Feminist messages you should send to all women (and men)

March 8 is approaching again, Women’s Day, of the working woman. A date that has become a real revolution. A day in which we should all go out to claim our rights and be heard. Claim what? Claim the same opportunities, claim the same salaries, the same treatment, claim visibility. To vindicate, in short: equality.

We believe that we should empower ourselves, not only on March 8, but every day of the year and, for this reason, we propose some feminist messages that you should send to ALL women and why not? Also men! They must also be part of this fight, it is not a war against them, and it is a fight that we all have to win together.

Feminist phrases from famous women to send by What Sapp

+”A woman should be two things: whoever she wants and what she wants.”

Coco Chanel

+” The impossible does not exist for a woman; it just takes her time to achieve it.”

Carolina Herrera

+”We are ignorant of our true stature until we stand up.”

Emily Dickinson

+“I want to be a renaissance woman. I want to paint, write, act, and do it all.”

Emma Watson

+“A man once told me that, for a woman, I. I replied that, for a man, he was quite ignorant.

Anne Hathaway

+“All women conceive ideas, but not all conceive children. The human being is not a fruit tree”.

Emilia Pardon Baan

+”One is not born a woman, one becomes a woman.”

Simone de Beauvoir

+”Every time a woman stands up for herself, possibly unknowingly, without crying out, she.”

Maya Angelou

+“Women have been brought up to speak softly and wear lipstick. But those days are over.”

Bella Abzug

+“If you obey all the rules, you will miss all the fun.”

Katherine Hepburn

+”The only women who are really worth it are those who, if they want the moon, lower it themselves.”

+”No woman has an orgasm scrubbing the kitchen floor.”

Betty Friedan

Empowering messages from anonymous authors that inspire both women and men 

  • “She is perfect being imperfect.”
  • “They took so much from us that they ended up taking away our fear.”
  • “My life has value, my body has no price.”
  • “I can’t be the woman of your life because”
  • “When I ask for equal, why do you assume I want to be treated like a man?”
  • Yes, I am a feminist. No, I don’t hate men.
  • “It’s not no. And if you want more flexibility, sign up for yoga.”
  • “Neither the Earth nor women are territory of conquest.”
  • “Alone, drunk… I want to get home!”

The reasons why we all (men and women) should be feminists

  • To put an end to gender violence: Thousands of women are murdered every year by their partners, this is for not counting the number of women harassed on public transport, in discos, at work or on the street… And this for not talk about the violations that day after day increase without control. Violations for which women are blamed: for our clothing, for our way of walking or speaking… This has to end!
  • So that we can decide about our body: We are not objects that can be used and discarded whenever we feel like it, we are people, we deserve respect and no one can decide what we should or should not do with our body; how we should or shouldn’t dress…
  • For equality: we all have our feelings, our ideology, our beliefs… We are all different and, at the same time, we all deserve to be treated equally. Being able to for which we are prepared regardless of being a man or a woman, being able to have the same salaries, the same possibilities….

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