81 Spanish proverbs: popular sayings with a lot of meaning

Each culture has its own sayings and proverbs, which are maintained over time, as traditional knowledge that continues to be great teachings today. The Spanish proverb is known for being extensive, rich and varied, as well as being widely used by citizens, who seem to resist losing this great cultural contribution passed down from generation to generation. I we have compiled 81 Spanish proverbspopular sayings with a lot of meaning that are a lesson in everyday life. Look!

VERY traditional Spanish proverbs and sayings (with interpretation)

1When in Rome, do as the Romans

typical Spanish proverb that alludes to the need to adapt to each situation, at least if you want to be accepted and go unnoticed.

2Cold chocolate, throw it in the river

Any Spaniard enjoys a good cup of hot chocolate, so if it’s not cold, it’s best not to drink it at all. There are many other Spanish sayings related to chocolate such as: “clear things and thick chocolate” or “neither resumed love nor overheated chocolate”.

3To bread, bread and to wine, wine

If a Spaniard tells you this curious proverb, he is asking you to say things clearly, in other words, not to beat around the bush.

4Whoever gets up early, God helps him

proverb that is still widely used in Spain, which alludes to the importance of having a good life routine to take advantage of the day.

5A gift horse, don’t look in its teeth

If someone gives you something, don’t object to it; accept it with pleasure, even if it’s not entirely to your liking.

6The one that is born for a pot, does not pass through the corridor

Spanish expression that perhaps can discourage more than one. What it means is that there are people whose destiny is defined, even if it is mediocre. Maybe it’s one of those proverbs that should be left in the memory drawer, what do you think?

7Out of sight, out of mind

Another typical Spanish proverb that warns that sometimes ignorance allows us not to see the problem and, therefore, not suffer it. Sometimes, this proverb is used to make visible precisely a person who does not want to see reality.

8Shrimp that falls asleep, it carries current

In other words, that in life you have to act to achieve what you want.

9 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

When you want to achieve too much we can deviate from our main goal. Things are achieved little by little, establishing well each of our achievements.

10 No matter how early you get up, it dawns earlier

Although “God helps those who get up early”, you shouldn’t go too far either. In other words, you should not rush when you want to achieve something, it is important to learn to be patient and wait for events to follow their course naturally.

11 like father Like Son

This Spanish saying is usually used when you want to show a characteristic (good or bad) of a person in reference to their father or mother.

12Each person is the owner of their silence and a slave to their words.

Sometimes it is better to remain silent, because in silence we can have some control, but once we speak there is no turning back. That is why it is good to reflect before speaking.

13He who waits, despairs

You have to be patient in life, but when you wait too long for something, and then hopelessness starts to kick in. This is where this curious Spanish saying comes from.

14Although the monkey dresses in silk, the monkey stays

This proverb is often used to allude to a negative characteristic of a person, which perhaps the person tries to cover up, but which is finally perceptible, by others.

15 one to follows her, get her

A saying that shows the Spanish character, tenacity. Act despite everything, try and try until you finally make it.

16To the good understanding, few words are enough

What this proverb means is that if someone has the disposition to understand the other, they will certainly do so, even if it is with very few words and without going into details. However, if you don’t want to listen, no matter how many words you use, they won’t help.

17To the one who approaches a good tree, a good shade shelters him

A slightly interested saying? It may be, but it continues to remain in the Spanish tradition as one of the best known. What he means is that good friendships and companies will always do us good.

18There are not roses without spines

A kind of warning indicating that appearances should not be trusted and that “all that glitters is not gold”.

19Shoemaker, to your shoes

This curious proverb is usually used when you want to allude to the fact that everyone should mind their own business.

20 The eyes are the mirror of the soul

For a Spaniard, a person who does not look you in the eye is not to be trusted. That is why this saying is still widely used, because it is considered that the eyes can reflect what you really feel and think.

21 the third time lucky

Sometimes things don’t work out the first time, but this motivating proverb makes it clear: the important thing is to keep trying until you succeed.

22Full belly, happy heart

In other words, if you eat well and richly, happiness is assured. It is not a secret that the Spanish like good food; proof of this is its rich gastronomy, right?

23You don’t have to start the house from the roof

If you want to achieve something, start with the foundations, with the basics, little by little and step by step.

24You will not go to bed without knowing one more thing

A proverb that teaches a fundamental lesson, that in life we ​​are always learning. It is usually used when you are aware that you have learned something new.

25He who laughs last, laughs best

This saying is usually used when you have an inconvenience caused by another person, but in the end you come out favored for it. In other words, it is a warning not to claim victory before the time.

26Nobody is a prophet in his own land

This Spanish proverb explains that, unfortunately, success is not always valued in your place of origin, sometimes it can be more recognized outside of it.

27In the absence of bread, good are cakes

Sometimes it is best to settle for what you have if you have not achieved something better. Other similar proverbs are “in the absence of broth, meat is good” or “in the absence of cows, chickens with bacon are good”.

28It is never late if happiness is good

This saying refers to a good or a situation that has been waiting a long time but that finally comes, even better. Therefore, it is never too late if in the end one is lucky.

29Towards the Virgin del Pillar time begins to change

typical proverb about the weather, like so many Spaniards, which in this case refers to the date of the celebration of the Virgin del Pillar, October 12, dates on which autumn begins to turn colder in the climate of Spanish territory.

30The one who has the most is not richer, but the one who needs the least

A great saying that is very right. It is not about having and having, but about being satisfied and happy with what you have, without needing so much. Materialism doesn’t always make you rich.

31From said to fact there is a long way

It is not the same to say that something is going to be done than to make it happen. For this reason, this saying is usually used to imply that we must wait to see if that person, group of people or institution will really carry out what is promised.

32By the mouth dies the fish

Talking too much can get you into trouble; you can even become a victim of your own verbiage. Interestingly, this Spanish saying comes from fishing. When the fish opens its mouth and takes the bait, it is lost.

33Big donkey, walk or not walk

widely used expression that refers to the price of something due to its large size, or to the fact that we always tend to choose the most beautiful things that come to our eyes, instead of making an assessment of what other options we have. It is also used to criticize those who choose something because of its size or its great price, regardless of whether it is better or worse than other things.

34 Jack of all trades, master of none

Because sometimes we want to do so much in life that in the end we achieve nothing. Therefore, it is always better to go little by little, to have defined goals and objectives that are easier to achieve.

35Where there is a royal road, do not go through the thicket

If the way forward is clear, why go around it? It is a saying that teaches that sometimes it is best to make direct decisions that you know will not hurt you and in which you can feel safe.

36From Saints to Christmas it’s really winter

This meteorological proverb speaks of the Spanish winter, in which traditionally the coldest days were recognized between November 1 (All Saints’ Day) and December 25 (Christmas Day). However, this saying should not be used throughout the country, since in many places January is still a very cold month.

37The one that is sinking clings to a burning nail

Desperation can make you not make the best decisions when faced with a problem. However, sometimes desperate measures are the best.

38A king dead, king set

Changes are sometimes faster than we imagine. This curious saying comes from the speed with which the kings succeeded each other on the throne after the death of the previous one. It is often used to affirm that in life, as in love and work, no one is essential, and we can all be easily replaced.

39Other people’s sorrow, does not take away sleep

Indeed, although we can even feel empathy for others, the truth is that the concerns of others are not our own. For this reason, we cannot expect ours to be that of others either.

40I sell advice but I do not have any for myself

curious Spanish saying that says that sometimes we are able to give advice to our friends and loved ones, but we do not always apply it to ourselves.

41To foolish words, deaf ears

If someone says something that is not really worth it, that may even be with dishonest intentions, but that has no relevance within you, it is better to ignore them.

42To bad weather, good face

very popular saying, which indicates that even if we are going through a difficult situation, it is best to face it with positivity.

43Wherever your heart walks, it will be where your foot leans

Because in life we ​​let ourselves be guided by what we really want from the heart, at least that’s how it should be to be happier, don’t you think?

44Birds of a feather flock together

It is a popular saying that is usually used with irony to refer to people who have similar temperaments; it is usually used with a certain tone of censorship towards them.

45 who sows winds, reaps storms

If you’re looking for trouble, you’ll be in trouble. That is, you have to reflect before acting, because our actions have consequences, often negative ones.

46It’s better to prevent than to cure

typical Spanish saying that is also found in other Latin American countries with certain variables. What he means is that sometimes it is better to put means so that a situation does not become catastrophic.

47Raise crows and they’ll gouge out your eyes

Ravens are scavengers that usually start eating corpses through their eyes. This is where this Spanish saying comes from, which is used to refer to the ingratitude of some people. Therefore, the saying is a kind of warning and recommendation, so that we are prudent before doing favors.

48When you see your neighbor’s beards shave, put yours to soak

This is a warning saying that if something is happening around you, it may also happen to you, so it is important to start preventing it so that it does not affect you in the same way.

49It’s better bread with love than hen with pain

In other words, better to enjoy a life with love full of joy and tranquility even if it is humble, than a life full of riches but with problems and without love.

50 each feather flock together

popular Spanish saying that is usually used to imply that everyone gets together on a loving level with whomever they most resemble or have similar tastes.

51Autumn present, winter across the street

What this curious saying means is that winter never knows when it will arrive. In the Spanish climate, there are sometimes warm autumns, but the winter cold comes suddenly without warning.

52When it rains and it’s sunny, the dog and the shepherd dance

A fun Spanish saying that alludes to the joy of a sunny day after the rain. It can also be used in relation to moments when problems are solved, which causes great joy in those involved.

53Time flies that peels

Time passes quickly, so it is better to take advantage of it and live day to day with the greatest intensity.

54April over, winter gone

In the Spanish climate, there may still be a few cold days in April, hence this saying, which alludes to the good weather starting in May.

55There is no better contempt do not appreciate

popular saying in Spain, which refers to the power of indifference when we are defending ourselves from someone.

56Mother’s love, that everything else is air

Because there is nothing like maternal love, this beautiful Spanish proverb revalues ​​motherhood.

57May water, the desired good

Spain is a country with a dry climate, therefore, from May, when rainy days usually arrive, they look forward to the rain watering the fields and overflowing rivers and lakes.

58Rain in spring, summer in drought

typical proverb that alludes to the Mediterranean climate of the country. As was known, when it rained a lot in spring, summer was drier.

59On Tuesday neither your daughter marries nor your pig mates

Traditionally, in Spanish culture there was a superstition that Tuesdays were unlucky days that they brought bad luck. Hence this saying, which alludes to two important events that were transcendental in the past, marriage and the slaughter of the pig. There are other similar variants of this proverb, such as “on Tuesday, neither marry nor embark” or “on Tuesday, neither your fabric urea’s nor your daughter marries”.

60Business before pleasure

As this Spanish saying goes, you have to prioritize those things that are necessary, homework before hobbies or tastes.

61Crazy love, I for you, and you for another

For the Spanish proverb, this love triangulation is what would be called “crazy love”, that is, when you are not reciprocated in love.

62A hard bread, acute tooth

Just as you need to have strong and sharp teeth to eat stale bread, if you are faced with a difficult situation, it is best to tread carefully and bring out all the inner strength that is in you.

63Evil of many, consolation of fools

typical Spanish proverb that is often used ironically to show how sometimes we settle for something because others do.

64He who celebrates a lot, there comes a day when he does not want it

Too many parties and celebrations can make you tired of it. Therefore, according to this saying, it is best to celebrate in its fair measure.

65Time gone, never come again

Take advantage of every second of your life, because when time passes you will not be able to go back. A very wise Spanish proverb to put into practice, right?

66Make night and day and you will live happily.

This proverb warns that full happiness lies in having a daytime life and at night living it resting in peace.

67Frosty January, late-night February, windy March and rainy April bring out flowery and beautiful May

Precious proverb that is usually taught to the little ones and that speaks of the Spanish climate between the months of January and May, between winter and spring.

68What not to eat; let it run

Why make your problems that are not? When an offensive situation does not affect you directly, it is best to let it pass and not take it on behind your back.

69Time heals everything

This saying is often used when you want to comfort someone afflicted by a situation, to make them see that with patience and distance the problems gradually dissipate.

70Strong friendship reaches beyond death

Because a great friendship is something for a lifetime, even, according to this saying, after death.

71Better alone than in bad company

Another popular Spanish saying that is still often used to show that the company of a toxic person does us no good in our lives.

72If the river makes a noise it’s because water is running

It is often used colloquially to give credibility to rumors, to say that there may be some truth to the rumor. It also alludes to the fact that any indication can indicate a fact.

73From the plate to the mouth, the soup falls

This curious proverb whose variant is “from hand to mouth, the soup is lost” refers to the fragility with which our achievements can be undone, that is, that any hope can disappear in an instant, when we least expect it, because something is not certain until we have it or it is a fact.

74He who does not listen to advice does not grow old

Learning to listen to others is an act of humility and wisdom. Accept the advice of others, reflect on it and once you do, make your own decision.

75Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are

saying that is often used to demonstrate the type of companies that a certain person chooses, considering that these people is a reflection of oneself, for better or for worse.

76The well learned, forever known

When you really learn something you never forget, how right this saying is!

77The devil knows more for being old than for being a devil

This saying tries to give importance to the wisdom that is acquired over the years, since experience is something that the oldest have and the youngest lack.

78 Lucky in the game, unlucky in love

There is a superstitious belief that if luck accompanies you in the game, you do not have it in love. Do you think so?

79 Before the liar is caught, than the lame

Because in the end the one who is a liar will be evidenced in one way or another, since the same person usually makes inaccuracies in his lie. A similar saying is “the lie has short feet.”

80 war begets war

This Spanish proverb, already in disuse, is the antecedent of the well-known “violence generates violence”. A reality that must always be kept in mind.

81 In old age, smallpox

This popular Spanish saying is still in use and is used to give various meanings. First of all, it can be used to imply that something has happened at the wrong time, something that has come too late. On the other hand, it can be used to show a person who, despite his age, acts as if he were young. And lastly, and perhaps the most widely used form, it is used with the ironic purpose of implying that an older person is acting like a young person when it comes to love. For example, it would be applied to a “dirty old man”, an older gentleman whose intimate behavior is not the most “appropriate” for his age.

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