Messages for your boss: the messages he deserves

If you’re sick of being ignored by your boss, we can help you let off steam. We have compiled some messages for that boss that you just can’t take anymore. But be careful, you don’t have to send these messages to your boss unless it’s your last day of work.

Messages for the worst bosses

  • They say that there are great bosses and even some competent ones, but it is not usual. ‘the most incompetent workers are transferred to positions where they can cause less damage: to management positions’. Although if you are an official, you can indulge yourself, since you cannot be fired ‘Officials are like books in a library: the most useless are located in the highest places’.
  • Your boss has some sense of humor ‘most people who say they like hard work pay others to do it for them’. And if what you want is to be hired, you can launch a subliminal ordeal ‘an intelligent man is the one who hires people smarter than him’.
  • The truth is that many times you would like to say a few things to your boss, but you can’t. You can always send a reflective message ‘when it comes to making things, there are too many architects and not enough masons’. Or it may be that on some occasion you are the one who has to send a message to your boss ‘I always arrive late to the office, but I make up for it by leaving early’.
  • A good boss should accept advice and should not be bothered that his employees send him in order to improve ‘Good bosses never leave until tomorrow what they can ask someone else to do for them today’. And of course the boss can be the best recipient of your reflections in the office ‘the world is full of willing people; some are willing to work and the rest are willing for others to do it’.

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