
21 useful African proverbs for life (and their interpretation)

For many, Africa is the great unknown. Of incomparable natural beauty, hidden mysteries and diverse and unique traditions and cultures, the vast African territory is the mother earth of all humanity. That is where the oldest found woman of all humanity comes from, so it is not surprising that their cultures and their popular wisdom are among

21 useful African proverbs for life (and their interpretation) Read More »

81 Arabic Proverbs (with Meaning): Lessons That Will Change Your Life

Although Arab culture has historically influenced the Western world, the truth is that many times it is not known to what extent. However, when we read ancient teachings, such as proverbs and popular sayings from Arab culture, we realize that Western thought is more similar to the Arab tradition than we imagine. We bring you 81 Arabic proverbs with

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Scottish proverbs with meaning for a life full of harmony

Scotland has always boasted of having a different culture from its neighbor England. Current constituent nation of the United Kingdom, it was a separate nation until 1770, when the Act of Union with Great Britain was signed. English rule has always been a source of discontent for the Scots, who have struggled for centuries to keep their culture and

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61 VERY Wise and Meaningful Greek Proverbs (with Interpretation)

The Greek is one of the oldest and most respected cultures on the planet. His wisdom and philosophy have been a continuing inspiration even today. Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras… were thinkers who transmitted their knowledge, questions and doubts about human existence and the world. Many of those thoughts were the beginning of today’s Greek sayings, which continue to teach valuable life

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21 beautiful Portuguese sayings and proverbs (with translation) about life

Portuguese is a Latin language very close to Spanish and for this reason its culture is also similar to Latin cultures such as Spanish, French or Italian, although of course with its own peculiarities. Portugal is a beautiful country, where you will know the kindness of the people and you will be able to eat exquisitely. If

21 beautiful Portuguese sayings and proverbs (with translation) about life Read More »

28 Wise Egyptian Proverbs That Will Make You Question Your Values

Ancient Egypt is one of the oldest civilizations of humanity that, as it could not be less, has left us an infinite legacy of popular wisdom. Not only do its papyri and tombs reflect the grandeur of this ancient culture, but the Egyptian proverbs that have been passed down from generation to generation over the centuries provide us

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38 Spiritual Hindu Proverbs That Will Guide You When You’re Lost

Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world. With more than 1,150 million followers worldwide, it represents 16% of the most followed religion among the population of India and Nepal. Truly, Hinduism is not only a religion, but also and thought that it has been cultivated for centuries through observation of nature and the social environment. Knowing

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Inspiring Japanese proverbs that will change your attitude towards life

Japanese culture is a culture of traditions and wisdom, which is why for centuries the Japanese have cultivated and preserved different proverbs that make us understand their philosophy. The Japanese is a hard-working culture, which does not wait for others to do it, but instead defends individual capacities capable of achieving what they set out

Inspiring Japanese proverbs that will change your attitude towards life Read More »

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