95 short funny phrases with double meanings and their interpretations

The short funny phrases with double meanings and their interpretations that you will be able to read in this compilation are an excellent way to show irony, a sense of humor, wit, and to have a very entertaining time. And it is that looking for three feet to the cat is something that we all like, right? Do not miss it, we have also created a special section with the best romantic phrases with double meanings. You will love it!

Phrases and more phrases with double meaning, to think and not stop laughing

Saying funny phrases with double meanings is something common to everyone, right? But do not think that these are just any phrases, nothing of that, the ones we have written here are, rather, some funny phrases that invite us to think and that at the same time allow us to see all the ingenuity that we carry inside. Below we share with you a few, if you can think of any more, share it with us!

1 If working always pays off, let the trees work!

Funny double meaning phrases full of wit and with the clearest intention of saying that working is not always as good as we are led to believe, especially when you have to get up early every day and you are a sleepyhead like us.

2 I need two vacations a year, each one lasting six months

But well paid, of course, to be able to travel all over the world. We know, illusions also live, and we love to work but we can’t help but think how good it would always be on vacation.

3 Slavery was not abolished, it went to eight hours a day

Okay, we’re done with the funny phrases with double meanings about work. It’s that we’re still on Monday.

4 I don’t have insomnia, I have an Internet connection

And social networks and movies and many series to watch… Sleep, we slept well, now that watching the phone until so many hours does not help to fall asleep. Raise your hand that feels identified with this phrase!

5 God, give me patience, because if you give me strength… I’ll kill him.

You already know this phrase with a double meaning, right? How many times have you been able to say it? Surely more than one has gone with great affection.

6 Don’t wake me up, I’m working hard

Sleeping is also very hard work that deserves all the respect in the world, especially if you sleep soundly like a baby.

7 There are battles that can only be won by fleeing

Well yes, if you see that you are losing, run away, maybe you will even be surprised and win the battle that you already thought was lost.

8 No dreamer is small and no dream is too big.

Sometimes dreams begin to come true just by having the courage to give them the importance they really have with this phrase.

9 If you don’t want sarcastic answers, don’t ask dumb questions.

We cannot avoid the temptation to give a sarcastic answer to a question, let’s say, not very intelligent. Be careful, we do it without any malice.

10 Between ‘married’ and ‘tired’ there is only one letter difference

The same happens with the words ‘married’ and ‘tired’. There we leave it!

11 you were eternal for a few weeks

Eternal love, especially what is called love at first sight, really lasts a few moments. A phrase with a double meaning that can be applied, for example, to love in adolescence, don’t you think?

12 If you’re going to make mistakes, make them new.

Do not make the same mistake twice or, in other words, do not stumble twice with the same stone, it is better to make new mistakes so that you can continue learning from them.

13 The train of happiness passes many times

Hurry up, it’s not going to be that he catches you distracted and he escapes you again or you have to run after him.

14 Opportunities only come once in a lifetime.

Do you agree with this sentence ? Or are you more of the opinion that the train also passes here several times? Here we could also say the phrase: opportunities must be earned.

15 there is no second chance for a first impression.

You’ve heard this clever phrase with a double meaning hundreds of times, right? Well, you are absolutely right.

Show all your ingenuity with these funny phrases with double meaning

We continue with our special compilation of funny phrases with double and triple meanings with a list from which you will not be able to take your eyes off. To make it even more useful to you, you can write down the ones you like the most on a piece of paper so that you remember them and you can use them as many times as you want, yes, in their proper context.

16 If the mountain goes towards you… Run because it collapses!

If Muhammad does not go to the mountain, let the mountain come to Muhammad. That is, he fights to get what you want.

18 I have not come home late, I have come home too early

We have said this phrase with a double meaning more than once and more than twice when we have arrived late, or very early, to a party, right? Well, let’s keep saying it always!

19 Money doesn’t buy happiness, but I’d rather cry in a Ferrari

Also said with another clever phrase: money does not bring happiness, but it helps to achieve it. Well that, that money is not the most important thing in this life, but if we have it, then better than better.

20 Fish that go against the current are electrocuted

Or maybe they don’t die and see the world in a better way.

21 Fish that nothing does not drown

A funny phrase ‘of a lifetime’. Let each one give her the meaning that she likes the most.

22 Do like the fish, nothing!

One last fish, if you want to imitate them, do nothing! We would live much better if laziness did not exist, don’t you think?

23 Don’t take life seriously, because you won’t get out of it alive.

It will be that we give too much importance to this life, total; no one is going to emerge victorious from it.

24 The bad thing about being punctual is that there is never anyone around to appreciate it.

Have you also laughed when reading this phrase with a double meaning? If so, then it is that you are the one who is always punctual. Relax, we know your secret and we appreciate it very much.

25 There is no surer way to be late than to have a lot of time

How many times have we been late having all the time in the world! We are so weird, what can we do!

26 I love you, but far away

If someone says these words to you, don’t give them your time or attention, it’s not worth it.

27 Don’t give up on your dreams and keep sleeping

Sleeping dreams are pursued much well; remember it tonight when you go to bed.

28 It is good to stop drinking, the bad thing is not remembering where

It’s just a joke ; let’s see if now you’re going to become fond of drinking beyond a drink on the weekend.

29 The important thing is not to know, it is to have the phone number of the one who knows

Or have the Internet at hand to search for the answer. Hey, if we think about it or look in a book we can also find the solution.

30 Growing up is being sad and not posting it on Facebook

This phrase is really funny, and it is also absolutely right in the world!

31 Marriage is the principal cause of divorce

Of course, whoever doesn’t get married can’t get divorced. We love word games!

32 Who laughs last laughs better, or thinks slower

Why have you never realized it? Well, it is a phrase that has a double meaning with good reason.

33 I need to go to the eye doctor, but I can’t wait

Just like that and with the intention of making you smile.

Funny and very romantic phrases with double meanings (and their interpretations)

Get ready, that these phrases, in addition to being funny and full of wit, also exude romanticism. Surely they go directly to your favorite sheet.

34 You came across here and I forgot where I was going

How pretty! You can even put them on your profiles on social networks.

35 On one hand I like you, and on the other, too

And you add: I don’t see anything wrong with you, and look, I’ve been thinking about it.

36 It’s called love when you put reason aside and follow your heart

Of course, in love you first think with your heart and then we give way to reason.

37 Loving unrequited is like waiting for a ship at the airport

We know it, but we also know that you don’t choose who you fall in love with.

38 In silence you sigh what you shout silent

Dare to say it out loud!

39 Sometimes a silence is worth a thousand words, because with it we also want to say something

Silences also have a lot to say, sometimes even more than words.

40 I don’t know what we are, but I don’t want us to ever stop being

A romantic phrase that has left us speechless.

41 I hope that, in the next life, I can reach yours before

And so spend many more years together.

42 You have a gift to make me fall in love every day

Never lose that wonderful gift!

43 69% of people find a double meaning in everything

What a coincidence that it’s just 69%… Ok, maybe it’s not a very romantic phrase, but it has its funny side.

44 I don’t know how to kiss, could you teach me?

I sure learn fast…

45 have my smile ready for when I see you

And it will be there until you leave.

More funny and witty phrases with double meanings, you will love them!

Have you wanted more? So be sure to read that here comes another batch of phrases with double meanings to have a super entertaining time.

46 the confusion is very clear

If you say so… It’s still rather blurry.

46 Working never killed anyone, but why try?

Better not take unnecessary risks.

47 I haven’t talked to my wife in years, I didn’t want to interrupt her.

Good communication above all with this phrase.

48 I’m so smart that sometimes I don’t understand a single word I’m saying

Take now!

49 I’ll say it now, I hate it when you guys talk while I’m interrupting you

In addition to interrupting, he flaunts arrogance.

50 the world is a handkerchief, which turns us into snot

Small, big, sticky, yellow… Yuck!

51 If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame!

You blame the person next to you and things suddenly stop going so bad.

52 The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and to love our enemies; probably because in general they are the same people

Well yes, maybe you are absolutely right.

53 Who says nothing is impossible hasn’t been doing anything for years

‘Impossible’ things can stop being so at any moment.

54 There is no more beautiful phrase to say: I already told you

I told you! But you didn’t listen to me. We love to say, with pride, phrases like this.

55 Before I thought I was indecisive, now I’m not sure anymore

Doubts, doubts and more doubts, why won’t they just go away?

56 Nobody realizes that I do something until I do it!

It is then that they begin to miss him.

57 You say forever, but you last less than a battery

Before saying ‘forever’ you have to think it over.

58 Looks like I’m Google, you only look me up when you want something

What sense do you give to this phrase with double meaning?

59 Two words in the world will open all doors for you: push and pull

That’s it, you can go anywhere.

60 I don’t like to win, I like the other to lose

Or to put it another way, I’m too competitive, although sometimes the prize isn’t that great.

61 Let’s spend the night in white

Game of words and colors.

62 This is a bream conversation

Is it a conversation that deep down leads us nowhere?

63 The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us.

If we don’t get to their planet, it’s because they don’t want us to!

Short phrases with double meanings are one of our favorites

And now to finish with the list of phrases with double meanings, we propose a batch that is not wasted. Will you know how to find another meaning for all of them? Let’s check it out!

64 If life gives you lemons, ask for salt and tequila

So I’m sure you’ll be in a better mood. Another round!

65 A diplomat is someone who thinks twice before saying nothing.

It’s not anger, gentlemen diplomats, it’s just a joke.

66 Blessed is he who can laugh at himself, he will never stop having fun

Laughing at you is often an excellent therapy.

67 Blessed is he who does not expect anything, because he will never be disappointed.

Another joke, you always have to expect great things from life.

68 Remember that the less you have, the more you will be able to obtain

You start from scratch and reach the top, with effort and self-improvement, of course.

69 Sometimes I want to become independent but my family does not want to leave home

What are we going to do? I will have to continue living with them.

70 If someone tells you follow your dreams, go to sleep!

Do not think about it and sleep very soundly in case your dreams escape you.

71 Foods with half the calories cost twice as much

Why it is that healthy food is more expensive?

72 The battles with women are the only ones that are won by running away

Yes, you are right; it is the well-known phrase of Napoleon Bonaparte.

73 Life is what happens while What Sapp is updated

Or Facebook, or Instagram… Maybe we spend too much time on social networks, don’t you think?

74 Behind a great man, there is always a great woman, behind a great woman there are always many men.

There is nothing in this sentence that is not true.

75 I’m fine. 9 letters, 2 words and 1 lie

Many times we just say ‘I’m fine’ even though we know that deep down it’s not like that.

76 What a beautiful face, what deep eyes… well, it’s enough to talk about me… and how are you?

She doesn’t have a grandmother and she doesn’t need it! He already knows how to compliment himself. The same is an exercise that we should all do to improve self-esteem.

77 There is a lot of difference between ‘no, I have a partner’ and ‘I don’t have a partner’.

Be careful where you place the comma that can lead to errors.

78 The train of happiness does not usually have many stops

Rather few, that is why you have to live them to the fullest.

79 Living in the clouds is not bad, the bad thing is having to go down

If we could always live in the clouds…

80 There are people more false than a “tomorrow I start a diet”

A phrase much said and very little fulfilled. How lazy are diets!

81 In life there is too many masks for so few faces.

Better to let see the face of each one as it is.

82 They call me lazy, but I’m in energy saving mode

Or maybe in airplane mode. Well that, do not disturb, please.

83 Opportunities fly by, that’s why you have to always be jumping

Do not be that yours arrives and catches you sitting down.

84 A balanced diet is a cake in each hand

A super delicious chocolate one with a cherry in the middle.

85 I never forget a face, but with you I will make an exception

Than cruel! A phrase only to be used on rare occasions.

85 The more I’m with you, the more I want to be alone

The same as we have said with the previous one, only to be used when it is really necessary.

86 Understanding is a two-way street

Perhaps, but it is worth walking on it, especially if you are the one who needs understanding.

87 Don’t steal, the government hates competition

Oops… Maybe we shouldn’t write this sentence.

88 You are like February 30 to me

It may be that you will never be there or that you are super special, that each one gives you the meaning you want.

89 My ideal weight is with you on top

Or next to, or below… And may it last forever.

90 I give you a one-way ticket so you don’t come back

How hard we are sometimes!

91 I would like to be your best stranger

This one we cannot include in the list of romantic ones.

92 There is nothing more boring than always doing nothing

Forget laziness! Get up and do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Your dreams are waiting for you to come true!

93 It’s crazy to always do the same thing and expect different results.

This phrase, if we remember correctly, is from the genius Einstein. Well, that, to change things, it is not worth doing the same thing all the time.

94 Every madman lives in his madness

No matter how sane you are, there is always a grain of madness inside you.

95 Live each day as if it were your last

Take advantage of time, its gold.

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