention on what really matters.

37When you are in a bind and everything is against you, to the point of feeling that you can’t take it another minute, never give up, because it is the right moment when the tide will turn.

A beautiful phrase to use in those moments when you don’t think you can’t anymore.

38If you want to make a permanent change, stop focusing on the size of your problems and focus on your size.

You are big, much bigger than your problems.

39There are two wolves that are always fighting. One is darkness and despair. The other is light and hopes. Which one wins? The one you feed

Be very careful who you feed your thoughts to.

40We invent limitations that do not really exist, the difficult thing is to distinguish between our real limitations and our fears.

It is fear that puts us in front of walls that we believe is insurmountable.

41We should have the courage to follow the heart and intuition. Somehow they know what we really want to be

The answers are always inside.

42Never has a night defeated the dawn and never has a problem defeated hope

Never lose hope because life changes from one moment to another.

43Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.

So you better be right that you can.

Phrases about talent and effort

There are people who believe that they have no talent but they are wrong. We all have talent, we all have creativity, and we all have skills. But many times it happens that we follow paths in which those own talents cannot be developed. It will be necessary to change course then but even so there is another ingredient for success: effort.

44Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can

It’s amazing how much you can accomplish when you use your resources wisely.

45 what counts is not the number of hours we put into work, but the quality of work we do in those hours.

This is also called productivity or the classic is not the quantity, but the quality that works for all areas of life.

46Excellence is not a skill. It’s an attitude

And it is also a habit that is created day by day.

47If you believe in what you say, if you believe in what you do, you will be more effective, more passionate, and more authentic in everything you do.

Self-confidence is the foundation of a job well done.

48Our reward is in the effort and not in the result. Full effort is full victory

Have you tried? Have you put your heart into it? Have you given your best?

49Keep going. The next effort will give you knew joys

Rest is also necessary; you can make stops along the way, but don’t give up.

50 your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do

A phrase to keep in mind every time you start a new vital project.

51It is the combination of reasonable talent and the ability to persevere in the face of failure that leads to success.

Because talent alone is not enough, you have to persevere, you have to keep trying until you get it right.

52Continuous, tireless and persistent effort will win

And to keep trying you have to stay motivated.

53A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopelessly failure can turn into glorious success.

Just one more try, you’ll see how far you can go.

54The person born with talent will find his greatest happiness in using it.

It is very important to choose work or studies based on your talents.

55The results you achieve will be in direct proportion to the effort you apply

Success does not fall from the sky, success must be worked for.

56Talent, to a large extent, is a matter of insistence

Perseverance and insistence are the best ways for that talent to come to light.

57Talent is a pretty common thing. Intelligence is not scarce, but perseverance

Because talent, like motivation, must also be nurtured day by day.

58It is the constant and determined effort that breaks all resistance and sweeps away all obstacles.

May problems not make you take a step back?

59Life can be boring unless you put some effort into it.

I wish life were easier, but no, it is necessary to put a little interest in it.

60You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort and money into the training, preparation and promotion of your greatest asset

Investing in you is always a safe bet.

61Don’t go where the path leads, go where there is no path and leave a trail.

Don’t you feel like doing something different, something innovative?

Great phrases that speak of success

On this graduation day, let’s talk about success, which, after all, is what we all seek, even if we understand it in different ways. You may be surprised to find the word “failure” in most of these success quotes, but that’s the first lesson. Success and failure have a very close relationship.

62Success is the sum of small efforts that are repeated every day

Success does not come, success is created.

63The one who always triumphs is not great, but the one who never gets discouraged

Also, you learn more from mistakes than from successes.

64Keep in mind that neither success nor failure is the end

Neither of the two cases mark the end, we.

65To be successful, your desire to succeed should be greater than your fear of failure.

How many times is fear that prevents us from reaching our goals?

66Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

The reality is that a person is formed in failures.

67Patience, perseverance and sweat make an invincible combination to achieve success.

We can add confidence to this foolproof recipe.

68Talent must be seen as the most essential ingredient for success, but success also depends on how that talent is managed.

Do you already know how you are going to manage your talent?

69Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul into even your smallest acts. That is the secret of success

Let’s go with everything.

70Failure is a great opportunity to start over with more intelligence.

Surely thanks to a failure you see the matter with a different perspective.

71Failure is sometimes more fruitful than success

Without a doubt, because it is in failure where you find the solutions.

72All success takes place outside

Do you dare to succeed?

73Always keep in mind that your own will to succeed is far more important than anything else.

Trust yourself, believe. And do everything possible to achieve it.

74Accept responsibility for your life. Realize that you are the one who is going to get where you want to go, nobody else

Circumstances influence but do not determine.

75Do not judge each day by the harvest you have obtained, but by the seeds you have planted

What have you planted today?

76Success comes to all those who are busy looking for it

Seeking and creating success.

77Forget all the reasons why you shouldn’t and think about the one reason you should.

And you find that reason in your heart.

78Maybe the key to feeling good about you is not feeling that ridiculous pressure to be successful by other people’s standards.

One of the fundamental reflections on success. Define your own concept of success.

79A journey of a thousand thousands begins with a single step.

And that first step you can take right now.

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