Legendary Star Wars phrases: the most memorable messages of the saga

Do you have a favorite Star quote ? I am sure that more than one comes to mind and I am also sure that you have to think very carefully to be left with only one. There are so many legendary Star Wars phrases that have marked a before and after that no one is surprised that they are part of the philosophy of life of many. we present you with the most memorable messages from the saga created by George Lucas. You won’t be able to stop reading!

The best quotes from the Star Wars saga 

Created in 1977 by George Lucas, Star Wars is today one of the favorite movies of many. The imaginary universe of a galaxy far away provides us with hours of entertainment, teachings that we can apply both at work and in our daily lives.

1Who is crazier: the madman or the madman who follows the madman?

Obi Wan Kenobi

Maybe they both are, what do you think?

2Sometimes we must put our pride aside and do what is asked of us.

Anakin Skywalker

Yes, it can be, but only sometimes, not always.

3Mentors often see our mistakes more than we would like. This is how you grow up

Padre Amidala

It’s hard to pay attention to them but I’m sure they’re absolutely right, what do you think of this?

4I know how to run without you holding my hand


This is one of our favorites, and you?

5I have traveled this galaxy from one end to the other, I have seen some very strange things, but I have never seen anything that would lead me to believe that there is a single powerful force that controls everything.

Han Solo

the quote ends like this: ‘No mystical energy field controls my destiny. All that is nothing more than legends and nonsense.’

6I am one with the Force. The force is with me

Chirrup Mew

The force will always be on our side!

7His lack of faith is annoying

Darth Vader

Tell the truth, how many times have you heard this phrase from Star Wars ?

8Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you


This valuable advice is given by the master to Anakin in the Jedi Council.

9The ability to speak does not make you smart

Qui Goon Jinn

What harsh

10There must always be two, neither more nor less. A teacher and an apprentice

Yoda teacher

The series has achieved so much fame for phrases and teachings like this.

Eleven Impressive… very impressive! You control your fear, Obi-Wan has instructed you well.

Darth Vader

This one is said by Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker during the light saber duel.

12Your focus determines your reality

Qui Goon Jinn

And this one is addressed to Anakin just as they leave Corus cant for Nabob. And yes, it’s from The Phantom Menace.

Phrases to remember from Star Wars 

Star Wars is a saga in which many of its characters shoot laser beams, fight with their swords and attract attention with their lights. But, in addition, it is a series full of values ​​and phrases that invite us to think and reflect on ourselves and the world around us.

13Why do I sense that we have adopted another pitiful way of life

Obi Wan Kenobi

If so, realizing it is the first step to change.

14Patience, use the Force. Think

Obi Wan Kenobi

Think and then act, your actions will be better and more precise.

Fifteen Victories?! Victory you say…, Master Obi-Wan no victory… on the dark side the veil has fallen, the Clone War has already begun


Do you remember this phrase? Yoda tells Obi-Wan Kenobi.

16You always with your ‘IT CAN’T BE DONE’! Is it that you weren’t listening to me?


Yoda continues with his lessons, in this case Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back.

17You were the chosen one! The one who would destroy the Seth, not the one who would join them! The one who would come to bring balance to the force, not plunge it into darkness!

Obi Wan Kenobi

Fans of the saga know what this phrase refers to, no further comments are needed!

18That’s impossible! How will the Emperor be able to maintain control of the galaxy without the bureaucracy?

General Tagged

In the episodes you can also see certain political overtones.

19Size does not matter. Look at me. You judge me by my size, huh? And you shouldn’t, because my ally is force, and a powerful ally is life, it creates it, makes it grow, penetrates us and surrounds us… We are luminous beings! Not this raw stuff!


It belongs to episode V, The Empire Strikes Back.

Twenty do not try. Do it, or do not, but do not try


Going to become and how many times it was going to be repeated throughout the world.

Twenty-one Fear of loss is a path to the dark side


We can’t let this happen!

22 Attachment is prohibited, possession is prohibited, compassion, on the contrary, which for me would be nothing more than unconditional love is paramount in the life of a Jedi. So it could be said that we are encouraged to love


A phrase from Anakin to Padme Amidala in The Clone Wars.

23 Your eyes can deceive you, don’t trust them

Obi Wan

They might not be as objective as you expect them to be.

24 Good is just a point of view

Chancellor Palatine

This sentence is similar to the previous one, the good for some may not be the same as for others; curious, right?

25 I’m not fear to die. I haven’t stopped dying day by day since you came back into my life

Padma Amidala

we begin to die at the very moment in which we are given life.

The Star Wars saga and all the famous phrases that we can extract from the series 

Did you know that May 4th is Star Wars Day ? It turns out that it is a party all over the world in which homage is paid to the saga and all its episodes. Surely one point that day is to recite some of the best Star Wars lines.

26 The Dark Side of the Force is a path that can provide faculties and gifts that many do not hesitate to describe as unnatural.

Chancellor Palatine

That may be why they are so special and unique.

27 The Force is what gives the Jedi their power. It is an energy field created by all living things. Surrounds us, penetrates us and holds the Galaxy together

Obi Wan

The force is an energy field!

28 Don’t thank me all at once

Han Solo

You copy it as it is and say it when someone praises you for how well yourworkyou have turned out.

29 You must be very careful when perceiving the future, Anakin.

Yoga teacher

It can be predicted and even influenced, but it will always have an aura of mystery.

30 You underestimate the power of the Dark Side, if you don’t fight… you will meet your fate

Darth Vader

So, do you have to fight to escape fate ?

31I never question anything, until after doing it

Han Solo

Does the same thing happen to you as Han Solo?

32 You will discover that many of the truths we believe in depend on our point of view.

Obi Wan Kenobi

The point of view of each one is different, therefore, the truth may also be.

33 Always in motion is the future

Yoga teacher

We think that this far away but in truth it comes every moment because the present only lasts a second.

34 Focus on the moment. Feel, don’t think, use your instinct

Qui Goon Jinn

Before we have seen a phrase that said that it is better to think and this one, instead, invites us to act on instinct. Which of the two do you prefer?

35 never tell me the odds

Han Solo

Sometimes it is better not to know them, as this says, because we could back out.

36 If one wants to know the great mystery of force, one must study it from all sides.


We will do it!

Last batch of quotes from the best saga of all time: Star Wars 

We end with another batch of phrases taken from the saga that you will surely love for its originality and for the memories it will bring back. You might even want to watch the saga from episode one!

37 Someday I will. I will become the most powerful Jedi that ever lived! That I promise you. And I will learn to prevent people from dying!


If you trust yourself you have many more options to achieve everything you set out to do.

38 following your teachings

Obi Wan

You can always learn new things from the.

39 A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind… All his life he has to look towards the future, towards the horizon. Never should his mind stay where he was or on what he was doing.

Yoga teacher

Looking to the future and leaving the past as it is.

40 Sometimes I don’t understand human behavior. I’m just trying to do my job in the most efficient way.


He has a great sense!

41 Join me and together we will rule the galaxy as father and son.


Teamwork is always better.

42 No, the resistance is not dead, the war has only just begun and I, I will not be the last Jedi

Luke Skywalker

The end turns out, sometimes, to be only the beginning.

43 Artu is more than a droid, he is a friend.

Anakin Skywalker

rings a bell? Friendship is a value that is seen a lot throughout the saga.

44 There is always a bigger fish

Qui Goon Jinn

Another phrase that goes straight to our mini list of favorites.

45. Jedi’s strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side: anger, fear, aggression; of the Dark Side Force are. Easy flowing fast to join in combat. If once you take the path of the dark side, it will forever dominate your destiny. It will consume you, just like it did Obi-Win’s apprentice.

Yoga teacher

Yoda’s lessons are always welcome.

And finally the par excellence, the one that you yourself will have said more than once and more than twice: ‘ May the Force is with you! 

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