Hopeful letter to 2021: Wishes for a better year

The year 2020 will be remembered by future generations as the year of the pandemic. We still do not know how our lives will change and we are quite clear that the coronavirus is not going to go away with the chimes of New Year’s Eve. However, we that the New Year will be better than this, so we’ve written a letter to 2021 to welcome you and present yourself with your best intentions.

Letter to 2021

Hello 2021

  • You cannot imagine how eager we are for you to finally arrive so that we can leave these months behind and close that has left us with so many troubles. We know that your arrival does not mean the immediate end of this pandemic that we have had to live through, but it is a bit of fresh air. New beginnings always come with new opportunities and they must be welcomed with enthusiasm and hope.
  • We are having a terrible time and, for this reason, we are so eager for you to discover yourself as a. We don’t want to put too much pressure on you, but recognize that 2020 has made it very easy for you to consider yourself a good year. Things have to get very bad to make it worse than the previous one. We trust you, but from objectivity.
  • And we are going to take advantage of the grapes and the chimes that weaned without leaving home to say goodbye to 2020 with relief and welcome you with enthusiasm. It is almost certain that we will not receive you in our best clothes and it is very possible that upon arrival you will find faces of sadness, fear and concern. Don’t take it personally, please. And we are going to propose a pact: you do not put too many expectations in that we receive you in style and we will do everything possible to welcome you with a smile.

What we expect from the New Year

  • Surely you are already thinking about the disappointment that we are going to take when you arrive and everything is not solved. Don’t worry; we know that there are things that require your time. You only take care that each day is a little better than the previous one, we will do the rest. Do not pay attention to those false expectations that are coming to you, we are not going to ask you for the impossible.
  • We are satisfied with knowing that you do not come to destroy everything that you arrive with the best intentions and good wishes. That you are not going to make things more difficult for us and that you will leave our hope intact. That you are not going to wear us out anymore because we have a whole year ahead of us. And we assure you that we will not make absurd promises or New Year’s resolutions that we do not intend to fulfill.
  • The goal with you is simple: to be able to move on. Without more loss, without more fear, without so much uncertainty. Do you come with any certainty, 2021? Because we need a bit of that, we need to know that everything will improve, even if it is little by little. Give us a little encouragement and we’ll carry on. This New Year will undoubtedly be different and perhaps it will be better that way.
  • So you won’t get the welcome you expected, but understand that we are not at our best. Even so, we promise to reserve a smile for when you arrive, a sign of relief for the year that is leaving and a pact of hope that you have to sign as soon as you enter. Don’t fail us, 2021, because we trust you.

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