
81 Spanish proverbs: popular sayings with a lot of meaning

Each culture has its own sayings and proverbs, which are maintained over time, as traditional knowledge that continues to be great teachings today. The Spanish proverb is known for being extensive, rich and varied, as well as being widely used by citizens, who seem to resist losing this great cultural contribution passed down from generation to generation. I we have […]

81 Spanish proverbs: popular sayings with a lot of meaning Read More »

82 interesting Chinese proverbs to give meaning to your life

Many times you get lost, you feel confused, nothing fills you up and you don’t really know what the meaning of your life is. Other times, problems overwhelm you, you suffer from anxiety and you can’t see anything clearly. How about turning to eastern wisdom? we have found some Chinese proverbs to give meaning to your life and be happier. Wise

82 interesting Chinese proverbs to give meaning to your life Read More »

Popular Christmas and New Year proverbs and sayings that is very significant

How beautiful is Christmas! And how wonderful are the traditional sayings that remind us of everything that this special date means. Popular proverbs and sayings about Christmas and New Year have been with us for generations to teach us the typical gastronomy of these dates, how to relate it to the weather or the harvests, and even typical values​​of

Popular Christmas and New Year proverbs and sayings that is very significant Read More »

Very philosophical Danish proverbs to learn to live simply

They say that it is one of the happiest countries in the world and that its secret is the good will of its inhabitants. Being kind to others, looking for the positive side of things and living a simple life is the Danish philosophy of life. That, combined with honesty in social activities and a good standard of living,

Very philosophical Danish proverbs to learn to live simply Read More »

44 ancient Turkish proverbs to understand the world today

Turkey is a fascinating country, full of culture, mysteries and popular wisdom. A country of incredible landscapes, magnificent archaeological sites, charming towns and historic cities, and delicious gastronomy, what was one of the most important empires of antiquity, the Ottoman Empire, has managed to preserve its proverbs and popular sayings, small sketches of wisdom. That can still

44 ancient Turkish proverbs to understand the world today Read More »

Galician proverbs that you can use wherever you go

Galicia there is only one and, therefore, unique and singular. Galician’s continue to use them every day to show some feelings or their own disagreements in an ironic way, very Galician. Knowing Galician proverbs helps us to understand the character and idiosyncrasy of this land and, of course, to learn a little more about the life of its inhabitants, because,

Galician proverbs that you can use wherever you go Read More »

39 deep and direct Mayan expressions and proverbs (with meaning)

The Mayans are still one of those ancient cultures that we are always waiting to learn more about. Connoisseurs of the universe, with a unique culture and cosmogony in the American continent, they had their own numerical system, which even included the number zero (basic in modern measurements) and with which they managed to accurately

39 deep and direct Mayan expressions and proverbs (with meaning) Read More »

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