Eguberri on! Basic and original Christmas and New Year phrases in Basque

If you are learning Basque or have a valued Basque friend that you. It will be a nice detail that you will surely appreciate. Say it in a Christmas card, in a text message, or you can even learn the phrase and say it to them over the phone or in person. Your Basque friends and family will be very happy that you show how much you love them. We provide you with some basic and original Christmas and New Year phrases in Basque. Take note!

The most traditional phrases to congratulate Christmas in Basque

Let’s start with the main thing you should know: how to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in Basque. There are several ways, take note!

  • Auberry on: Merry Christmas.
  • Auberry on eta urge berry on!: Happy New Year!
  • Jai zoriontsuak: Happy holidays.
  • Gabon gala zoriontsua izan!: Merry Christmas Eve!
  • Urte berri on: Happy New Year.
  • Urte berri on opa dizuet: I wish you a happy New Year.
  • Jai zoriontsuak opa dizkizuegu!: We wish you happy holidays! 

Deeper Christmas and New Year greetings in Basque

Perhaps with a simple Eguberri on eta urte berri on! (Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year) is not enough to convey all the Christmas feelings. For this reason, we have prepared some slightly longer Christmas phrases in Basque that convey some of the most typical values ​​​​and desires of these holidays. Let’s go there!

  • Igaro Gabonak bakean eta pozik, eta Urte Berri on
  • Translation: May you spend Christmas in peace and joy, and a good New Year.
  • A simple greeting that provides a little more personalization
  • Onena opa diegu gure lagunei. Urte Berri oparo eta zoriontsua, bakea lagun
  • Translation: We wish our friends the best, and may the New Year bring us peace, happiness and prosperity.
  • Beautiful phrase in Basque to congratulate the New Year
  • Gure zorionik zintzoena Gabon hauetan, eta Urte Berria osasunez etor dadila
  • Translation: Our warmest congratulations this Christmas, and may the New Year come with health.
  • A perfect phrase for those warmest congratulations.
  • Gabonek atsegin handiz bil ditzaten urtero gehien maite dituzunekin
  • Translation: May Christmas wrap you pleasantly every year with the ones you love the most.
  • Beautiful Christmas greeting to wish the best
  • Gabon hauetan lau aingeruk babestuko zaituztela espero dut: Osasuna, maitasuna, zortea eta lasaitasuna. Baina beste aingeru bat behar baduzu, gogoratu nirekin Adiskidetasuna naizela. Eguberri on!
  • Translation: This Christmas I hope four angels protect you: Health, Love, Luck and Tranquility. But if you need another angel, remember me, I am Friendship. Merry Christmas !
  • This is an ideal phrase for which you want to wish the best for Christmas with a little creativity.
  • Gabonek inspirazio iraunkorrez bete gaitzatela gure proiektu guztiak lortzeko eta beteta sentitzeko
  • Translation: May Christmas fill us with lasting inspiration to achieve all our projects and feel fulfilled.
  • If you want to wish something different this Christmas, this is the.
  • Eguberri oak bakea eta itxaropenez beetlike mundus Hobe batten naiad partekatzen duet gustier
  • Translation: Merry Christmas to all who share the desire for a better world, full of peace and hope.
  • A perfect solidarity phrase to congratulate. It’s our favorite!
  • Poses eta zoriontasunez betetako urtea opa dizut… I hope dut urte berri honetako second bakoitza bete-betean goatee. Urte bellow!
  • Translation: I wish you a year full of joy and happiness… I hope you can enjoy every second of this new year to the fullest. Happy new year!
  • Because the important thing in life is to enjoy it every second, this New Year greeting is for those who really know how to do it.
  • Garonne maniac argot eta sure abets guztiak Lorene lagun zaitzala nail dut. Jai zoriontsuak!
  • Translation: I wish that thematic enlightens you and helps you achieve all your dreams. Happy Holidays!
  • If you believe in the magic of Christmas, then this is the perfect phrase in Basque to congratulate your loved ones. Merry Christmas!

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