Inspiring Japanese proverbs that will change your attitude towards life

Japanese culture is a culture of traditions and wisdom, which is why for centuries the Japanese have cultivated and preserved different proverbs that make us understand their philosophy.

The Japanese is a hard-working culture, which does not wait for others to do it, but instead defends individual capacities capable of achieving what they set out to do. Like other, they appreciate silence and fair words; charlatanism does not go with them. In addition, they value positivity and having a good attitude towards life. Japanese proverbs teach us all this and much more, full of inspiring words and much wisdom. Here they go!

Wise and positive Japanese proverbs

1To the house where they laugh, happiness comes

Because joy attracts joy. In the houses in which the family takes things with positivity, there is always a good vibe.

2Husband and wife should resemble hands and eyes: when a hand feels pain, the eyes cry; when the eyes cry, the hands wipe away the tears

This Japanese proverb seems beautiful to us. A couple should be a mutual support team, in which is always present.

3If you think about it, decide it. If you already decided, stop thinking about it

As this Japanese proverb says, you have to learn to know when to act and think less, or in other words, you have to learn to make decisions and carry them out.

4Sadness is something like a torn dress: it is better not to go out with it

You have to learn to aside and face life with joy, as if you put on a new dress every day.

5Before breaking a silence, make sure that your words are better than this

As in many oriental cultures, silence is highly valued in the Japanese. Therefore, this wise proverb warns that it is better to remain silent than to say something that is not worth it.

6To learn something, the main thing is that one likes it.

What a great truth. When we really learn something, we do it because we enjoy learning it. Therefore, it is important to dedicate yourself to what you really like in life.

7Meeting is the beginning of parting

It seems like a somewhat dramatic proverb, but the truth is that what it means is that everything in life has an end, but even so, it is worth living the experience.

8The snow does not break the branches of the willow

When our scale of values ​​​​is strong, when our and we feel strong and stable, nothing can defeat us.

9The frog at the bottom of the puddle knows nothing of the great ocean

It is important to stay open to knowing beyond our environment if we do not want to remain in ignorance.

10With promised firewood the house is not heated

Promises remain in the air if they do not materialize, it is better to achieve what is needed in life by oneself. This Japanese proverb tells us that letting ourselves be carried away by promises hoping that the other person will fulfill them is not the best idea.

Eleventh fish that escapes always seems the biggest

People who break out of established social conventions tend to stand out from the rest. Of course, that the fish seems bigger does not mean that it is.

12The deep rivers flow in silence

Deep and thoughtful people tend to be quiet, and wait until they have something important to say before speaking.

13Poverty makes thieves like love makes poets

Curious proverb, right? Circumstances bring out the true nature of each person.

14There is a door through which good or bad fortune can enter, but you hold the key

For Japanese philosophy, destiny depends a lot on our actions and the decisions we make in our lives.

Fifteen The Sea is so big because it does not underestimate the streams

The people who are truly admirable are those who do not think they are better than others and who accept the people in their lives without belittling anyone.

16Don’t wait fortieth wait for you

Nice Japanese proverb, which encourages living and taking advantage of each moment as if each day were the last.

17Spending time laughing is like spending time with the gods.

And it is that laughter heals the soul, laughing is the best therapy to overcome any obstacle in life.

18Do everything you can, otherwise trust fate

Japanese philosophy believes that when you try your best and does what you can; fate will take care of offering you what you deserve.

19Arrows are not shot at a smiling face

Optimism generates optimism, as this Japanese proverb says. When we take things on the bright side and with a smile, others don’t try to hurt us.

Twenty Sooner or later, discipline will win out over intelligence.

Japanese discipline is well known and this proverb makes it very clear. No matter how smart you are, if you don’t have perseverance and tenacity, you won’t get anywhere. On the contrary, even if you are not a genius, with will and discipline you can learn what you want.

Twenty one Rain is only a problem if you don’t want to get wet

A wise proverb that invites us to reflect on how we face life and problems. For example, they will stop being problems if we face them as an opportunity.

22Only in activity will you wish to live a hundred years

Happiness is only achieved by keeping busy. They are right, don’t you think?

23At 10 years old it is a miracle. At 20, you become a genius. At 30, you’re just an ordinary person.

This is a proverb that talks. What he means is that having achieved something does not mean that you are better than others, in the end we are all people and fame runs out soon.

24A minute of embarrassment for asking something can mean a lifetime of ignorance

When your children are embarrassed to ask questions at school, remind them of this wise Japanese proverb.

25A kindly spoken word can be the warmth of three winter months.

Precious proverb that invites people to be kinder to those around us.

26Studying the past is the best way to learn for the future

What a great truth! Societies may not end up learning from our mistakes because we tend to want to erase them from our memory. The best thing is to look at the past, learning from everything we did wrong and right, in order to build a more hopeful future

27With the first glass the man drinks wine, with the second the wine drinks wine, and with the third the wine drinks the man

A poetic and fabulous way to say that the ideal is to drink in moderation.

28Fast is slow but without pauses

Fabulous Japanese proverb. It is not about running to end up exhausted and having to stop on the way. You will be able to reach your purpose sooner if you continue slowly but without pause. That is, take life without haste, but without pause.

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