86 great Saturday phrases: messages about the best day of the week

Is Saturday the best day of the week? Absolutely yes. We know that with this we are adding to the stereotypes and that is why we warn that it is not a day with guarantees of absolute happiness. Surely you have had more than one Saturday to forget or you may have to work on Saturdays and cannot join the general stream of carefree weekends. But here we are with these 87 great Saturday phrases to honor the day most appreciated by ordinary mortals.

Why is Saturday the best day of the week?

  • Few people doubt it. Saturday is the best day of the week. It is the day that the alarm clock does not ring, the day that you take your time to eat breakfast, to enjoy a delicious and unhurried meal, to take a nap, to watch a series, to read a book or to give it your all at a party. On Saturday night. It is the day to see friends, to have fun, to rest… also to.
  • The custom of doing cleaning on Saturdays is the only thing that can tarnish this special day a bit. Do you know where this hobby of cleaning the house precisely on Saturday comes from? It comes from ancient times, from when the expulsion of the Jews began in the times of the Catholic Monarchs, forcing many of them to convert to Catholicism.
  • If you notice, the word Saturday comes directly from the Hebrew Shabbat, which means “rest” and that for Jews who faithfully follow the precepts of their religion is the day on which they can do absolutely nothing. The question was why in most houses cleaning is done on Saturdays. Well, precisely to show in those days that you had converted to Catholicism or that you had always been a Catholic, so that all your neighbors would see you take out the rugs and move the furniture making as much noise as possible, so that not a trace of doubt would remain. If you are doing work on the Sabbath, you are certainly not a Jew.
  • Today, luckily, you profess no longer matters, nor do you have to prove anything to anyone. But the custom of cleaning on the Sabbath has been maintained and still more impetus has been added. Otherwise, it is not explained why your neighbor gets up on Saturdays at 8 in the morning with a drill in his hand to torment you as soon as the weekend begins. You can always put on some earplugs and turn around in bed to keep your initial plan of not getting up before 12. Or you can take the opportunity to do something, little, don’t go too far either, it’s Saturday. And then when you have cleared up you have two options to take advantage of the day.
  • Note that we have said to seize the day and it is possible. Either you do all those errands including cleaning the house, going to the supermarket and a long etcetera until the afternoon arrives and then you have to get ready to go out and give it your all on this Saturday night… or you don’t Even design to take off your pajamas, silence your mobile phone, order lunch and dinner at home and throw yourself on the sofa to watch two seasons of your favorite series or read that novel that has been starring at you for a few days with the desire to be devoured. What do you want more?

Phrases to honor the best day of the week, Saturday

Saturday deserves a standing ovation, applause, a toast and also a red carpet. It is convenient to treat Saturday with all the honors, which for something is the best day of the week.

1 If every day of the week were Saturday, people would be happier.

Without a doubt.

2 The only bad thing about Saturday is waking up on Sunday with a strong hangover

A Sunday to forget. What do you think of this?

3 Saturdays should have 48 hours or more

Or that the whole week was Saturday.

4 Dear Saturday, you are my favorite day

come back soon.

5 Spend the whole week planning Saturday only to end up sleeping all day

It’s not a bad plan either.

6 Saturday was made to have one more reason to be happy

Although if you take a good look at it, I’m sure you’ll also find a reason to be happy on.

7 In winter and summer, good sleep is on Saturday

The popular proverb knows what he is talking about.

8 The best day is coming, it’s called Saturday

Metaphysical Reflections for.

9 After a busy Saturday, there’s nothing left to do but use what little energy is left in your body to breathe and maybe blink, that’s all.

You may also have to get up to go to the bathroom.

10 Give me a couple of books, some good wine, some music, and I’ll have the best Saturday ever.

One of the best plans you can do on Saturday.

11 it is not a crime to disconnect from social networks, turn off the phone and spend the rest of your day Saturday watching your favorite series

Stresses prohibited on Saturday.

12 Try to live a life where every day feels the same as when Saturday rolls around.

It can be tricky, but you have nothing to lose by trying.

13 Saturday with s of luck, wild and smiling

And witch’s’ of sleep.

14 On the sixth day God created man, the kind of result you often get when you go to work on a Saturday

When you got like this without desire.

15 Saturdays are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get closer to them

Have you noticed that the 24 hours that Saturday has seemed so much less?

16 What could be better than pulling out a book on Saturday afternoon and putting all mundane considerations to rest until next week?

Nothing. There is nothing better than this.

17 Saturday please always stay with me

But he insists on leaving and making way for the other days of the week.

18 There is nothing better than summer Saturdays, they are the most perfect days of the year

The perfect combination.

19 The prognosis for a Saturday night is always the same, alcohol in your body and many possibilities to make bad decisions

The truth is that every day is perfect for making bad decisions.

20 Saturday Sabadete, new shirt and… To Portugalete

Or what did you think?

Phrases for Saturday and the weekend

Saturday is the emblem of the weekend. But all the praise that this day receives can also be directed to Friday afternoon. Yes, Sunday can also be a good day because it doesn’t stop belonging to the weekend.

21 Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely useless

we don’t have to be productive in our leisure time.

22 The only ending we all look forward to is the end of the week

And I wish it didn’t end.

23 If you need a strong motivation, think about the crazy things you will do this weekend

Take this technique with caution.

24 Have you heard the saying “better days will come”? Well it’s true, they are called Saturday and Sunday

And the luck is that they arrive every week.

25 Two days will never be enough for a weekend

We want at least five weekend days.

26 Weekends signal the start of a new beginning

Did you think it was Monday?

27 May your only mission this weekend is to move just enough to let people know you’re not dead.

The secret to success is to set goals that you can achieve.

28 No matter how much stress you’ve had these five days, there’s nothing a good weekend can’t heal

But disconnect the phone, now!

29 The weekend is to get in shape, horizontally and keep sleeping late

And then you take a nap.

30 The hardest part after a party weekend is only the first five days

Hold on, it will come again on Saturday.

31 Weekend: the perfect time to break the diet

The key is not to be too strict with ourselves.

Funny phrases to laugh on Saturday

Don’t you feel like relaxing your jaw and releasing all that tension that you have accumulated?

32 If you are looking for a helping hand… Look for it at the end of your arm!

You will be surprised how useful it is.

33 If you cannot convince them confuse them

The important thing is to participate.

34 I’m not lazy, I’m in energy saving mode

Taking care of yourself is very important

35 Laugh and the world will laugh with you, snore and you will sleep alone

For those people who are only in good times.

36 The bad thing is not living in the clouds, but going down

Be careful because there are no stairs from the clouds to the ground.

37 There are two words that will open many doors for you: Pull and Push

And it is convenient not to confuse them.

38 Weather forecast for tonight: it will be dark

So don’t say we haven’t warned you.

39 I used to think I’m indecisive, but now I’m not sure

Well, maybe… I don’t know.

40 Don’t give up on your dreams…Keep sleeping

It is unforgivable to give up dreams.

41 I have to go to the eye doctor, but I never see the moment

When you mistake for a streetlight, it will be time.

42 I usually cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to food

Our favorite kitchen trick.

43 Getting up at 7 is like stopping charging your mobile with 65% battery: you can last all day but you know you’re going to have a bad time

We don’t even want to imagine what it feels like to be part of the famous Club de lass Cinch.

44 Today I saw a boy sitting on the terrace of a cafeteria. No mobile, no tablet, no computer. Just sitting there has a coffee. Like a psycho

There will always be some nostalgic.

45 Today someone told me that I’m lazy and I almost answered

But in the end it was not worth the effort.

46 Sometimes I feel bad, so I get up and adjust the chair

Ergonomic postures to preserve health.

47 I can’t stand to see the dirty house. Right now I get up and turn off the light

Or take off your glasses.

48 Run after your dreams. If you don’t reach them, at least you lose weight


49 Everything in excess is bad, except on weekends

And sleep. Oversleeping isn’t bad either.

50 I’ve done horrible things for money, like getting up early to go to work

We all make mistakes, right?

Motivational phrases to cheer you up on Saturday

You may want to use Saturday to take a moment for personal development antireflection life. Here we leave you some ideas.

51 If opportunity doesn’t knock on your door, build another door.

Opportunities can also be built.

52 The scariest moment is always right before you start

If you start, you will see how the fear decreases.

53 The first step doesn’t get you where you want to go, but it gets you closer to where you want to be.

To reach the you have to go all the way.

54 If you feel lost in the world, it’s because you haven’t gone looking for yourself yet.

Or you have not entered, rather.

55 We are not a product of our circumstances. We are the product of our decisions

Circumstances influence, but decisions determine.

56 When was the last time you did something for the first time?

It is important to renew illusions.

57 In order to continue, sometimes you have to start over.

Do you dare to start from scratch?

58 If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.

Don’t give up, but take a break.

59 Don’t count the days, make the days count

What if you bring meaning to everyday of you?

60 When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.

There are situations that cannot be changed and it is useless to keep trying to change them.

61 The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

You are the creator of you.

62 Sharpen the perception of everything that makes you feel good and recreate yourself in it

Pay more attention to everything that makes you happy.

63 Don’t be discouraged. Often the last key you have left to try opens the lock

Do not stop trying.

64 Not the strongest species survive, nor the most intelligent, but those that best adapt to change

Adapt to change and uncertainty.

65Fate mixes the cards and we play them

We are going to try to win this game.

Phrases with a pinch of sarcasm for Saturday

Saturday is a great day to relativize and nothing better than doing it with sarcasm. Because at some point we will have to start laughing at everything, at what is happening to us and also at ourselves.

66 I looked you up in the dictionary… and you don’t mean anything

This takes a while, but eventually you get it.

67 It’s amazing how many problems you could fix with a chainsaw.

We are making the list. What do you think of this?

68 What would life be without the opportunity to make stupid decisions?

They say that you also learn from mistakes.

69 To criticize my defects, it will not diminish yours

Do not hesitate to send this message by.

70 The most effective laxative is called “we need to talk”

Is there anything in this life that causes more fear?

71 We’re all idiots sometimes, but some people take it as a lifestyle.

Never ask someone if they can be more of an idiot because they may take it as a challenge.

72 When mediocre people don’t understand you, they attack you

You know those people who get at you and you don’t know why? Here you have one of the most frequent reasons.

73 No fool complains about being a fool; he must not be so bad

They don’t complain because maybe they haven’t realized that they are.

74 Alcohol doesn’t solve your problems, but hey, neither does water.

You can try with juice, to see if that works.

75 If you are going to make mistakes…let them be new

Don’t get attached to the stone.

76 I do not insult you, I define you briefly

Why are we going to fool ourselves?

77 You are not useless, you serve as a bad example

Rising the of others.

78 The lies were delicious; I almost eat them all

We already know who you are going to send this message to.

79 Don’t worry, you’ve done worse stupid things before

An ideal phrase to encourage oneself.

80 It’s not you, it’s me. But because of you

Things as they are.

81 If you have stress, take three. If there is no remedy, take a liter and a half

Grandma’s advice.

82 They told me about a series of abs but I can’t find it on Netflix

And the bag of chips is already half over.

83 The fault is mine and I throw it to whoever I want

Distributing blame, do not stay with the desire.

84 Faces we see…mental disorders we don’t know

Beauty is not the only thing on the inside.

85 Who is moderation and why should you drink with her?

We do not have the answer to this.

86 Sometimes I don’t care about my opinion, imagine yours

I don’t mind. And less if it’s Saturday.

The close relationship between Saturday and love

  • Just in case we haven’t convinced you that Saturday is the best day of the week, we want to remind you of the close relationship that this day has with love. Or with what is. Perhaps now we are experiencing a pause due to the pandemic in which every day is similar and in which the main Saturday activity cannot be done: going out to flirt. But we hope that the waters will return to their course soon and on Saturday it will recover that festive character that it has always had.
  • Because forth of the world, Saturday is the day that offers the most possibilities not to stop being single, that there is no reason to go that far, but to sleep with someone. Who doesn’t feel like waking up on Sunday after a night of passion? Well that Saturday is the day of passion for singles and, according to popular tradition, also for couples.
  • Something special, something magical and more powerful than reason is in the air on a Saturday. And that can only be love or something very similar to love. Let’s talk now about something even more important than shared love: love for oneself. Saturday is also a day of introspection, the day you do all those things you like the most, the things you take care of yourself with and that remind you how much you love yourself.
  • Those things that make you feel a special and wonderful person, those things with which you enjoy being who you are, your body and all your senses. Alone, taking advantage of the intimacy of Saturday, the carelessness, and the lack of obligations. There is no better day to dedicate it to yourself and you can do it however you prefer. Sleep more, prepare a bath, watch a movie, cook something delicious, read a good novel, meet nature, blend in with the sofa, meet your, a plan with friends, a celebration with or without reason and a couple of toast to continue enjoying one more Saturday.

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