Christmas and New Year phrases for Twitter: the TOP short tweets

Christmas is a time for reunion, gifts, celebration, congratulations and beautiful words. There is nothing more enriching than receiving a loving message from someone who wishes you from the bottom of their hearts. In this time of stress and commitments that we live in, when getting together is sometimes complicated and we will not see many acquaintances, wishing Happy Holidays through social networks is a way of conveying our best wishes to all our relatives, whether they are physically close or far.

we leave you some inspiring Christmas and New Year phrases for Twitter. Because, on some occasions, 160 characters are enough to Posta full of affection. Write down the TOP short messages and tweets to tweet at Christmas time!

Christmas phrases for Twitter

If you really want to be a Tweet Star, you can’t stop sharing any of the following Christmas messages on your account. You can accompany it with a photo or tag whoever you want! The rewets will rain!

  • The happiness you feel at Christmas can be greater if you share it with other people. Merry shared Christmas, even in the distance

Even if you can’t sit with all your loved ones at the table this year, it’s okay! You can send them your most sincere appreciation and a warm hug in the form of a virtual via Twitter.

  • May the magic felt last night become peace and happiness in your hearts.

Peace. That is what we should mainly aspire to achieve at Christmas.

  • This Christmas I want to send you the perfect recipe: a pinch of illusion and friendship, a gesture of tenderness and a bit of warmth and patience. We put it in the oven with laughter and affection and we will have it ready for anyone who wants to try it. Merry Christmas!

We couldn’t find a better Christmas.

  • I wish that this Christmas you are able to appreciate the little details that make life beautiful and that you fill all the people around you with those little details.

Because it is the small pleasures that make us truly happy.

  • Special people can be counted on the fingers of one hand, but they are enough to make our world a little better. Thank you for making my world a little better, I wish you a Merry Christmas

Tweet this phrase tagging all those people who are important to you.

  • On a day like today it doesn’t hurt to remember what is really necessary for us to enjoy and be happy. Let’s know how to appreciate that and put everything else aside. Happy December 25!

By this time of the year you will have already learned that the material does not matter at all, right?

  • My most sincere wishes to all of you. I wish you a Christmas full of Love, Peace, Tranquility and a lot of Family. Enjoy it, it’s the most beautiful thing we have

Family is everything and it is precisely to them that you have to dedicate a nice dedication on Twitter.

New Year phrases for Twitter

  • Don’t think, don’t plan… Live! May this coming year have many of those improvised experiences that make our lives wonderful. Happy New Year!

Well that: Carpe Diem!

  • The best wish I can send you is that you have the opportunity to achieve all your goals and that absolutely nothing in this New Year will stop you.

There are many reasons to dream big and you can remind your followers of them.

  • They are coming! Here they come… There are 365 days full of experiences, experiences and people. Let’s enjoy them like they’re never coming back!

A perfect phrase to tweet with the hash tag ‘Page 1 of 365’.

  • I wish you that this New Year is mathematical: adding all kinds of pleasures, subtracting pain, multiplying happiness and enhancing the love of all your loved ones.

Math has never been so easy to explain before.

  • The attitude with which we face this New Year depends on us. This will mark the foot with which we will start, the way to face the problems and the lessons that we will remember

So much the, there are always reasons to smile again. It’s all about attitude!

  • It is a perfect time to collect the mistakes of the past and turn them into lessons to look to the future. Happy New Year!

It is time to take stock to stay with the positive.

  • +This Christmas I wish you that your dreams take you there where your heart smiles and is happy

Best wishes to all your followers.

  • Let’s receive this New Year with open arms and a positive attitude, let’s leave the bad behind and step firmly in the direction of our goals

Let’s go for that New! 

  • I wish that all the problems you have this year last as little as the resolutions we set for ourselves at the beginning of it, ha. Happy New Year!

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