Deep phrases of Easter: true meaning of these dates

Holy Week is a time for reflection, meditation, forgiveness and collecting good intentions. It is also time to read, learn, talk and pay attention to the vicissitudes of others. In addition, you have to save time to thank and value well-being and health. How to do all this? Well, with the help of our thoughts and carefully reading some messages about the true meaning of these dates.

To help you, we share with you profound phrases for Holy Week and Easter, ideal for thinking and reflecting. Some of these phrases are our own (created with great care), and many others are pronounced by famous people. Others are taken from passages in the. Be that as it may, read them slowly, only then can you deepen your learning in each one of them. Pay attention!

Easter phrases to think and reflect

Holy Week is a Christian commemoration of the Passion of Christ that is celebrated every year. The entrance to Jerusalem, that is, the last supper, the Stations of the Cross and the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth is experienced year after year by Christians and believers. It is also a time of intense liturgical activity and Christian confessions.

1 Holy Week is a time to reflect and value the things we have, but it is also a time to show our affection to our loved ones.

Undoubtedly an exercise that we should all do, right?

2 To forgive others you must first forgive yourself.

Some lessons taken from the us should never forget.

3 Decide to forget the offenses and you will have hope

Another Easter phrase that gives us a lot to think about.

4 During this Holy Week I pray a special blessing for each of the members of my family

We pray the same for everyone.

5 A completely innocent man offered himself for the good of others, including his enemies, and took upon himself the redemption of the world. It was a perfect act

Mahatma Gandhi

Jesus gave his life to save humanity.

6 On the cross… Was it Christ who died or was it death that died in Him?

San Agustin

The ends like this: ‘Oh, what a death… that killed death!’

6 Human suffering has reached its culmination in the passion of Christ

John Paul ii

The teachings of John Paul II can never fall on deaf ears.

7 May the joy of the resurrection rescue us from loneliness, helplessness and despair and transport us to a world of strength, beauty and happiness.

Floyd Tomkins

Undoubtedly some values ​​​​on which we must sustain our reason for being.

8 The meaning of Easter is not found in bunnies or colored eggs. For those of us who know Jesus, it is much more than that.

Amanda White

Many times we forget the true meaning and we focus only on banal things.

9 It is the commemoration of his victory over death, the fulfillment of his love

Linda Bowles

The sentence ends with these other words: ‘this simple message transformed the world forever: it is not here, it has risen.’

Famous phrases of Pope Francis special for Easter

We now see a series of phrases from Pope that will be very useful for us to know the true meaning of Easter.

10 Closeness is more than the name of a particular virtue, it is an attitude that involves the whole person, in their way of bonding

Pope Francis

and he continue: ‘to be both in oneself and attentive to the other. That’s why I ask for nearby priests and street priests to be there and to talk to everyone’.

11 All punishment must be open to the horizon of hope, that is why the death penalty is neither human nor Christian, because it does not lead to hope or reinsertion

Pope Francis

What meaning do these words have for you?

12 Lord Jesus, always give us the grace of the holy shame that pervades us for leaving you alone.

Pope Francis

ends like this: ‘suffering for our sins. Even if everyone abandons you, I will never abandon you.

13 Celebrating Easter is to believe again that God breaks in and does not stop breaking into our stories, challenging our ‘conformant’ and paralyzing determinisms

Pope Francis

…’Celebrating is letting Jesus overcome that pusillanimous attitude that so often surrounds us and tries to bury all kinds of hope.

Holy Week, phrases from the Bible that invite us to reflect

To finish we suggest that you read a few sentences. All of them mention Holy Week, forgiveness and the resurrection of Christ. Surely more than one you have already heard on occasion.

14 Truly, I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life; and he will not come into condemnation, but he has passed from death to life

John 5.24 5:24

Believing without seeing is undoubtedly the act of faith that the Lord asks of us.

15 as they were afraid and lowered their faces to the ground, they said to them: Why do you seek among the dead the one who lives?

Luke 24

And he continues: ‘He is not here, but has risen. Remember what he told you when he was still in Galilee.

16 But he said to them: Do not be afraid; you are looking for Jesus Nazarene, the one who was crucified; he has risen, he is not here; look at the place where they put him

Mark 16.6

According to Christianity, Jesus Christ rose from the dead that day to save humanity.

17 He was pierced because of our rebellion, he was tormented because of our wickedness

Isaiah 53:5

This verse continues like this: ‘the punishment he suffered brought us peace; through his wounds we achieved health’.

18 For this is why Christ died and rose again, to be Lord of both the dead and the living.

Romans 14:9

Living room Hollis living the Passion of Christ in every way.

19 Then Jesus exclaimed with force: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit! And saying this, I have expired.

Luke 11:46 p.m.

Words of Christ that will always have a prominent place in the Bible.

20 He said: ‘Abba, Father, everything is possible for you. Don’t make me drink this bitter drink, but it’s not what I want, but what you want.’

Mark 14:36

Have you ever heard this?

21 Praised be God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy of him, he has caused us to be born again through the resurrection of Jesus Christ

Peter 1:3

It ends with these brief words: ‘and he has done it so that we have a new hope of life’.

22 Above his head they put in writing the cause of his condemnation: ‘This is Jesus, the King of the Jews’

Matthew 27:37

‘Lord, give us salvation! Lord, grant us victory!’

We hope that these phrases and reflections help you live Holy Week in a much more spiritual way and never forget the profound meaning it has for believers.

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