Farewell letter to 2020: goodbye to a hard year full of learning

We will remember this year because of the coronavirus, because of this, because of the confinement, because of the curfews, because of the masks, because of the uncertainty and because of the shortcomings. It is not being our best year, why are we going to deny it. And it is not that the New Year is the solution to all our problems, but it is true that we are looking forward to putting this fateful year behind us. We do it with a farewell letter to 2020 in which we also have some things to be thankful for; a goodbye text to a hard year but full of learning.

Letter to 2020

Goodbye, 2020

  • This year we want more than ever for you to disappear and make. I’m sure you’re laughing inside reading this thinking about our naivety about 2021. But it’s just that it’s very difficult to make it worse. And if it is, at least it won’t take us by surprise, as you did, putting our lives on hold, putting a dark cloak over our future and filling our daily lives with fear and prevention.
  • Don’t think we hate you, we want you to leave because of exhaustion, but we also have a few things to thank you for. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, let us make a few things clear to you. You came wanting to be the protagonist and you have achieved it. You ignored all our wishes for a good year and presented yourself as a villain willing to shatter our illusions.
  • Without a doubt, it will be a historic year, without a doubt you will be remembered in future generations, but you will not take all the prominence because the protagonists, the main actors continue and will continue to be us. We had to stay home, we had to stop hugging our loved ones, we had to stop kissing our friends, we had to stop traveling, and we had to lose jobs.
  • Your desire for prominence left the streets empty and surreal scenes of people with masks. But the mask is not going to silence us or prevent us from continuing to smile with our eyes. And that uncertainty that has marked this year will be diluted among the small certainties that we are discovering every day.

What we will remember from 2020

  • We do not know what your intention was when you arrived destroying everything, perhaps it was not with bad intentions. Or if. But here comes the part where we thank you for everything we have learned with you. Because you will be remembered as the year of the pandemic, disease, death and fear.
  • But you will also be remembered for being the year that we became aware of some values ​​that we had forgotten. For those fathers and mothers who began to spend more time with their young children, for everything they learned by playing with them, for slowing down the pace of life, for learning silence and solitude, for discovering the power that What Sapp has.
  • You will be remembered for appreciating those ties that distance does not break, for solidarity, for discovering our neighbors, for empathy, for care. We will remember you for the bad, but also for forcing us to see the world in a different way, for making us value what we have more, for showing us what the present moment is worth.
  • For making us stronger despite everything. We will remember you for making us see how much we can grow in difficulties and for learning to enjoy every minute with our loved ones. Because this year, without a doubt, we have found others but we have also rediscovered ourselves.
  • We look differently at 2021; we put aside New Year’s resolutions and focus on day to day. Now we are going step by step, grasping small certainties, treasuring moments. Next year we will be stronger and we will remember you for that too but… yes, we are looking forward to turning the page.

Goodbye, 2020.

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